by Prof. Dr. Günther Enderlein, Hamburg, Aumühle, Germany, Member of the Society for Freedom in Science at Oxford. ©Copyright 1998 by Sanum-Kehlbeck
If the chemist Professor Dr. Otto Warburg (Berlin) believes to have solved the riddle of cancer as a result of damage done to the chronic cell-breathing (In: Die Naturwissenschaften, 1954; Hamburger Abendblatt, dated 24.12.1954) then the "Christmas surprise" may rather be found in his -a Nobel-prize-holder - falling a victim of one of the numerous "watchwords" of doctrinal dogmatic dictatorships. This watchword runs as under:
"Hundred different agitators of cancer cannot be valid. As a consequence thereof there is none at all."
This catastrophic illogical standpoint, however, is even still surpassed by the still more catastrophic illogy of putting it into a question, which believes to be in a position to put off comparing morphologic questions with physiological answers. And on this convulsing "logic" - quite in the sense of the remonstrances of the comparing morphologist Leuckart against the Leipzig physiologist Ludwig (cf. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoolog. 2. 1850) - O. Warburg is building up a fancy edifice of biologylessness.
A logical inference would be:
The conditional causes of the cancer and of all the chronic diseases are the 350 cancerogene substances and factors among them, above all, the albumen-over-feeding-diet, fattening the originator into pathogene phases.
The inference (consecutio) of the conditional and causal causes, "the want of oxygen" O. Warburg declares as a "chronic damage to cellbreathing" and in a simultaneous want of every logic and every biological base as a "cause" of the cancer! (Neue Post, Düsseldorf, dated 5.2.1955). Thus: more clearly amplifying explanations about the nature of the cancer-disease itself, that are the documents for the causal causes of the cancer for the Nobel-prize-holder. That are juggler's tricks. It is a token of our time to consider waste-paper-mass-production for journals as the essence of the propaganda of enlightenment, which, however, is only adapted to waste foolishly time, paper, composition, printer's ink and public means of the nation.
The causal causes represent the lasting permanency of a microorganism from primitive times, which is peculiar to all mammals, and which the original cultures define as a "degeneration of the juices of the body" (humoralpathology) and this, above all, even then, when diet and conduct of lives of men in an increasing measure offered cause that this original parasite (Endobiont) was in an increasing fattening state.
The quite severe exigency of real biological considerations of the cancer problem is the observance of this road of perception, altogether in conformity with the knowledge of Pierre Delore, professor of the faculty of medicine in Lyon. "The science of health in its principal condition is an affair of biology" (vide: "Notre Frère Corps", Paris 1938, page 58). The absolute knowledge, next of all and above all, is tied to the conditional causes, a way, which the original cultures have taken since perhaps twenty-thousand years and which they felt entitled to consider as "causal". Hippocrates was the last who still defended this. Only Hahnemann one and a half centuries ago still thought to stir this up to fresh life again, however the real "causal cause" was missing viz., the agitator microbe, which they did away with after the pattern: "they couldn't see the wood for trees" by a very simple manipulation, viz. By one of the "thousand watchwords". Should this even come from the "Pandora's box"?
In order to ascertain the value of the guidance of the chemist O. Warburg, who believes to solve and to exhaust the "riddle of the cancer by preventing breathing of the cells", one has to go a little farther back, for with only disciplines of another kind without any biology there can never be obtained a biological scope.
The nature of the "chronic damages of the cell-breathing" naturally refers to disturbances of the change from two-valued iron into a higher valued one. The first who had pointed out to the fundamentally important fact of the disturbance of the circulation of iron in case of cancer was Spude in his theory of avidity, which he had already laid down in 1904 and which two years later was taken over by Fischer-Wasels. H. Dechow (Arch. For history of development of bacteria, Vol. 1, Part. 2, 1933, page 147) in 1933 had called special attention to the difference between a cell of the cancer and a normal cell would be as follows:
"The cell of body breathes - the cell of cancer ferments."
This had been formulated by me in the following further development:
"For the organism of the host, cancer is a fermenting and decaying state, obtruded by a parasite - a fungus - and its shapes of development" whereby also Dechow's opinion is declined that the so-called cell of cancer should be the parasite itself. Warburg already decenniums ago had proved that in each cancer-tumor lactic acid is formed up to ten times the quantity of the normal content of lactic acid of the human tissue. Which physiological importance this increased content of lactic acid possesses, has been closely developed by me in 1950 (Immunobiologica, Vol. 3/4, pages 94-101) viz. On the basis of the"anartatic fundamental law", of the law of dependence of the ascending (probaenogenetic) tendency of the primitive phases of the microbe to confederations for higher and highest phases of the descending pH-value of the microorganism itself and of his surrounding nourishing medium. That means nothing else than that this microorganism creates for himself the ground in order to render feasible its higher phases of development. These formations of acid for this purpose are by all means of species specific nature that is to say therefore, that each kind forms its own organic acids in order to render possible the ascending tendency (probaenogeny) at all. It is well known that the lemon acid in the market has never seen a lemon. It rather descends from the culture of Aspergillus niger van Tieghem, which are technically cultured by special institutions. As an example this is also the case with Penicillium notatum, the "Penicillin-acid". As we see it is here the question of acids of the organic chemistry. Thus we are approaching the deciding question which runs: what for a part acts the presence of up to ten times the quantity of lactic acid not only in the tumor, but also in the whole blood as well as the liquids of the body (part of deterioration of blood of the tumoral-pathology!) of a she-cancer-patient? Well, the answer represents itself as a very simple one: it is the factor of the microorganism Mucor racemosus Fresen, (of the Endobiont in direction of the descending pH, in order to arrive at a higher state of development on basis of the anartatic fundamental law. Upon page 99 l.c. a sketch has been brought by me, which symbolizes these proceedings in scheme. By this constant formation of organic acid in question in this manner the primitive phases will be gradually brought over to the phases of bacteria and finally the phases of bacteria into the phases of fungus. For this rise, however, interior valences (values) gradually must be built up, which deliver the substance for the higher confederations of the primitive phases; this process is one of the factors of increasing the gravity of sickness and - formally inverted are, proceeded in the opposite way, viz. Descending from the higher phases of development to inferior and to the primitive phases valences (values) are available in order to diminish themselves to more primitive phases. Hence such a trial is very simple, which was again and again pointed out by me as the most simple proof of the uniformity in the specific sense of:
"phases of fungus" - "phases of bacteria" - "primitive phases".
For, adding 5% of a solution of soda or double carbonate of soda the Chrondit-state will at once spring forth both from the bacteria and fungus-mycel, viz. In the shape of long scortches (fila) with tiny button-endings of a Symprotite (primitive granule). I have already pointed out in 1933 in "Ende der Herrschaft der Zelle als letzte biologische Einheit" (Arch. Entw. Bakterien I, 2, pages 171 to 179, Illustration 5.) [published in Explore!, Volume 6, Number 1, pgs. 4 - 7 as "The End of the Cell's Dominant Role as the Ultimate Biological Unit"] as well as in 1943 in "Cancerologica I" Arch. f. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bakterien). In Immunobiologica, vol. 3/4 (1950, page 115), it has been displayed by me, how the further correlations of these downright biological questions could only be accounted for by the discovery of the "yellow ferments", which follow the oxygen communicating iron. (O. Warburg and W. Christian, Biochem. Zeitschr. 254, 438, 1932). The investigations of Botelli and Stern proved that the accessorial breathing, which f.e. takes place in totally cleared juices of yeast, represents a transfer of oxygen by yellow ferments, which during the extraction of the cells separated by the insoluble iron system, laid open and become oxygen transferring ferments. The knowledge developed by Warburg (1924) that the molecular oxygen, which disappears in the breathing of the aerobe cell, never reacts directly with the biologic phlogiston, but only and exclusively with complex bound two-valued iron. This opinion revised fundamentally the opinion of Justus von Liebig (Tierchemie 1843) that the iron of the hemoglobin should oxidize the biological fuels in the blood, hence a confusion of transport of oxygen and combustion, between hemoglobin and catalytically powerful cell-iron. And the higher valued iron thus created will be re-reduced by the organic substance to two-valued iron. The oxygen in the cell-breathing is transported by the change of valence of a complex iron combination, by it the iron is the oxygen transporting constituent of the breathing ferment. Later on it has been found the catalytic activity of the haemine, which rests upon the constituents of iron, in numerous organisms also of vegetable nature, which appear in red, green and mixed-colored, and also represent the essential constituent of the chlorophyll.
Still there remains the critical step to embrace all this knowledge. So we find that the primitive parasite - the Endobiont - in all its manifold shapes of appearance always represents the cause, by its constant activity in forming lactic acid in cases of cancer, with the entire complex of Endobiosis of chronic diseases, to undermine and remove the catalysator-activity of the iron by chemically binding of the iron. And then so there arises: lactic acid iron oxydul: "Fe (C3H5O3): 3 H2O". Whilst the lactic acid is playing a fundamentally important part of digestion in the stomach and in the intestinal tract, the pathological state of the formation within the cancer-tumors and within the tissue of the patients sick of Endobiosis is of catastrophic issue as to anaemy and deficient nutrition of oxygen, and as a climax entire suffocation with lethal issue.
Since just in the case of cancer any combustion has been reduced for want of oxygen, a strongly reduced formation of lactic acid should be reckoned with a cancer-sick organism. This, however, is not at all the case as is documented by the up to tenfold formation of lactic acid in case of cancer. This secretion of lactic acid rather is a private enterprise of specific nature of the Endobiont: Mucor racemosus Fresen. It also represents the causal cause for this, namely quite in the frame of the anartatic fundamental law, according to which each and every microbe is compelled to form its specific acid in order to ensure its cyclic ascendence (probaenogeny).
An artificial addition of haemines, beyond a doubt, will result in a reduction of the deficiency of oxygen owing to the want of iron as a catalysator. Wolrad Schotten recommends the intravenous injection of iron oxyduloxyd in the shape of fine grain to fight these two deficiencies, which practical application I have had a chance in getting acquainted with in earlier times with a physician in Berlin-Zehlendorf. The iron grains, by no means very fine, for a long time work in the cell-plasma in this condition as catalysators for the oxygen-housekeeping. Presumably during this time of staying in the shape of grains, traces of the iron are transformed into haemines, which then in the "status nascendi" are in a position to develop a livelier activity (cf. Immunobiologica, Vol. 3/4, 1950, page 116).
By that, anyhow, no healing of the cancer has been achieved, not at all. The Waerland-diet, however, by a strongly increased supply of fresh salads of all kinds not only furnishes the possibility to do away with the deficiency of iron and simultaneously of oxygen by the increased supply of chlorophyll, but - on the other hand - quite in general, by keeping away animal albumen and, above all by strictest vegetable diet, to meet the insatiable hunger of albumen of the Endobiont, consequently preventing its fattening into higher stages and valences, and to deliver it up to quite a natural reduction. It may still be noted that two-valued iron contains aerosan, which is also applied by some physicians in case of cancer.
Chemo-therapeutic measures oppose the bipolarity of the causal microbe by an immense resistive capacity, so that the human cells then would obtain a far greater damage. The "organic acids" of all antibiotica including Sanamycin (cf. D.M.W. 80, Year No. 1, 20.1.1955, pages 140-143) as well only can change the symptoms temporarily, whilst the sickness will be impaired by seeming healing (cf. J. Zinsius: Die Antibiotica and ihre Schattenseiten, 1954). So there is nothing left but a pure biological measure, viz. Making amends for the primitive phases and live-colloids, gone lost by the diet of civilization and the conduct of life, which alone are adapted for removing the higher phases of development in connection with an increasing pathogenity, indeed the former copulation with the primitive kernels (Mych) of the higher phases.
This is the way to remove the primitive parasite Mucor racemosus Fresen with all its many hundreds of shapes of development and valence of development by real biological proceedings.
As to the trials of Harry Goldblatt and Gladys Cameron in the United States, to change normal cells of body of tissue cultures of 2-1/2 years and a periodical withdrawal of oxygen in tumor cells, this rests upon the fact that every cell of the body of all mammals harbors the Endobiont in any primitive stage and that these, when thus barbarically treated, are no more in a position to raise the requisite means of defense in order to stop sufficiently the probaenogeny and the increase of the Endobiont. Years ago already I have repeatedly pointed out to a ridiculously simple trial to arrive at the same end with cells of the body. If one takes the blood from the venules - whereby it is all the same, whether the blood is taken from cancer-sick patients or from quite healthy persons - only 12 - 14 days after having taken the blood from the patient, storing the venule during this time at room temperature, if you then watch the Erythrocytes under cover glass, one will find that the red blood globules have been completely hollowed out by the swarming Chrondites of the Endobiont, that therefore the albumen of these blood cells have been entirely consumed by the Endobiont, the causal cause of the cancer, and these phases already watched and exhaustively dealt with by sanitary counselor Dr. Med. Otto Schmidt in Munich 1903, describing them as "Schwärmerchen" i.e. little swarmers, carrying out very vivacious dances of copulation within the Erythrocytes.
Well, since more than half a century the epigones of this man then have completely ignored the shapes of this Chrondit-stage, exactly described by Schmidt and even the expert for blood research, Professor Dr. Med. Hans Franke (Berlin) in his "phase-contrast hematology" did contrive to comprehend the lively mobility of the phase of the typical Chrondit-picture consisting of long Filum with numerous divers Symprotites primitive kernels distributed over the length of the Filum as Brown-molecular-movement (f.i. in fig. 13 and 14, though these throughout typical shapes have already been presented in the shape of photos by the Archives for the history of development of bacteria, vol. I, part 3, 1937, page 193 in figure 3 in a lively movable state and in figure 1 and 2 in a stiff motionless state. Every biologist would have isolated the shapes at once and would have bred them upon nutrient agar and in liquid fostering.
How many termini of cell shapes of anomalous nature already refer to the "workshop of the Endobiont alone for the preparation of the tumor-formations" viz. Upon the marrow of the bones! They prove step by step the loss of capacity of cell-division by the constant attack of the parasite, the Endobiont, and its enhancing of the valence and of the phases of development, so f.i. of the chain kernel cells, which reach fingerlike far into other tissues and can also be met in tumors which, however, biologically speaking correspond with the Myelocytes of the marrow of the bone and of the blood, and represent the expression of the reaction of the irritation upon the strong multiplication of the parasite, which the cells believes to evade by hastiest divisions. The potency of it is exactly the Megacaryocyte of Metschnikow, likewise in the marrow of the bone, which harbors immeasurable quantities of parasites, and which consequently take over the function of transformation of the Symprotites into thrombocytes in the like manner, as the befallen Erythrocytes of the blood, and on the other hand in the extreme the direct formation of Mycel of the Mucor racemosus Fresen as reported already by Tissot (1925) and illustrated in fig. 27 by Enderlein (Arch. Entw. Bakt. 1.5.1937, page 209). As we see the flowing happening of this primitive parasite is boundless. A further product of the unusual befall of Endobionts of the marrow of the bone are the Normoblasts and the Megaloblasts, with which the befall of Endobionts ascends to a colony-like gathering the pseudo-kernel. Transitions of it are the Reticulocytes, which show forth a wide dissemination in the blood.
The boundless heaping of high-valenced parasites thus revealed represents the causal cause that Bogomoljets had exactly chosen this material to start with for his serum, though neither he nor Niehans never have had the slightest idea of the true nature and virtue of their preparations, which prove to be of a quite isopathic nature. All these boundless possibilities of the different valences and phases of development of the parasite in the total amount of cells of the human body represent at the same time also the biggest share of the so-called "constitution", whereby a substantial part of this terminus has further developed itself into a considerably more palpable factor.
Again and again I have pointed out the practiced methods exercised by some disciplines, standing as outsiders of the biology and systematically paying no heed to the fundamental biological facts. Some of the most important moments may be repeated hereafter. Here are to be found the biological "proves", again and again demanded by the gentlemen of the doctrine since decenniums, which are fully answered since almost half a century.
The fact that Fontes (Mem. Institut. Oswaldo Cruz, I, 2, 1910, page 186) proved as the first the infectuosity of the filtrate of tuberculous material, C. Nicolle (Bulletin de l'institut Pasteur XXIX, 1931, pages 209-224, 273-280) interpreted these already as separated phases of development, H. Dostal (Wien. Mediz. Wochenschrift, Vol. 60, 1910, pages 2098-2100 and Vol. 63, 1913) in addition still confirmed the ball-shaped Basit-stage, and Enderlein (Arch. Entw. Gesch. Der Bakterien, Vol. I, part 2, 1931, pages 6-13, 53-105, Table 1 and Illustration 76) already a voluminous circulation covering three groups of phases: "primitive phases - phases of bacteria - phases of fungus", as well as in: "The End of the Cell's Dominant Role as the Ultimate Biological Unit" l.c. Vol. I, 2, pages 171-179, July 1933) that that "Omne vivum ex ovo" *(Harvey 1651) as well that "Omnis cellula e cellula" excludes for good, are ample documents.
It is insignificant to enter closer into the main treatise and the numerous reports (f.i. Hamburger Abenblatt, dated 8./9.1.1955, Hamburger Morgenpost, dated 10.1.1955). Worthy of notice is only the very dexterous concession for a retreat of Otto Warburg in the last mentioned paper. "There is no producer of cancer, that enters the body from without", which can be fully confirmed, for all chronic diseases inclusive of cancer are by no means diseases of infection, but the exciter of microbes in the most primitive times during the shaping of these mammals, had been infected to all these mammal-primitive-shapes, and since that time lives with all mammals as a permanent parasite in order to produce with its thousands of phases of development (probaenogeny) always stronger pathogenities and also on this route, to let arise thousands of forms of maladies. It is therefore the question of gradual building up of the always present permanent-parasite to higher and always stronger pathogene shapes from positively apathogene primitive phases (scanty valent Symprotites + colloids) to a befall from within.
Totally corresponding with the knowledge of the primitive cultures up to Hippocrates, viz. A synthetic mode of contemplation of nearly twenty thousands of years, which then was succeeded in turn by an analytic mode of contemplation of two thousand five hundred years. And the success is formulated hereafter:
"Disciplines, which educate blindness against biological laws of nature by 'watchwords', will never be capable of solving the problem of cancer and of all chronic diseases."
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Enderlein Enterprises, Inc. is an educational organization dedicated to the understanding of PLEOMORPHISMUS; as researched for 60 years by Prof. Dr. Günther Enderlein under a darkfield microscope.