20 Rules for Natural Health


Artificial Sweeteners

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20 Golden Rules for Personal Health

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Health-n-Energy offers 20 simple rules for healthy living to guide you to your own medical self-sufficiency.

WARNING! August 28 has been designated Aspartame (artificial sweeteners) Awareness Day. If you value your health and want to find out more, send a blank email to <[email protected]>

goldicon.gif (1341 bytes) Welcome to our 20 Golden Rules Page

These are confusing times we live in! Over 150,000 Americans die annually from Prescription Drug side effects, which have been certified safe by the FDA! Do you want to be one? I certainly don't!

Please recognize that you are your own best "health provider"! Your whole lifestyle determines, in the long run, your health. Not your Physician, not your Hospital; YOU! So unless you have some life threatening illness, turn inwards, and look to your inner strength for a cure. The body has a huge capacity to heal itself, given a little help from you.

Health-n-Energy has put together a list of 20 Golden Rules for Golden Health. They are based on common sense, well documented principles and newly "rediscovered" findings about nutrition and lifestyles.

goldicon.gif (1341 bytes) 20 Golden Rules for Golden Health.

  1. Believe in yourself and your power to heal yourself. No-one knows you better, or has your best interests at heart than you. Physicians and Alternative Health practitioners can only assist the body heal itself.
  2. Respect your body. Its the only one you'll be issued with, and there's no way to trade it in for a new model. And someone elses expensive body parts don't fit that well!
  3. Don't smoke. The long term effects are devastating to your whole system. If you do nothing else, for your sake and your loved ones sake, do this now.
  4. Look at how you live your life. If you continually abuse your body with poor eating, no exercise, excess alcohol, and drugs (prescription or otherwise), expect your body to retaliate. Its only warning you to change.
  5. Pain and discomfort are signals the body sends to warn you of a problem. They are not illnesses in themselves. To cure the pain, you must cure the cause. Painkillers only make things worse; they mask the warnings and allow you to continue harming yourself, particularly if you take them for arthritis.
  6. Prescription drugs do not cure disease: they either mask the symptoms or suppress them. They might make you feel a little better, but are really delaying the problem which has the capacity to escalate in your body and become life threatening. If you are taking Prescription drugs, make it your goal to ease your way off them over a period of time, and repair the damage they have surely done.
  7. Try to keep away from Hospitals. Modern Physicians are highly trained in dealing with symptoms using modern Drugs concocted by Pharmaceutical Companies. They know little about preventative Nutrition and do not have the time nor the incentives to keep abreast of "new" protocols using Nutritional Supplements as a valid treatment for disease.
  8. You are how you live. Eating, and other habits determine your long term health. Many habits are "inherited" as part of growing up, and are often difficult to change. But do not believe that these habits and their health consequences are genetically predetermined for you. You are, after all, the master of your own life.
  9. What ever you put in your mouth must either be used to build your body, or must be eliminated from it through the stomach, the bladder, the lungs and the skin. The body has a near miraculous capacity to do this with natural foods rich in enzymes. It has very limited ability to deal with modern food contaminants (preservatives, artificial sweeteners and fats, poultry and animal growth hormones etc.). What it can't eliminate, it stores in the body, mainly in the adipose fat and in glands and joints. These deposits can degenerate into inflammation and even tumors.
  10. Keep you bowls regular to assist this process of elimination. Constipation is a long term killer. But do this through good eating and exercise, not harsh drugs. The cleaner your system, the less likely it will become a breeding ground for infection, parasites and viruses. Use MSM daily as a cleanser and anti-parasitic formula.
  11. Drink plenty of pure water (at least 8 glasses a day) to keep the kidneys flushed. Do not drink tap water anywhere. It is contaminated with one of the most toxic carcinogens (Chlorine) known. And even this "purification" does not ensure that it will be free from parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidium.
  12. Stop drinking Sodas, particularly Colas and those laced with artificial sweeteners. You might just as well swallow a cup full of unknown toxic chemicals. If it must come out of a cold can, make it a Club Soda. At least you know what's in it!
  13. Cut down on your consumption of animal proteins. You don't need them in your diet, and they are highly contaminated by the time they reach your table. Mad Cow disease did not originate in an Asylum for bovines. It was fed to them. Substitute as much Soy based foods as you can. This is not a major sacrifice - there are wonderful non-meat dishes out there waiting to be enjoyed.
  14. Increase your consumption of fresh food, particularly uncooked fruit and  veggies. But remember, this food is grown in soils seriously depleted by poor farming practices; they no longer have their traditional nutrients and enzymes in them. If you can find genuine organically grown food, buy it if its fresh. If you can't obtain quality produce, supplement it with a green drink.
  15. Back up this fresh food with an intelligent program of Supplements Supplements (Vitamins and Minerals). But be careful what and why you buy. The Supplement industry was laid wide open in 1994 by the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act. It is unregulated, no one checks for purity and content and anyone can market any product they please. There is far more "Fairy Dust" out there than substance, and if  the product is made from a synthetic base, it can do you harm, not good. Buy from reputable sources only.
  16. Watch your weight. Slim people live longer than overweight people. They also live healthier and more enjoyable lives. You don't need to diet drastically - rather change what you eat, and how much you eat, and stick to it. Learn the difference between food and non-food. Non-food provides calories, fats and preservatives. Food is what we need to live on, and is absorbed better if you supplement you enzymes.
  17. Increase your exercise regime - step up to vitamin X!. You need to be active at least three times a week, and you need to increase your level of exertion. The more you puff and blow, the more good you are doing your system. The sweat glands and the lungs help flush toxins from your body. If you must use Deodorants, use only those based on Baking Soda or aloe. The incidence in breast cancer could be linked to stay-dry deoderants.
  18. Reduce your time in the sun. Cover up and use Sunscreen, but do not believe it will protect you from cancer. It won't. Even with sunscreen, your skin sustains long term damage. Cover up whenever you can, and strengthen the skin with MSM Lotion  before you go out. And always wear good quality shades. Your eyes are damaged by U/V rays as quickly and permanently as your skin.
  19. Try to get a restful night's sleep every night. If you have difficulty sleeping, take Melatonin. Not only is it natural and non-addictive, it has strong anti-oxidant properties, particularly protecting you from cancers..
  20. Reduce your level of stress. A range of chemical imbalances in your system can elevate the level of stress you experience. If you're over 35, DHEA, St. John's Wort and MSM can assist to restore this balance and reduce the physical damage done by stress hormones. Do not allow chemicals like Prozac to rule your life. There are safe and effective alternatives.




This WebSite promotes the sale of premium quality Nutritional Supplements. The information provided in this site should not be considered to be medical advice, and is provided only to guide you in the selection and use of the Nutritional Supplements offered.

Before starting on any new personal   health program, please consult a Health Professional who  knows the products, particularly if you are on prescription medication, and obtain his/her approval. And never stop taking the Prescription Medication he/she has you on without consent.

NOTE: This information has not been approved by the FDA.


PO Box 57878 Jacksonville Florida 32241
Tel: 904-731-2555
Fax: 904-731-8000
Orders: Call Brian Rees at 1-800-571-2999

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