It is the most abundant hormone precursor in the human blood. There is a synthetic form of the substance obtained from the barbasco root, a wild yam in the
Mexican forest.
In 1987, Dr. Terence Gen, biochemist from Eli Lilly in Indianapolis, found that overweight mice started to loose weight after taking
DHEA every day without any modification in their eating habits.
showed improved well being, which can be defined as the ability to cope, increased mobility, less joint discomfort and sounder sleep."
DHEA, among other things,
increases the ability of the human body to transform food into energy in a process that allows not only to "burn" excessive fat, but also to prevent the accumulation of this unwanted fat in tissue and blood.
Recent research is strongly suggesting that in the aging process, DHEA
is part of a system that protects DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), a double helix molecule found in the nuclei of cells, that contains the generic code which regulates all their functions and is the depository of every characteristic that is inherited from generation to generation.
DNA controls the aging process and the duration of life.
Some of the diseases related to advancing age, are caused by the uncontrollable production of nucleic acids, fats and hormones. The observations on DHEA lead
us to think that this substance, lessens the metabolic rate thus slows the aging process.
Researchers from the University of California in San Diego, found that people of advanced age (70 years or more) included in the
study, with the higher level of DHEA
in their blood, were less given to illness and showed more energy, developing a general sense of well-being. They also found that for every increase of 100 micrograms of DHEA in each deciliter of blood, there was a reduction of 36% in the death rate of the group due to any reason, and 48% reduction of death rates caused by heart disease. Also observed was
capacity to control all obesity cases. If your body produces this substance, why do we have to take it? The human body produces its greater amount of DHEA at about 25 to 30 years of age. As we get older the natural production of this precursor diminishes to the point of having, for example, at 60 to 65 years old, 1/20 of the levels attained at a younger age. Dr. Arthur Schwart has found firm scientific evidence to confirm, in his studies with mice, that
prolonged the life span of the animals as much as 24 to 36 months, equivalent to 35 to 40 human year |
He also underlines the fact that the quality of life during that "extra time" was notable, with increased sexual activity and vigor.
DHEA helps fight degenerative disease. As we age, and DHEA
levels fall, we are prone to all forms of degenerative disease, including cancer, AIDS, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and Parkinson's disease.
"DHEA produces physiological changes equivalent in magnitude to a reversal of 10 to 20 years of aging".
In a study of
5,000 women, I was shown that those who developed breast cancer had subnormal urinary excretion of DHEA metabolites as long as nine years prior to the development of the decease, and that the highest risk of cancer was linked with
the lowest levels of DHEA. In the November 1991 issue of the Journal of infectious Disease. Dr. William Regelson demonstrated that people with HIV virus do no suffer from full-blown AIDS until their adrenal output of DHEA drops.
Blood samples from HIV-positive patients at he University of California at San Francisco were tested for both DHEA an T-cell levels, the immune cells that are primarily affected with AIDS. Men with low levels of DHEA had double the
risk of full-blown AIDS compared to men with normal DHEA levels.
"DHEA is safe and nontoxic, because the body knows how ad where to use it for optimum health". Dr. William Whitaker.
Some of the beneficial effects of DHEA.:
- Helps to slow down the aging processes and degenerative disease.
- inhibits the production of excess fatty acids and cholesterol.
- May be beneficial to people with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- It has been shown to be helpful in Cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, memory loss, chronic fatigue syndrome, Diabetes and Parkinson's disease. Nerve degeneration occurs most readily under low blood level of
- Can improve the quality of later life, including strengthening muscles, improving memory and boosting a sense of well being.
- Plays important roles in the maintaining bone mass in postmenopausal women. DHEA may slow or inhibit osteoporosis