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Common Deficiency Problems


Back Weakness - Fungal Forms - Constipation - High Blood Pressure - Insomnia - Hearing Problems - Parasites - Gum Disorders - Gingivitis

Protease digests protein. Acidity is created through the digestion of protein. Therefore a protease deficiency results in an alkaline excess in the blood. This alkaline environment can cause anxiety and insomnia. In addition, since protein is required to calcium in the blood, a protease deficiency lays the foundation for arthritis, osteoporosis and other calcium-deficient diseases.

Because protein is converted to glucose upon demand, inadequate protein digestion leads to hypoglycemia, resulting in moodiness, mood swings and irritability. Protease also has an ability to digest unwanted debris in the blood including certain bacteria and viruses. Therefore, protease deficient people are immune compromised, making them susceptible to bacterial, viral and yeast infections and a general decrease in immunity.


Skin Rash - Hypoglycemia - Depression - Mood Swings - Allergies - PMS - Hot Flashes - Fatigue - Neck and Shoulder Ache - Sprue - Inflammation - Cold Hands and Feet

Amylase digests carbohydrates along with dead white blood cells (pus). When you are low in amylase you are a candidate for abscesses (inflamed areas with pus but not bacteria). Amylase is also involved in anti-flammatory reactions such as those caused by the release of histamine and similar substances. An Amylase deficiency can result in skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, hives, insect bites, allergic bee and bug stings, atopic dermatitis, and all types of herpes. Asthma and emphysema may also be exacerbated by an amylase deficiency.


Aching Feet - Arthritis - Bladder Problems - Cystitis - Acne - Gall Bladder Stress - Gallstones - Hay Fever - Prostate Problems - Psoriasis - Urinary Weakness - Constipation - Diarrhea - Heart Problems

Since lipase digests fat and fat-soluble vitamins, lipase deficient people can be expected to have a tendency towards high cholesterol, high triglycerides, difficulty losing weight and diabetes. The future outcome of these tendencies is heart disease, which kills one out of two Americans. Lipase deficient people also have decreased cell permeability, meaning nutrients cannot get in and the waste cannot get out. The condition of vertigo or labrynthis, also called Meniere's Disease (dizziness aggravated by movement such as walking or driving), can also result from lipase deficiency.


Chronic Allergies - Common Colds - Diverticulitis - Irritable Bowel - Chronic Fatigue - Sinus Infection - Immune Depressed Conditions


Cellulase breaks down the fiber in our diet. Because our body does not produce cellulase, this food enzyme is essential. We must eat it on a daily basis. Remember, ONLY RAW FOODS contain cellulase. Of all the enzymes, this deficiency carries with it the most categories of problems.

The symptoms of cellulase deficiency can best be described as malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption of nutrients, vitamins, or minerals from the diet by the lining of the small intestine). Malabsorption has many symptoms including lower abdominal gas, pain, bloating and problems associated with the jejunum and pancreas.


People who have malabsorption syndrome and cellulase deficiency also have a tendency towards sugar (sucrose, lactose, & maltose) and/or gluten intolerance. Sucrose, lactose and maltose are three common sugars which some people cannot tolerate. They are broken down and absorbed into the system by three enzymes; sucrase, lactase and maltase.

SUCROSE intolerant people cannot split the sucrose disaccharide into twin partners, two units of glucose. Glucose is a primary brain food so expect mental and emotional problems in people who cannot get glucose into the brain. Symptoms include depression, moodiness, panic attacks, manic and schizophrenic behavior and severe mood swings.

LACTOSE intolerant people also have classic symptoms which include abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Other allergic symptoms, including asthma, have been witnessed from the ingestion of lactose-containing products.

MALTOSE intolerant people are generally sensitive to environmental conditions.

An intolerance to sucrose, lactose, or maltose may be worsened by a deficiency in sucrase, lactase, or maltase.

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