79 How many
improper ambiguous names do not these works contain, under each of which
are included excessively different morbid conditions, which often resemble
each other in one single symptom only, as ague, jaundice, dropsy,
consumption, leucorrha, hæmorrhoids, rheumatism, apoplexy,
convulsions, hysteria, hypochondriasis, melancholia, mania, quinsy,
palsy, etc., which are represented as diseases of a fixed and unvarying
character, and are treated, on account of their name, according to a
determinate plan! How can the bestowal of such a name justify an identical
medical treatment? And if the treatment is not always to be the same, why
make use of an identical name which postulates an identity of treatment?
"Nihil sane in artem medicam pestiferum magis unquam irrepsit malum, quam
generalia quædam nomina morbis imponere iisque aptare velle generalem
quandam medicinam," says Huxham, a man as clear-sighted as he was estimable
on account of his conscientiousness (Op. phys. med., tom. i.). And
in like manner Frittze laments (Annalen, i, p. 80) "that essentially
different diseases are designated by the same name." Even those epidemic
diseases, which undoubtedly may be propagated in every separate
epidemic by a peculiar contagious principle which remains unknown to
us, are designated, in the old school of medicine, by particular names,
just as if they were well-known fixed diseases that invariably recurred
under the same form, as hospital fever, gaol fever, camp fever, putrid
fever, bilious fever, nervous fever, mucous fever, although each
epidemic of such roving fevers exhibits itself at every occurrence as
another, a new disease, such as it has never before appeared in
exactly the same form, differing very much, in every instance, in its
course, as well as in many of its most striking symptoms and its whole
appearance. Each is so far dissimilar to all previous epidemics, whatever
names they may bear, that it would be a dereliction of all logical accuracy
in our ideas of things were we to give to these maladies, that differ so
much among themselves, one of those names we meet with in pathological
writings, and treat them all medicinally in conformity with this misused
name. The candid Sydenham alone perceived this, when he (Obs. med.,
cap. ii, De morb. epid.) insists upon the necessity of not considering any
epidemic disease as having occurred before and treating it in the same way
as another, since all that occur successively, be they ever so numerous,
differ from one another: "Nihil quicquam (opinor,) animum universæ
qua patet medicinæ pomria perlustrantem, tanta admiratione
percellet, quam discolor illa et sui plane dissimilis morborum Epidemicorum
facies; non tam qua varias ejusdem anni tempestates, quam qua discrepantes
diversorum ab invicem annorum constitutiones referunt, ab iisque dependent.
Quæ tam aperta prædictorum morborum diversitas tum propriis ac
sibi peculiaribus symptomatis, tum etiam medendi ratione, quam hi ab illis
disparem prorsus sibi vendicant, satis illucescit. Ex quibus constat morbus
hosce, ut ut externa quadantenus specie, et symptomatis aliquot utrisque
pariter supervenientibus, convenire paulo incautioribus videantur, re tamen
ipsa (si bene adverteris animum), alienæ admodum esse indolis, et
distare ut æra lupinis." From all this it is clear that these useless and misused names of diseases ought to have no influence on the practice of the true physician, who knows that he has to judge of and to cure diseases, not according to the similarity of the name of a single one of their symptoms, but according to the totality of the signs of the individual state of each particular patient, whose affection it is his duty carefully to investigate, but never to give a hypothetical guess at it. If, however, it is deemed necessary sometimes to make use of names of diseases, in order, when talking about a patient to ordinary persons, to render ourselves intelligible in few words, we ought only to employ them as collective names and tell them, e.g., the patient has a kind of St. Vitus's dance, a kind of dropsy, a kind of typhus, a kind of ague; but (in order to do away once and for all with the mistaken notions these names give rise to) we should never say he has the St. Vitus's dance, the typhus, the dropsy, the ague, as there are certainly no diseases of these and similar names of fixed unvarying character. |