Rapid changes of symptoms: pains change in regard
to place and character; thirst alternates with thirstlessness, hunger, and
loss of appetite, etc. Acts forcibly on the venous system, producing pelvic
engorgements and hemorrhoids. | ||
Head. Listless,
apathetic, indifferent. Puffy sensation, feeling as if becoming larger.
Vertigo with attacks of fainting. Frontal headache. Chilliness in back and
occiput. Tearing pain in auricle, and gouty concretions. Sensation of a
tight cap pressing upon the whole scalp. | ||
Nose. Dry;
obstinate catarrh of left nostril. Crawling in nostrils. | ||
Face. Pale,
sticky. Sunken cheeks and eyes, with bluish circles. | ||
Mouth. Sticky
sensation. Diminished saliva. Sticky, frothy saliva, like cotton. Tongue
feels scalded; vesicles on tongue. | ||
Nausea before breakfast. Heartburn. | ||
Stitches in region of gallbladder; worse, pressure, extending to stomach.
Catarrh of the gallbladder with constipation and yellow complexion.
Stitching pain in front of kidneys extending to liver, spleen, stomach,
groins, Poupart's ligament. Sticking deep in ilium. | ||
Stool. Constant
urging to stool. Diarrhea painless, clay colored, burning, and smarting in
anus and perineum. Tearing around anus. Fistula in ano. | ||
Burning pains. Sensation as if some urine remained after urinating. Urine
with thick mucus and bright red, mealy sediment. Bubbling, sore
sensation in kidneys. Pain in bladder region. Pain in the thighs and
loins on urinating. Frequent urination; urethra burns when not
urinating. | ||
Male. Neuralgia
of spermatic cord and testicles. Smarting, burning, stitching in testicles,
in prepuce and scrotum. | ||
Pinching constriction in mons veneris, vaginismus, contraction and
tenderness of vagina. Burning and soreness in vagina. Desire diminished,
cutting pain during coition. Menses scanty, gray mucus, with pain in
kidneys and chilliness, pain down thighs. Leucorrhea, grayish mucus, with
painful urinary symptoms. Neuralgia of ovaries and vagina. | ||
Hoarseness; polypus of larynx. Tearing stitches in chest and region of
heart. | ||
Back. Stitches
in neck and back; worse, respiration. Sticking pain in region of kidneys
radiating thence around abdomen, to hips and groins. Numb, bruised
sensation. Stitches from kidneys into bladder. Tearing, sticking with
stiffness, making rising difficult, involving hips, nates, limbs, with
numbness. Lumbago. [Rhus-t.] Metatarsus and
metacarpus feel sprained. Postoperative pain in lumbar region; soreness
with sharp pain following course of circumflex iliac nerve to bladder with
frequent urination. | ||
Rheumatic paralytic pain in shoulders, arms, hands and fingers, legs and
feet. Neuralgia under fingernails, with swelling of finger joints.
Sensation of cold on outside of thighs. Heels pain, as if ulcerated.
Stitching between metatarsal bones as from a nail when standing. Pain in
balls of feet on stepping. Intense weariness and lameness of legs after
walking a short distance. | ||
Skin. Flat
warts. Itching, burning and smarting; worse, scratching;
better, cold applications. Small pustules over whole body. Eczema of
anus and hands. Circumscribed pigmentation following
eczematous inflammation. | ||
Fever. Cold
sensation in various parts, as if spattered with cold water. Warmth in
lower part of back, hips, and thighs. | ||
Worse, motion, standing. It brings on, or increases, urinary
complaints. | ||
Compare: Lyc.; Nux-v.; Sars. Antidote: Bell. | ||
Dose. Tincture,
to sixth potency. |