110 This
exaltation of the medicinal symptoms over those disease symptoms analogous
to them, which looks like an aggravation, has been observed by other
physicians also, when by accident they employed a homopathic remedy.
When a patient suffering from itch complains of an increase of the eruption
after sulphur, his physician who knows not the cause of this, consoles him
with the assurance that the itch must first come out properly before it can
be cured; he knows not, however, that this is a sulphur eruption, that
assumes the appearance of an increase of the itch. "The facial eruption which the viola tricolor cured was aggravated by it at the commencement of its action," Leroy tells us (Heilk. für Mütter, p. 406), but he knew not that the apparent aggravation was owing to the somewhat too large dose of the remedy, which in this instance was to a certain extent homopathic. Lysons says (Med. Transact., vol. ii, London, 1772), "The bark of the elm cures most certainly those skin diseases which it increases at the beginning of its action." Had he not given the bark in the monstrous doses usual in the allopathic system, but in the quite small doses requisite when the medicine shows similarity of symptoms, that is to say, when it is used homopathically, he would have effected a cure without, or almost without, seeing this apparent increase of the disease (homopathic aggravation). |