START TODAY µCLEAN¶ Lifestyle C LEANSE - with Fasting L IFESTYLE ± avoid abuses E XERCISE ± to great fitness A SSIMILATION ± eating well N UTRITION ± build health You can never break health laws without consequences 1 One of the greatest discoveries of all is that man can rejuvenate himself PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY BY FASTING 2 THE HUGE BENEFITS OF FASTING ‡ Fights and removes mucus (clogging) ‡ Even in urine ± do Urine test, keep for a few days and see mucus ‡ Fights colds, flu, etc ‡ Breaks tobacco, alcohol, cola & coffee habit ‡ Go on a mucusless diet ‡ Restores skin tone and muscle tone ‡ Melts away pounds and unnecessary weight ‡ Every pound of excess fat, there is a mile of blood vessels more ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Cleanses, renews and rejuvenates Gives increased energy Empowers & improves health, looks & lifespan Keeps arteries youthful 3 BENEFITS RE-STATED 1 Makes you strong & rejuvenated Not weak & lethargic ± has great effects Lose Weight Improve health allergies Energizer Sex Remove bad habits Quickest way to lost 5 kg or more in the first week ± safe and efficient Alleviate frequent tensions, insomnia, mental illness and allergies Gives you abundant energy levels Gives you vigor and helps in the energy and drive Eliminating & modifying smoking, drug & drinking addictions BENEFITS RE-STATED 2 Does not deprive the body of essential nutrients Accumulate appetite ± hunger pangs disappear in 1-2 days Done properly, it is absolutely safe Detoxify Helps the mental side Awakens the mind Helps body get rid of toxins ± much like having an internal shower Alleviate frequent tensions, insomnia, mental illness and allergies Makes you look younger by 5-10 years ± improves faculties Strengthens faculties and helps in maintaining youthfulness Proven to be one of the fastest ways to induce the HGH facrtor Looks Rejuvenator Anti-aging FASTING THE GREAT CLEANSER & PURIFIER ‡ Fasting helps you build your Vital Force ± Then it helps you SELF-CLEANSE ± And also helps you SELF-HEAL ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Energy is a precious vital ingredient It cannot be purchased in a bottle or can Bad habits rob your energy When it is low, you cannot properly cleanse Then poisons accumulate taking its toll Cause you illness, aches and pains Most people start to blame everything and everybody for problems 6 WHEN YOU FAST When you fast, vital force is doing cleansing ‡ Vital force used to convert food into energy & body tissue ‡ Used to flush toxins from body ‡ FAST REGULARLY & Wonderful miracles will take place ‡ The body is cleansing, repairing and healing itself to super health 7 YOU CAN LIVE A LIFE OF GREAT YOUTHFULNESS AND LIVE TO SEE YOUR CHILDREN¶S CHILDREN & THEIR CHILDREN¶S CHILDREN 8 Grow younger as you grow older ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Fasting has been around since time immemorial Mother Nature¶s best remedy ± restores health Miracles can happen with fasting ± no side effects Most natural way of cleansing & purifying body 9 BREAK THE HOLD OF ABUSES ‡ You can have glorious health, unbelievable strength, tremendous vital force and a trim & fit body ‡ But too many people have horribly unclean insides ± caused by years of overeating, eating when not hungry, wrongful food ± leading to great accumulations of toxins ‡ START TODAY ± TAKE ACTION 10 SIMPLE GUIDELINES FOR FASTING ‡ Juice enough for a glass« each time ‡ Eg - 3 apples & some carrots should give 1 glass ‡ Try not to mix fruits and vegetables ‡ If you mix, apples & carrots are the best ‡ Other fruits & vegetables may not mix so well ‡ Don¶t use a fast speed blender ‡ The heat from speed will kill off the enzymes ‡ A ³press´ Juicer is excellent for juicing TRY YOUR OWN CONCOCTIONS Don¶t be afraid to experiment ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Any combination of vegetables is fantastic Fruits can combine with other fruits For gastric, use cabbage, celery & other greens Don¶t add any salt or sugar ± stay off from it Try bitter gourd in combination with others Grape juice can be therapeutic by itself You can drink more than the recommended Pound in a pestle & then hand-press is OK NOTE SOME EFFECTS The Human body is self-cleansing, self-protecting, self-healing. Done well, it removes Auto-intoxification which comes largely from over-eating and eating the wrong foods ± this brings in millions of microbes to fester in our colon or large intestines FASTING ENHANCES SELF-HEALING & SELF-REPAIRING EFFECTS IT AWAKENS THE MIND THE PROCESS FLOW Could have cleansing & healing crisis Negative effects are usually temporary Creates optimum supply of Oxygen There are nutrients & removal of waste Done through River of Life These are Blood system & Tissue fluids NOTE WHAT HAPPENS! When we have a liquid diet without food, we allow our body to be in complete rest so that it can burn up & eliminate waste materials from our system. A JUICE FAST IS BETTER THAN WATER FAST ± EASIER TO ADJUST Does not deprive body of nutrients Uneasy hunger pangs will disappear in 1-2 days THE PROCESS EFFECTS Rich juice nutrients aid in healing Juice alkalinity restore body¶s pH balance Alkalinity neutralizes acidic toxins of fasting Fresh juice is energizing and exhilarating Can be tailored to needs of the individual Helps recovery/ rejuvenation of cells, tissues, etc Program for the longer-term ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Week 1 ± 1 day fast Week 2 ± 1 day fast Week 3 ± 1 day fast Week 4 ± 3 days fast Week 5 ± 1 day fast Week 6 ± 1 day fast Week 7 ± 1 day fast Week 8 ± 7 day fast 15 JUICE FAST 1 Cleansing and restoring health & vitality ISSUES 1...Ingredients EXPLANATION Combination of freshly squeezed fruit & vegetable - remains healthy because of wealth of Vitamins & organic complex minerals, live enzymes, nutrients 2«Healing effects Rich nutrients aid in healing. Juice alkalinity restores body¶s pH balance and neutrallizes the acidic toxins released during fasting 3«Energizes Freshly squeezed juice is energizing and exhilarating ± contains live enzymes, vitamins, nutrients & minerals (do not use sweetened juices) 4«Strengthens (can Supplements depletion of micro nutrients. be tailored) Allowing complete rest for body (give it opportunity to burn up & eliminate waste materials from the body) JUICE FAST 2 ISSUES EXPLANATION 5«Helps Recovery Speeds up Recovery of health and rejuvenates cells, tissues, organ, etc 6«No burden on body systems 7«Balance & Normalization 8«Elimination Juices are easily absorbed into the body Organically complex minerals helps to normalize the cell organization biochemically corrects imbalance in minerals which causes aging & cell mutation Juices have ³mystery´ micro nutrients (Dr Ralph Bricher) ± which causes micro-tension (enables Nutrient absorption & elimination of heavy metal toxins) How to start FASTING! The more often you fast the longer you will be able to fast A. Start with 24 hour distilled water fast (Week 1) ‡ You might have healing reactions ± headache if you are coffee, tea, or alcohol drinker. WHY? No more stimulants so nerves react But it will break down stimulant habit ± flush many residues out B. Continue with 24 hour Juice fast (next week) ‡ Dilute juice with 1/3 distilled or purified water. For Vegetable & tomato combinations, add Liquid aminos. On non-fast days, add some Greens (Nutrigreens, Puregrena+ & D¶Clenz) enquire from WPC 18 How to start FASTING! C... Juice combinations to try ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ (Cabbage, celery and apple) (Grapefruit, orange & lemon) (Cucumber, carrot & parsley) (Watercress, Cucumber & garlic) (Apple, Pineapple & mint) (Apple, papaya & grapes) 19 An effective FASTING program 1 Practice affirmations ± Talk with authority to your body For 3 weeks, every week ‡ 1 meal of pre-cleanse diet ‡ Fresh Salads, fresh vegetables & fruits, Juices or Puregrena+ with ACV, Nutrigreen drink to stimulate waste elimination ‡ Then 1 day of actual fast (lunch to lunch) ‡ Juice Fast or Water fast ± 8-10 glasses of water for water fast and 2-3 glasses of ACV, honey & water (diabetics use stevia). Keep urine as test. Use Puregrena+ with ACV as an option ‡ There are 2 million filters in kidney. When you fast, kidneys step up detox work. Vital force and nervous energy used to cleanse and heal your body. You will experience a body rennovation. Initially, there will be some discomfort and this is natural. 20 An effective FASTING program 2 Practice affirmations ± Talk with authority to your body ‡ One day of Post-fast diet ‡ Raw coleslaw cabbage salad (chopped cabbage, grated carrots & beets) with orange juice squeezed as dressing (sweeps intestines clean) ‡ Bowl of stewed tomatoes or steamed greens (kale, spinach or brocolli (sprinkled with yeast flakes, 1/3 tsp ACV & ½ tsp Olive oil.) ‡ Can add some fruits and continue with some juicing ‡ Drink Nutrigreen mixed with some water and honey (option) ‡ Before sleeping, drink Puregrena+ with ACV and water 21 In-between fast DIET ± keep it! ‡ Normal diet MODIFIED ‡ Wake up, drink ACV with water and honey ‡ Breakfast - Bran and soy milk; fruits, drink Nutrigreen with water ‡ In between drink Juice or Enzyme and cups of water or Puregrena+ with ACV ‡ Lunch ± Salads, Steamed vegetables, potatoes & beans, fruits & yoghurt ‡ In between drink Nutrigreen mixed with water and cups of water ‡ Dinner ± Salads, steamed vegetables, potatoes & beans, fruits & yoghurt. Can add some brown rice and add fish or egg (still stay away from milk, cheese, meat, etc). ‡ After dinner, take Nutrigreen with water. Later before bedtime, drink 1 sachet D¶Clenz with water, ACV & honey. 22 FASTING RE-STATED (ANOTHER VIEW) 23 RIGHT WAY TO FAST 1 5 easy steps STEPS STEP 1 PLAN & MIND CONDITIONING EXPLANATION You have to remove all negative thoughts as well as doubts. This is crucial to the success. You need to be totally convinced that it will benefit you greatly. WORK THROUGH YOUR FAST PLAN Can be 24 hr, 36 hr, 7 day , 14 day fast. Will-power & discipline are keys RIGHT WAY TO FAST 2 5 easy steps STEPS STEP 2 PRE-FAST PREPARATION EXPLANATION 1 day before fast, eat Pre-Fast diet ‡ ‡ Eat small and simple meals ± vegetables raw or lightly steamed Should be high fibre ones - broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, eggplant, onions, garlic, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, green beans Eat 1 or 2 salads a day Eat whole fruits 2-3 times a day (apples, oranges, plums, grapes ‡ ‡ Purpose ± Lighten digestive system load Alkalinizes body (cut out acid forming food) & maintains pH balance One meal before, take only Liquid diet RIGHT WAY TO FAST 2 5 easy steps. Symptoms & healing reactions are quite normal. May last for a few days STEPS STEP 3 ACTUAL FAST EXPLANATION Initially, there may be hunger pangs if done wrongly If you follow Step 2, it will be good. Here, you must abstain from all solid food intake except liquid diet Soon enough, you will feel: (depend on Toxic levels) ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ No more hunger pangs Great mindset & spiritual wellness v- clear mind & consciousness Vitality restored Weight loss RIGHT WAY TO FAST 3 5 easy steps. Symptoms & healing reactions are quite normal. May last for a few days STEPS STEP 3 ACTUAL FAST EXPLANATION Body Toxicity effect may lead to following: ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Encrustations & foul-smelling stools (dark & unpleasant odour) Skin irritation & eruptions; Bad breath Headache & heavy- headedness, Dizziness, nausea, fainting feel Tiredness, fatigue, lethargy & no energy Abdominal bloating or pain; Tongue with white coat & smelly Strong unpleasant odour and clouded urine Dry and cracked lips or mouth ulcers Hot and chills Abnormal vaginal discharge or irregular menstrual cycle RIGHT WAY TO FAST 4 5 easy steps STEPS EXPLANATION STEP 3 continued ‡ Take a lot of fibre ±drink a lot of water ‡ Reduce busy lifestyle ± take a good break ACTUAL FAST ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Take off your handphone ± do reading Exercise but use low impact routines Avoid worrying, talking & thinking too much Avoid sleeping late & abusive lifestyles Abstain from sex Avoid medication (where possible) RIGHT WAY TO FAST 4 5 easy steps STEPS STEP 4.1 POST-FAST You must never return to food and activity too quickly. If you eat a lot after fasting, all the good will be negated EXPLANATION ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Move into a ¾ full meal Re-start by taking small & frequent meals Size of stomach & digestive juices reduced Post fast diet should be as long as fast Break Post fast period into 3 parts Post fast 1 Liquid diet Fruit/ vegetable juice, Vegetable soup Post fast 2 Semi-liquid diet Brown rice porridge, Vegetable broth Post Fast 3 Simple Solid diet Salad, stir-fried vegetables, potato RIGHT WAY TO FAST 5 - SUMMARY 5 easy steps STEPS STEP 4.2 FAST PERIODS You must never return to food and activity too quickly. If you eat a lot after fasting, all the good will be negated. Finish the 9 day period here & you should have lost 2 kilos EXPLANATION ‡ Example of period division for full Fast Pre fast 2 days Reduce food intake Small , light and frequent meals Actual fast 3 days Take only juice/water Take only Juice & water. Can take supplements too Post Fast 4 days Increase food intake Gradually go back to semi-solids RIGHT WAY TO FAST 6 5 easy steps STEPS STEP 5.1 BACK TO NORMAL SCHEDULE EXPLANATION ‡ After even the first fast, you should have a different perspective of the key of Detox ‡ The Juice fast is a fantastic Healing way & Rejuvenator ± the post-feeling is great ‡ The diet after the fast should be different ‡ There should be a reduction of food that has a lot of oils, salt and sugar ‡ The following should be reduced/ avoided: Coffee Sweet items Red meat Fatty food Rice-based food MSG rich food Fried food Hot food Over-eating Gas drinks Salted items Oily food 3 MONTHS DIET AFTER JUICE FAST STEPS EXPLANATION STEP 5.2 RECOMMENDED DIET/ INTAKE PRE-BREAKFAST After the fast is over, follow the diet below for 3 months and see the effects«.. Drink only good quality water (not boiled water) RECOMMENDED DIET MONTH 2 Take ACV, Honey & water 1 gasses water Fresh juice or Puregrena+ Take Bran & Soya Milk 1 slice of brown bread TAKE NUTRIGREEN Drink an Enzyme drink Drink water Salad, soup or broth Low-oil-salt meal Maximum 1 Tbsp rice Fruits, Yoghurt Drink an Enzyme/ Juice Drink water/ Puregrena+ Salad, Vegetable-potato Low oil-salt meal Fruits, Yoghurt, Vitamins Take D¶CLENZ Drink water/ Puregrena+ RECOMMENDED DIET MONTH 1 Take ACV, Honey & water 1 glasses water Fresh juice or Puregrena+ Take Bran & Soya Milk 1 slice of brown bread Take NUTRIGREEN Drink an Enzyme drink Drink water Salad, soup or broth Low-oil-salt meal Maximum 1 Tbsp rice Fruits, Yoghurt Drink an Enzyme/ Juice Drink water/ Puregrena+ Salad, Vegetable-potato Low oil-salt meal Fruits, Yoghurt, Vitamins Take D¶CLENZ Drink water/ Puregrena+ RECOMMENDED DIET Take ACV, Honey & water 1 glasses water Fresh juice or Puregrena+ Take Bran & Soya Milk 1 slice of brown bread TAKE NUTRIGREEN Drink an Enzyme drink Drink water Salad, soup or broth Low-oil-salt meal Maximum 1 Tbsp rice Fruits, Yoghurt Drink an Enzyme/ Juice Drink water/ Puregrena+ Salad, Vegetable-potato Low oil-salt meal Fruits, Yoghurt, Vitamins Take D¶CLENZ Drink water/ Puregrena+ BREAKFAST MID MORNING LUNCH MID-AFTERNOON DINNER AFTER DINNER