11 In order to account for the large quantity of putrid exerementitious matter and ftid discharge often met with in diseases, and to be able to represent them as the material substance that excites and keeps up diseasealthough, when infection occurs, nothing perceptible in the shape of miasm, nothing material, could have penetrated into the bodyrecourse was had to the hypothesis, that the matter of infection, be it ever so minute, acts in the body like a ferment, bringing the fluids into a like state of corruption, and thus changing them into a similar morbific ferment which constantly increases with the disease and keeps it up. But by what all-potent and all-wise purifying draughts will you purge and cleanse the human fluids from this ever reproductive ferment, from this mass of imaginary morbific matter, and that so perfectly, that there shall not remain a particle of such morbific ferment, which, according to this hypothesis, must ever again, as at first, transform and corrupt the fluids to new morbific matter? Were that so it would evidently be impossible to cure these diseases in your way!See how all hypotheses, be they ever so ingeniously framed, lead to the most palpable absurdities when they are not founded on truth!The most deeply rooted syphilis may be cured, after the removal of the psora with which it is often complicated, by one or two small doses of the decillionfold diluted and potentised solution of mercury, whereby the general syphilitic taint of the fluids is forever (dynamically) annihilated and removed. |