(Club Moss)
This drug is inert until the spores are crushed.
Its wonderful medicinal properties are only disclosed by trituration and
succussion. | ||
Melancholy, afraid to be alone. Little things annoy. Extremely
sensitive. Averse to undertaking new things. Headstrong and haughty when
sick. Loss of self-confidence. Hurried when eating. Constant fear of
breaking down under stress. Apprehensive. Weak memory, confused
thoughts; spells or writes wrong words and syllables. Failing
brainpower. [Anac.; Phos.; Bar-c.] Cannot bear to see anything new. Cannot read
what he writes. Sadness in morning on awaking. | ||
Head. Shakes
head without apparent cause. Twists face and mouth. Pressing headache on
vertex; worse from 4 to 8 p.m. and from lying down or stooping, if not
eating regularly. Throbbing headache after every paroxysm of coughing.
Headaches over eyes in severe colds; better, uncovering. [Sulph.] Vertigo in morning on rising. Pain in temples,
as if they were screwed toward each other. Tearing pain in occiput; better,
fresh air. Great falling out of hair. Eczema; moist oozing behind ears.
Deep furrows on forehead. Premature baldness and gray hair. | ||
Eyes. Styes on
lids near internal canthus. Day blindness. Night blindness more
characteristic. Sees only half of an object. Ulceration and redness of
lids. Eyes half open during sleep. | ||
Ears. Thick,
yellow, offensive discharge. Eczema about and behind ears. Otorrhea and
deafness with or without tinnitus; after scarlatina. Humming and roaring
with hardness of hearing; every noise causes peculiar echo in
ear. | ||
Nose. Sense of
smell very acute. Feeling of dryness posteriorly. Scanty excoriating,
discharge anteriorly. Ulcerated nostrils. Crusts and elastic plugs. [Kali-bi.] Fluent coryza. Nose stopped up.
Snuffles; child starts from sleep rubbing nose. Fan-like motion of alae
nasi. [Phos.] | ||
Face. Grayish
yellow color of face, with blue circles around eyes. Withered, shriveled,
and emaciated; copper colored eruption. Dropping of lower jaw, in
typhoid fever. [Lach.; Op.]
Itching; scaly herpes in face and corner of mouth. | ||
Mouth. Teeth
excessively painful to touch. Toothache, with swelling of cheeks; relieved
by warm application. Dryness of mouth and tongue, without thirst. Tongue
dry, black, cracked, swollen; oscillates to and fro. Mouth waters.
Blisters on tongue. Bad odor from mouth. | ||
Throat. Dryness
of throat, without thirst. Food and drink regurgitates through nose.
Inflammation of throat, with stitches on swallowing; better, warm
drinks. Swelling and suppuration of tonsils. Ulceration of tonsils,
beginning on right side. Diphtheria; deposits spread from right
to left; worse, cold drinks. Ulceration of vocal bands. Tubercular
laryngitis, especially when ulceration commences. | ||
Dyspepsia due to farinaceous and fermentable food, cabbage, beans, etc.
Excessive hunger. Aversion to bread, etc. Desire for sweet things. Food
tastes sour. Sour eructations. Great weakness of digestion. Bulimia,
with much bloating. After eating, pressure in stomach, with bitter taste in
mouth. Eating ever so little creates fullness. Cannot eat oysters.
Rolling of flatulence. [Chin.; Carb-ac.] Wakes at night feeling hungry. Hiccough.
Incomplete burning eructations rise only to pharynx, there burn for
hours. Likes to take food and drink hot. Sinking sensation; worse
night. | ||
Immediately after a light meal, abdomen is bloated, full. Constant
sense of fermentation in abdomen, like yeast working; upper left side.
Hernia, right side. Liver sensitive. Brown spots on abdomen. Dropsy, due to
hepatic disease. Hepatitis, atrophic form of nutmeg liver. Pain shooting
across lower abdomen from right to left. | ||
Diarrhea. Inactive intestinal canal. Ineffectual urging. Stool hard,
difficult, small, incomplete. Hemorrhoids; very painful to touch,
aching. | ||
Urine. Pain in
back before urinating; ceases after flow; slow in coming, must
strain. Retention. Polyuria during the night. Heavy red sediment.
Child cries before urinating. [Bor.] | ||
Male. No
erectile power; impotence. Premature emission. Enlarged prostate.
Condylomata. | ||
Female. Menses
too late; last too long, too profuse. Vagina dry. Coition painful. Right
ovarian pain. Varicose veins of pudenda. Leucorrhea, acrid, with burning in
vagina. Discharge of blood from genitals during stool. | ||
Tickling cough. Dyspnea. Tensive, constrictive, burning pain in chest.
Cough worse going down hill. Cough deep, hollow. Expectorations gray,
thick, bloody, purulent, salty. [Ars.; Phos.; Puls.] Night cough,
tickling as from Sulphur fumes. Catarrh of the chest in infants, seems full
of mucus rattling. Neglected pneumonia, with great dyspnea, flaying of alae
nasae and presence of mucous rales. | ||
Aneurism. [Bar-c.] Aortic disease. Palpitation
at night. Cannot lie on left side. | ||
Burning between scapulae as of hot coals. Pain in small of
back. | ||
Numbness, also drawing and tearing in limbs, especially while at rest or at
night. Heaviness of arms. Tearing in shoulder and elbow joints. One foot
hot, the other cold. Chronic gout, with chalky deposits in joints. Profuse
sweat of the feet. Pain in heel on treading as from a pebble. Painful
callosities on soles; toes and fingers contracted. Sciatica, worse right
side. Cannot lie on painful side. Hands and feet numb. Right foot hot,
left cold. Cramps in calves and toes at night in bed. Limbs go to sleep.
Twitching and jerking. | ||
Fever. Chill
between 3 and 4 p.m., followed by sweat. Icy coldness. Feels as if lying on
ice. One chill is followed by another. [Calc.; Sil.; Hep.] | ||
Sleep. Drowsy
during day. Starting in sleep. Dreams of accidents. | ||
Ulcerates. Abscesses beneath skin; worse warm applications. Hives; worse,
warmth. Violent itching; fissured eruptions. Acne. Chronic eczema
associated with urinary, gastric and hepatic disorders; bleeds easily. Skin
becomes thick and indurated. Varicose veins, nevi, erectile tumors. Brown
spots, freckles worse on left side of face and nose. Dry, shrunken,
especially palms; hair becomes prematurely gray. Dropsies. Offensive
secretions; viscid and offensive perspiration, especially of feet
and axilla. Psoriasis. | ||
Worse, right side, from right to left, from above downward, 4 to 8
p.m.; from heat or warm room, hot air, bed. Warm applications, except
throat and stomach which are better from warm drinks. Better, by
motion, after midnight, from warm food and drink, on getting cold,
from being uncovered. | ||
Complementary: Lycopodium acts with special benefit after Calcarea and Sulphur. Graph.; Lach. Antidote: Puls.; Caust. Compare: (Carbonitrogenoid Constitution: Sulph.; Rhus-t.; Urt-u.; Merc.; Hep.); Ant-c.; Nat-m.; Bry.; Nux-v. | ||
Dose. Both the
lower and the highest potencies are credited with excellent results. For
purposes of aiding elimination the second and third attenuation of the
tincture, a few drops, 3 times a day, have proved efficacious,
otherwise the sixth to two hundredth potency, and higher, in not too
frequent doses. |