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No more cancer!! Mr. Kaspar says -
Dear and beloved reader of Nova Regena, I would like to share with you the story of my father and his fight with cancer. Therefore, I have decided, with his consent, to write everything what could help people suffering from this serious illness. I am a 33-year-old mother of a 3-year-old little girl. I am also a wife and am perhaps living as every woman taking care of a small child and household. Obviously, I am also a classic prototype of the daughter loving her father completely blindly and for the whole life. He was whole my childhood and nearly all my memories are connected with my dad. As a completely little girl I called him \"tatty\". It was always great fun with him, he always fulfilled everything he had promised, he always showed me the correct way, he had the patience of a saint with me and I am sure that he has brought me up well. First of all, I would like to inform you of my dad\'s health. When he was 33 years old, he had a serious stroke after which the left half of his body became partially paralysed. I was born a couple of months afterwards. He was with me all the time and we also learnt to walk together. Approximately in six years he started working again. In xxxx he started getting the full disability pension and a year afterwards he had again a stroke, even if a weaker one, but it tormented him a little. However, he has been living with his partial paralysis since 1977 up to now. For the last time (before I learnt that he suffers from cancer) I saw him in August 2010. He did not seem to me all right. When we were leaving him, I said to my husband that I did not like my father, that he seemed to me yellowish and swollen, that - in brief - he was at death\'s door. I do not exaggerate, I really saw and felt it in this way. On 3 November 2010 in the afternoon, my aunt - my father\'s sister living with him in one house - called me and told me that he was in a very bad condition. She told me that he did not want to tell me anything in order not to worry me, but now he is already frightened. She told me that he suffered from the large intestine cancer, that it looked very bad. On the following day, I called immediately the Lužická hospital in Rumburk town in order to find out more. His attending doctor was Ms Dr. Kulhava. She told me everything she could. The most important information was that my dad\'s large intestine was closing due to a tumour and there was a danger of his quick and painful dying due to vomiting his stool and subsequently also total poisoning. Then I called my dad immediately who was psychically down and out. He put a brave face on it and told me that he resigned himself to everything, but yet I know him and could tell that he was afraid like a little boy, that he did not want to die yet. I promised him to take care of him, that I would not leave him in it, that I would help him, that yet there was a chance of some treatment that can be effective. On the following day, I arranged the hospitalization in the Central Military Hospital Stresovice, (Prague) for him. Hereby I would also like to thank very much to my sister-in-law, Michaela, who helped and advised me whom to contact. I would also like to thank very much to Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Ryska, CSc. who found a very early date for my dad\'s surgery that was finally performed excellently and my father recovered quickly after it. When we took my dad home before his surgery, he was skinny, without life. I saw a broken man about whom I thought as a child that he is immortal, that he will be here for ever, that he has the biggest strength in the world. Yet I could have already known at my age that it is not true, so why I was so surprised? However, I had to be strong, strong for him, so that he could cope with everything better and get the support from me. Nobody knew that I had spent the whole nights crying and could not sleep. I feared so much for him! At that time I still knew very little about MMS. I knew it nearly only from hearsay. Otherwise I was convincing my father to undergo chemotherapy, that I would arrange everything for him, that I would help him, that I would be with him all the time. However, the surgery has changed everything....... On 18 November 2010, I arrived to the hospital in the late afternoon. My dad was in the high-dependency unit, he did not wake up from anaesthesia yet. I was looking at him, tears were trickling down my face, he looked like a baby. He was covered up to his neck, he looked so tiny on that bed... His mouth was opened, all these hoses of various sizes in him...... he was sleeping like an innocent baby. The world has turned round. I am already for him here, now I will take care, I say to myself... I stroked him and left to see his doctor. He did not know anything. He told me what a garden-gnome would also understand. So I left for home. At 6:00 p.m. my dad called me that he had woken up. I told him that I had seen him, that I had been there, that we had only missed each other. He was very glad that he had survived it and he thought perhaps that he had to call me and say it to me, that I did not perhaps call the whole day to the hospital, every ten minutes ?. When I came to visit him on the following day, he looked as if somebody had tortured him. He was in great pain, but unfortunately it could be expected after such a surgery. Fortunately, I caught the doctor assisting during his surgery (Dr. Pantoflicek), for which I was glad very much. However, what he told me was not optimistic at all. The tumour was too big, they removed as much as possible of it, one could make perhaps even a ball from that. He had multiple liver metastases. The reply to my question how long my dad would live was crushing - from 6 weeks to 2 months, with chemotherapy circa a half of year. A half of year with chemotherapy? To suffer, vomit, not to live in any respect at least little worthwhile life and a half of year???? So this is not the correct way, that I understood immediately. However, I have never given up, and that characteristic I have inherited just from my father. So I told him in the hospital that I knew about a certain preparation that could be perhaps efficient also against his illness. Meantime, I had found out more information about MMS, and before my dad was discharged from the hospital I had MMS prepared at home. On 28 November 2010, my father took MMS for the first time. He started with one drop every two hours. It lasted for the whole week. The following week he took one drop every hour. The following week he took by one drop more, then again by one drop more, until he reached the protocol 2000 (10 hours per day 3 drops of MMS1 and 4 times per day one capsule of MMS2). He stayed there for the whole week, however, it was not possible for a longer time. He had nausea, his whole body was burning, he stayed in bed and my aunt called me that it was perhaps his end. So I went there with my husband. My dad looked really terrible. He was still skinny, tired, dead beat. However, I noticed a certain change. He had a peachy complexion. Yes, exactly such. In this respect he looked \"healthy\". I wanted to please him, so I said it to him. We discussed how to continue further. The way with MMS was not easy at all, my dad often hesitated. Preparing it every hour sometimes oppressed him psychically. Therefore, we started to prepare a daily dose in a bottle and divide it into ten portions. I also gave him good pineapple juice with which he diluted the solution, and it became easier immediately. It was very important that I suggested him the feeling that MMS is his ally, that they are fighting together against a big monster. And as my dad is a very upright man and is sometimes very outspoken, I knew that also in this case it would be necessary to choose really fitting shouts before taking MMS. I cannot perhaps specify it, it was really vulgar very much, but why, how it helped!!! Therefore, I would recommend to everybody strongly not to \"caress\" cancer. Swear at it very rudely, if you can, it has an unbelievably beneficial effect on the mind! The time passed and my dad found his way and dosing that suited him. For a long time he was taking one drop of MMS1 every hour, ten times per day, plus a quarter of capsule of MMS2 four times per day. He tried to eat as healthy as possible and reduced smoking as much as his habit allowed him. At the end of March, we were both already curious whether MMS helped him and in what manner. Therefore, I agreed with his general practitioner, the doctor Dr. Lacinova to whom I also have to thank very much for her willingness and care of my dad, upon the blood tests with focus on the oncomarker level. I called her in order to find out the results on 1 April 2011 and nearly had haemorrhage ? His liver was negative, oncomarkers proving the large intestine cancer were negative. The doctor was silent for a while, she did not perheps believe it herself. Then she repeated again and again that it looked good, very good, that it looked really perfect. Then I made a lot of phone calls quickly, the first person who learnt it was just my friend who had introduced MMS to us and helped us so much. Thank you, Pavel, very much! Then I called my dad immediately and he was afraid as it was the All Fools\' Day. But yet it is no joking matter. My surprised aunt called me back if it was true, I assured her that yes, that they can celebrate. I wanted very much to shout it from the rooftops how powerful medicine exists here, what it can do. I called perhaps all people from my address book that my dad had overcome cancer without chemotherapy and any other available methods and medicines. However, in a couple of days another apprehension appeared. What was actually my father\'s blood count before? We found out that we maybe rejoiced prematurely, as the level of oncomarkers from which the large intestine cancer can be determined was within standards also before his surgery, even if higher than after MMS, but the difference was very small. I immersed myself in all various information on the Internet, I called to the hospitals where my dad was hospitalized to receive various information. We needed the test for another type of oncomarker that must be conducted together with the test for the large intestine. During the following week they conducted some sampling for my dad. And now we already know the result. In order you can understand it better, here is a small explanation. I do not provide any units, they are not important in this respect. I am describing it as a layman so that every person could imagine it. The oncomarker proving the large intestinge cancer has the name C 19-9. Before his surgery, my dad had the level of 22.6. A healthy person can have the level up to 37. After the surgery and taking MMS, the level decreased to 22.34. As you can conclude yourselves, nothing what would predicate of his recovery. The other onkomarker that should be measured at the same time with C19-9 has the name CA125. My dad had an increased level of it, the value was 49.6. The normal values are up to 35. And today? My dad\'s current value is 14!!! In addition, bilirubin that had the value of 4444 and often predicates of a bad function of the liver, in my dad\'s case of multiple liver metastases (as I wrote that he was yellow everywhere - an increased bilirubin causes yellow skin), now he has the level of 8.4. The normal values are up to 24. The whole blood count is negative, my dad is only missing a little of potassium, nothing that could not be resolved with a glass of fruit juice every day. We have already bought a juicer ?. I am happy that I have my dad back, that he feels good and that it is again fun with him. We call to each other every day, we both already know that we must not lose a single day when we can exchange a few words. I love you, \"tatty\", and I am proud of you that you have beaten that monster. I already think again that you are the strongest man in the world! Finally, we have prepared a short interview for you, it will perhaps help you in many decisions and believing in MMS. Not only me, Dominika Waloszkova, but also my brave dad, Oldrich Kaspar, wish you good luck and especially health. Was it a difficult decision for you to take MMS? It was not a difficult decision for me. Anyway, I would not undergo chemotherapy as due to chemotherapy all my friends are dead and buried. How did you endure it at the beginning? At the beginning I endured MMS well. However, as I started increasing my doses, it became worse. At the moment when I reached the protocol 2000 and stayed there for the whole week, I was really feeling bad. I decreased my doses so that they would suit me. I have got used to it over time. How did your food look like? I ate really modestly. Vegetable, fruit, yoghurts, cheese, breads and rolls. Nearly any meat. I tried to eat as healthily and possible. At the beginning I had the appetite, for example, for streaky bacon and sausages. Gradually I have broken away from this habit and today I do not even miss it. Did you feel any physical change after a certain time of the MMS treatment? For me, MMS is a really miracle, I am not afraid of calling it like this. Every day I go walking, which did not crossed my mind before. I feel very well. If the weather permits, I spend the whole day outside. Is it demanding to keep discipline and take MMS every hour? I would say not. But I have to admit that at a certain moment it started upsetting me little, but a person can really get used to everything. I said to myself all the time: \"MMS is my friend and we together will destroy that monster - cancer\". At Christmas I also received from you, Dominica, a small angel that I have hung in the window and never taken it from there. I chatted with him several times per day. How did you cope with nausea and did anything help you against it? It was often very unpleasant, but I am sure that it cannot be compared with nausea and undesirable effects after chemotherapy. It encouraged me and knowing that I could bear nausea better. I have never left out any dose, I only perhaps decreased it. I had always black coffee prepared. A couple of sips were enough and nausea was over. It helped especially after the MMS2 tablets. How do you feel now? Today I feel as a healthy person. I do all works, I only avoid great stress. I view everything from a completely different perspective as before. I have a much greater regard for life. I have three grandchildren and it also makes me happy. What did the information mean for you that your blood count is all right? It was a shock for me. I learnt it on the All Fools\' Day, so I hesitated a little bit (laughing). Than I only thanked to God for beeing lucky to take MMS. Of course, I have to thank to Jim Humble very much, and also to my daughter and son-in-law. And to my sister who took care of me with love, my niece and also Mr Pavel who always met with my daughter willingly and advised and helped us with MMS. Will you continue with taking MMS? I will certainly continue with taking it! I am convinced very much that it is a great medicine. Recently many people have asked me what I was taking and many of them would also try it. Only doctors talk them out of doing that. But I say that everybody can dispose of his health as he wants. Therefore, I took advantage of this free choice and do not regret anything. Dominika Waloszkova......... End. MMS is Miracle. Send this text for more, more peoples, please!
Dominika Waloszkova. ( No more cancer!!! , No more cancer!!!! ) May 03 2011 12:30am


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