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Prevention—CANCER’s Most Important Untold Story

The most important story that could be told about breast CANCER today, one that could “truly save lives,” is not being told by the mainstream medical establishment and media, state Samuel Epstein, M.D., and David Steinman. “What’s missing is the almost universally ignored information that currently exists about prevention, that is, information about the risks women can and should avoid in their everyday lives to protect themselves against CANCER.”

Breast CANCER, though frightening, is rational. It usually does not strike at random, but requires certain preconditions, or contributing causes, to produce it, state the authors. Breast CANCER is a multifactorial disease process and, once you understand the causes, you can take steps to minimize or eliminate them.

The sad fact—the authors will not be surprised if this information angers you as well—is that breast CANCER risk prevention is not a newly discovered concept, awaiting documentation. There is a great deal of “medically sound and scientifically documented information currently available about known risk factors,” the authors state.

You might have known about this sooner if the “CANCER establishment”—the congolomerate of conventional medicine interests, unseverably wedded to chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery—had not put considerable effort into suppressing the information and keeping you in the dark regarding alternatives.

The common thread running through the 12 breast CANCER risk factors, identified by Epstein and Steinman, is the hormone estrogen. “The evidence is overwhelming that estrogen is intimately connected to the development of most breast CANCER,” they state. It is the common link among most breast CANCER risk factors including genetic, reproductive, dietary, lifestyle, and environmental. Each of the 12 risk factors—“estrogenic pollutants”—has the potential to shift estrogen levels from natural to abnormal, setting the hormonal stage for breast CANCER.

Epstein and Steinman note that the increase in breast CANCER incidence has been primarily among postmenopausal women with estrogen-dependent tumors. Physicians have also observed a steady increase in the number of estrogen receptors in breast tumors. “Exposure to estrogenic pollutants appears to be implicated in both of these increases,” state Epstein and Steinman.

The authors divide the 12 breast CANCER risk factors into three groups. The first, modern medical risks, encompasses medical technology such as oral contraceptives, hormone (estrogen) replacement therapy (HRT), mammograms, silicone breast implants, and certain prescription drugs.

Birth control pills and HRT increase a woman’s exposure to additional estrogen; “routine” mammograms actually contribute to the CANCER process by introducing harmful radiation into breast tissue; silicone implants leak silicone which is degraded in the body into silica, a known carcinogen; and numerous drugs commonly given for depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, bacterial infections, indigestion, high cholesterol, and ulcers have been linked with CANCER.

The second major category of avoidable risk factors are dietary and environmental—“the damage industrial technology and modern lifestyles may inflict on the human body, and, specifically, on estrogen production and breast cells.”

More specifically, these factors are: a diet high in animal fats and calories with all the attendant hormones, additives, “undisclosed carcinogens and estrogenic chemicals,” and other contaminants of modern foods; and household and workplace exposure to carcinogenic chemicals and energies (such as electromagnetic fields and nuclear radiation).

Lifestyle factors, such as alcohol and tobacco use, a lack of physical activity, and the use of dark hair dyes, all linked with CANCER, comprise the third group of risk factors.

Knowledge is power, Epstein and Steinman emphasize. Once you know the risks, you can rearrange your way of living to avoid them. This is the essence of the well-kept secret known as CANCER prevention. “Contrary to popular belief, you do have significant control over your risks of breast and other types of CANCER.”

[not in order of importance]

1. Oral birth control pills

2. Estrogen replacement therapy

3. Premenopausal mammography

4. Nonhormonal prescription drugs

5. Silicone breast implants

6. High animal fat diets

7. Household chemical pollution

8. Workplace pollutants

9. Alcohol consumption

10. Tobacco use

11. Lack of physical activity

12. Dark hair dyes

blood: is classified into 4 blood types or groups according to the presence of type A and type B antigens on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens are also called agglutinogens and pertain to the blood cells' ability to agglutinate, or clump together. Type O blood (containing neither type) is found in 47% of the Caucasian population; type A, 41%; type B, 9%; type AB, 3%. Another form of blood grouping is according to Rh-positive and Rh-negative types, based on the distribution of 6 different Rh antigens.

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