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PMS, Menopause, and Diet

by Rhonda Malkmus

As George and I travel around the country and even into foreign lands holding Health Seminars, the questions that women most frequently ask me as a woman are those which pertain to PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) and menopause.  This subject is an extremely important one to most women today because female problems can affect almost every hour of almost every day of a woman's life, physically, mentally and emotionally.  In addition, PMS and menopause can affect those around us, our spouses, children and friends and thus, the whole world.

In my search for truth and knowledge on the subject of PMS and menopause, I have found that much of what is generally believed is false and is often based on misinformation, horror stories and old wives tales rather than on truth. Ladies, if we are going to find help for these problems, it is vitally important that we have an open mind, that we think positively about the natural changes taking place in our bodies and that we realize there is a vast difference between what women are experiencing today and what God intended!  Although there is much misinformation along with many old wives tales and horror stories about PMS and menopause, I would challenge you to consider some more positive thoughts about these beautiful body/temples God has given us and how God intended them to function and be cared for. 

It is vitally important for us to consider that the very purpose of a woman's monthly cycle is to produce an egg so that mankind can reproduce and thus perpetuate the human race.  This was designed by God so that man could fulfill God's command to "be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:28).  The purpose of the flow of blood is to shed the lining of the uterus.  Susan Larkin, M. D. states that, "Each month the uterus prepares a thick, blood rich cushion to nourish and house a fertilized egg.  If conception occurs, the embryo implants itself in the uterine lining after six or seven days.  If pregnancy does not occur, the egg does not implant in the uterus and the extra buildup of uterine lining is not needed.  The uterus cleanses itself by releasing the extra blood and tissue so the buildup can recur the following month."

This monthly cycle was to be a normal and natural occurrence every 28 days during a  woman's childbearing years. Today, however, many women experience severe pain, cramping and heavy bleeding during their menstrual cycle as well as during menopause. This is often accompanied by severe mood swings and depression.  Is this normal?  Is this what God intended?  These are vitally important questions we must answer if we are going to enjoy life and if our bodies are going to function properly.

Often, women are told that all of this pain and bleeding and emotional trauma during PMS and menopause are the result of Eve's disobedience to God in the Garden and in ignorance, they base this belief on Genesis 3:16, where the Bible says, "Unto the woman he said, 'I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shall bring forth children.' "  What is the Bible teaching in this verse?  Is it teaching that there will be pain, bleeding and emotional trauma during PMS and menopause or does it simply say that there will be some pain during childbirth?

For a few minutes, let's look at it from a different angle... diet and lifestyle.  What we eat is usually the result of tradition, advertising and habit.  During the early years of our lives, our dietary habits are usually very similar to those of our parents.  As we grow up, we are introduced to new foods at a friend's house or a new product comes on the market and we give it a try and like it, or a new offering is made at a fast food restaurant and it tastes good and before we know it, we have incorporated a new item into our diet.  We do not seem to realize that what we put into our bodies can have devastating effects. How sad that we have never been taught to associate what we eat with our well-being or our physical, mental and emotional problems.  Yet, the truth is that we literally become what we eat!  In reality, diet and lifestyle influence our lives probably more than any other factor in life.

Prior to the 1950's most food was grown locally, without pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides.  Foods were not genetically altered, nor were they laced with preservatives, coloring agents, emulsifiers and other additives.  Most of these toxic substances were added following World War II.  Sadly, the average American of today, if he or she eats manufactured and processed foods, will put into their bodies over 10 pounds of these chemical additives every year!

It should be noted that the term PMS (premenstrual syndrome) did not appear on the scene until 1931 and did not become part of medical terminology until 1953.  Why?  What has changed in the past 50 years?  What is causing more and more problems in this area with each passing year?  I believe if we will take a long hard look at the "food" we have been putting into our bodies and the way we have been living, we will find some very interesting things as well as most of the answers to the problems associated with PMS and menopause. 

Growth hormones were first introduced by the meat industry in the 1950s so farmers could get their animals to market in less time, thus increasing their profits.  Little did the women of America realize the significance of this change in the way the meat they were eating was being grown.  An example of this would be a chicken that in past years took sixteen weeks to be ready for market is now ready for market in six weeks due to these growth hormones. When these animals are butchered, the growth hormones remain in the flesh of the meat and are consumed at our tables.  Now if growth hormones can cause an animal to grow twice as fast as it normally would grow and cause an animal to mature in less than half the time God intended, what do you think these growth hormones do within our bodies? 

Growth hormones in meat are made of synthetic estrogen,  similar to a hormone that is naturally produced in small amounts in a woman's body.  Synthetic estrogen has been found to cause numerous problems, including cancer and emotional imbalances. Estrogen is the hormone, in its natural form, that God designed females to start producing in their bodies at the age of about fifteen or sixteen. This is what initiates puberty!  This is the hormone that regulates a woman's life and makes it possible for her to have children.  This is the hormone that the body slowly stops producing after childbearing years have ended.  So, what happens in the body of a woman when these hormones are added to the meat she eats, thus causing the body to have  larger quantities of estrogen than God intended?

One of the most horrible effects of these artificial growth hormones is what they are doing to young girls.  If you look at the age of puberty 50 years ago, it was usually in the range of age 15 to 16.  Then look at the age a young girl starts her menstrual cycle today and you will find it to be age 10, 11 and 12 on the average, and some even earlier.  The capability of a young girl to be able to reproduce at this young and tender age is causing monumental problems in our society! 

It is interesting to note that -- even today -- girls who are raised from birth on a vegetarian diet, excluding all animal products, commonly do not begin their menstrual cycles until about age 15 or 16.  When a woman eats only the foods God intended, without the addition of artificial hormones, the blood flow is usually very light to nonexistent, without pain, aches or mood swings.  This is the way God intended it to be!  Take for example the third-world countries of today, where meat and manufactured products are not a staple and where women are physically active.  There you will find that the physical and emotional problems associated with PMS and menopause in this country are almost nonexistent! 

Ladies, we are creating our PMS and menopause problems ourselves, in ignorance, because we have adapted the diet and lifestyle of this world!  Then when we experience the consequences of this wrong diet and lifestyle, we go to the Medical Doctors of this world for help and all they do is make things worse with their artificial hormones, drugs and surgery!

Have you ever considered that PMS and menopause are big business?  Think of all the money being made selling medical prescriptions, and supplies, to say nothing of the doctor bills.  Usually after only a few months on the Hallelujah Diet, the PMS symptoms, as well as those from menopause, simply disappear. Often ladies report no more cramps and only light bleeding as well as no more mood swings.  That's pretty exciting!

Let's look at menopause.  What is happening today to cause women, as they approach what should be a very special time in their lives, to be plagued by all these health and emotional problems?  The answer is really quite simple.  As the estrogen levels in a woman's body naturally decrease as they come to the end of their childbearing years, usually in the late 40s, the hormone level drops.  This can cause hot flashes, mood swings and other symptoms associated with menopause. Meat and dairy products even without added growth hormones can cause the body to increase the amount of natural estrogen being produced. The eating of animal products is the primary cause of these problems because this creates an even higher level of estrogen in the body.  Then when the estrogen level begins to fall, it plummets, often causing even more severe problems.  Add to this the side-effects caused by the recommended Estrogen Replacement Therapy and the body has a monumental task to try to deal with all of the outside influences placed upon it.

We hear a lot about estrogen replacement therapy these days and that it is the answer for menopause and for menstrual problems.  Let's examine it briefly.  It has been in use since the 1960s.  How safe is it?  There is much controversy about this question and the side-effects that long-term use can cause the body.  When I learned that Premarin is made from the urine of pregnant mares who have their foals removed during the 11th month of pregnancy so that their urine can be used to produce Premarin, I was repulsed. Then the foals are sold and slaughtered.  Ladies, do we want to put horse urine in our bodies?  I certainly do not. 

Women who have had to undergo complete hysterectomies, have an even greater battle on their hands.  Because they now have no ovaries to produce estrogen, the doctor  prescribes artificial estrogen. These added hormones (estrogen replacement) can create many physical problems, including cancer and cause many side-effects including: bloating, bleeding, change in sexual desire, cramps, depression, irritability, breathing difficulties, cervical damage, eye damage and fibroid growths, just to name a few.  To say nothing of the increase in heart attacks of women during these years.  Also, without ovaries the body begins to age more rapidly.  One of the most hideous things a doctor can do to a woman is to perform a complete hysterectomy, an operation that is almost always unnecessary.

Many reports are available showing that in countries where very few animal products are consumed and the diet is comprised mainly of fresh vegetables and fruits, passing through this "change of life" is of little consequence and hardly even noticed. Certainly, our Heavenly Father never intended for women to have to suffer as women suffer today!  The simple truth is that we are creating these problems and experiencing all of the difficulties and suffering because of an improper diet and lifestyle and by putting into our bodies all these artificial hormones.

God designed our bodies to live and be nourished by fresh, raw fruits and vegetables ONLY!  He also designed our bodies to be physically exercised on a daily basis.  How many of us live according to His plan?  Yet we don't seem to understand that when we "suffer," this suffering is usually simply the consequences of our wrong diet and life style.  It's high time for the women of America to wake up and take back their health and teach their daughters these forgotten and neglected truths.

At Hallelujah Acres we have found that simply by making some diet and lifestyle changes, we can usually eliminate almost all problems associated with PMS and menopause!  Lets take a brief look at what we have found:


  1. ANIMAL PRODUCTS.  By removing all animal products from the diet,  including fish, chicken, milk, cheese and eggs, the body will have fewer complications to deal with.  By eliminating animal products, artificial hormones are also eliminated (unless taken into the body in the form of estrogen replacement).  Flesh foods are also the primary cause of osteoporosis as they create an acidic condition within the body.  This acidity causes the body to remove calcium from the bones in an effort to neutralize this acidity.  We have also found that those who consume large amounts of soy products have many of the same problems associated with meat eating because of the high protein.  Meat, without question, is the most dangerous substance we can put into our bodies!

    Another problem associated with animal products is fat.  The average American meat-eater consumes over 100 pounds of fat a year.  This brings the current consumption of fat by the average American female to about 40% of her daily calorie intake.  Here at Hallelujah Acres, we teach that the daily intake of fat should be approximately 5% of our total calorie intake.  And this 5% can be found in the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables with very limited amounts of grain.  Large amounts of grain in the diet produce fat as can be found in the animals that have been grain fed.  The excess fat in the average American woman's diet adds to PMS and menopause problems.  Raw seeds and nuts should be eaten very sparingly because of their high fat content.
  2. SUGAR.  In the United States, the average woman consumes approximately 150 pounds of sugar per year!  Sugar immobilizes our immune system.  Just one can of soda pop contains almost 10 teaspoons... enough to immobilize the immune system by about 33%.  Sugar causes the pancreas to malfunction, leading to hypoglycemia and mood swings.  Sugar depletes the body's reserve of B vitamins and other vitamins and minerals.  Artificial sugar substitutes are not the answer -- they can cause even greater problems -- and must be avoided if we want to experience good health.
  3. TABLE SALT.  Our bodies receive all the natural sodium they need from fresh, raw vegetables and fruits.  When we add table salt to our foods, we create many problems within our body including high blood pressure and water retention.  In countries where animal products and salt are not consumed, high blood pressure does not even exist.  Try to avoid all processed foods.  It is interesting to note that after food manufacturers have destroyed almost all nutritional value during processing, they almost always add sugar and salt.  Why?  Because without the addition of sugar and salt, there is practically no product on the supermarket shelf that would pass the taste test, and thus no one would buy their products.  REMEMBER THIS WELL:  AFTER YOU LEAVE THE PRODUCE DEPARTMENT IN YOUR SUPERMARKET, THERE IS PRACTICALLY ZERO NUTRITION IN THE REST OF THE STORE!!!  Yet the average American spends most of their food dollars in the "rest of the store."
  4. WHITE FLOUR.   White flour products contain zero fiber.  As a child we used to make glue by mixing flour and water together.  Well, in our body, products made from white flour cause constipation, which leads to many other problems.  Try using whole grain flours instead of white flour.  But remember that all flour, after it has been baked in the oven, is devoid of almost any nutritional value... even organically grown, whole-grain flour products.
  5. CAFFEINE.  Caffeine causes many problems for the body, including increased incidence of bladder and stomach cancer, raises blood pressure, increases heart rate, aggravates diabetes, etc.  Replace it... try an herb tea or Roma, both are available at health food stores.  Also remember, caffeine in the diet increases menopausal and PMS symptoms.  Many women report that eliminating coffee, tea, caffeinated colas and chocolate relieves PMS breast tenderness.   A word of caution here; reduce caffeine intake slowly to prevent withdrawal headaches.
  6. TOBACCO.  It has been proven that women who smoke have an earlier menopause and greater calcium loss, which leads to brittle bones.  Smokers also suffer more symptoms through menopause and during PMS because smoking decreases the amount of hormones produced.  Smoking also constricts the arteries and impairs circulation.  Also, the tars in cigarette smoke line the lungs and slowly shut off the oxygen supply.  Women who smoke double their risk of heart attacks and strokes.  Women who smoke experience earlier menopause and more problems with brittle bones due to the loss of calcium.  Smoking increases the risk of dying from lung cancer 8 to 12 times.  The risks from smoking increase with age, including osteoporosis, glaucoma, heart disease and several other cancers.
  7. ALCOHOL.  Alcohol intensifies almost every PMS and menopausal symptom, including mood swings and hot flashes.  Alcohol is a depressant creating depression and exhaustion. It also impairs the body's ability to absorb calcium.  Alcohol has a diuretic affect on menopausal women, causing the loss of moisture from the skin.  It dehydrates the body tissues, which carry vital minerals from the body.  This loss of moisture from the skin also contributes to wrinkling of the skin.


  1. EAT RAW FOODS.  Make at least 75% to 85% of your diet raw!  The closer a person follows the Hallelujah Diet, the less problems they will experience with PMS and menopause!  Barley Green is the single most important food I put into my body each day.  Personally, I take 3 to 4 tablespoons of Barley Green each day.
  2. EXERCISE.  Start a daily exercise program!  This is extremely important.  A good starting point is to find a measured mile -- whether it be around the block four times or up and down the driveway 40 times.  Then go out and walk that mile at a comfortable pace while timing yourself.  Tomorrow go out and walk that same mile, only try to walk it just a little bit faster.  Do that every day until you can do it in 15 minutes.  Then go to two miles and continue to walk two miles until you can walk it in 30 minutes.  Then step it up to three miles in 45 minutes and finally four miles in an hour.  When you can walk four miles in an hour, maintain that each day.  Daily, vigorous exercise will enhance your clarity of mind, physical stamina and give you a sense of well being.  I personally try to speed walk at least four miles every day.  I highly recommend it!
  3. SUNSHINE.  Sunshine produces Vitamin D in the body.  It is important  that we spend a little time in the sun, allowing the sun to fall on our exposed skin each day if at all possible.  Do not get carried away and allow the skin to burn.
  4. STRESS.  Reduce stress and learn to go with the flow. That is often easier said than done.  My personal experience has been that as I changed my diet to predominately raw and exercised regularly, I was able to handle stress much better.  Many women have shared this same testimony with me.
  5. LOVE.  Take a little time for yourself and learn to love yourself as the Lord loves you so that you are able to love, help and give to others.

Remember, it is your body/temple and you can have control over it.  You do not have to be sick!  Take control!  For too long, women have allowed others to control their bodies... advertisers, food merchants, fear, doctors, etc.

For the past year, I have been on a quest to find a natural hormone replacement to help  women with menopausal problems.  The basic and most important key is a natural diet of predominately raw food, exercise, etc., as listed above.  This will usually all but eliminate menopausal symptoms as our body slowly stops producing natural hormones.  But for those who need some help during this change of life, I have finally found a natural hormone replacement that will not harm us.  Natural progesterone has been found in about 5,000 different plants, but the best source known today is found in wild yams! For more information on this product, click here.

What Experts Say about the Relationship
between PMS, Menopause, Hormones, and Diet

"Estrogen Replacement Therapy places women at high risk."  -- National Institute of Health Consensus Development Conference 1984

"Estrogen replacement increases the risk of cancer during use and for many years after it is discontinued."  -- Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1990

"Why do doctors give women Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT) at the end of menopause if estrogen is carcinogenic?...I believe that menopause is nature's way of decreasing estrogen formation in woman in order to protect her from cancer.  Who are we to think that we know better than nature... I do not believe any woman needs estrogen unless she has had a hysterectomy at a very young age...Dr. Ray Peat believes that 10% or less of the women on ERT really need it, and these should surely take natural progesterone along with their estrogen to afford some measure of protection from carcinogenic effects." -- Lita Lee, Ph.D.

"A mounting body of evidence suggests that other sources of estrogen contribute to the background level of carcinogens in our food environment.  Milk, commercial eggs and other dairy products often have traces of estrogen. Most commercial grade meat is laced with it.  Birth control pills are based on it..."  -- Betty Kamen, PhD in her book Hormone Replacement Therapy

"Milk may add dietary estrogen and other hormones now used freely by the dairy industry." -- Dr. Susan M. Lark, M.D.

"Report in English journal, Lancet, suggested we are awash in a 'sea of estrogens' which might help to explain the rise in male prostate cancer paralleling the rise in female breast cancer (men, too, have had immeasurable exposure to estrogens by eating commercially-raised, DES-tainted beef and poultry for 35 years, being exposed to pesticides and chemicals mimicking estrogens that are ubiquitous to our environment." -- Forward to The Menopause Industry

"The consumption of foods and beverages which are high in sugar content is associated with the prevalence of PMS." -- Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 1991

-- from Issue 11 of Back to the Garden

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