Section 0
Principles of Health

Part 4a
First Law of Health - Air


The year was 1875; the place, Paris, France. For more than two years, three scientists had worked toward this day, and now they were ready. Carefully, they climbed into the gondola of the balloon, "Zenith," while thousands around them watched.

Determined to set a new altitude record, they wanted to go higher than man had ever risen above the earth. And they did just that,—but at what a cost.

Slowly the large balloon rose into the air, with its human cargo of three men in a basket-shaped gondola swinging just beneath it. All seemed well; they were well on their way toward the goal: to climb higher than any man had ever gone.

Then at 24,430 feet it happened. Tissandier, one of the three, later described it: "Croce is gasping for breath, Sivel is dazed, but can still cut three sandbags loose in order to reach 26,240 feet."

At that point, Tissandier himself was overcome and slumped to the floor, losing consciousness. Some time afterward, as the balloon—freed from the sandbags continued its ascent—he awoke. They had attained a height of 8,600 meters (approximately 28,000 feet)—but two of the scientists lay dead in the gondola of the balloon. Yes, they had conquered the heights, but before it was done the heights had conquered them. There was not enough air, with its precious life-giving oxygen, to sustain life at that great altitude.

Without air, man dies. Air is the most vital element for man and animals. One may live for weeks without food, or for days without water, but deprived of air he will perish within minutes.

Millions of people suffer from a wide variety of ailments that are partly caused by an insufficient supply of oxygen. The problem is that most people do not breathe correctly, and this continually weakens their health, their happiness, and their hold on life itself. One of the finest statements written on the importance of air are these words penned by an outstanding health educator:

"In order to have good blood, we must breathe well. Full, deep inspirations of pure air, which fill the lungs with oxygen, purify the blood. They impart to it a bright color and send it—a life-giving current—to every part of the body.

A good respiration soothes the nerves; it stimulates the appetite and renders digestion more perfect; and it induces sound, refreshing sleep . . [If] an insufficient supply of oxygen is received, the blood moves sluggishly. The waste, poisonous matter, which should be thrown off in the exhalations from the lungs, is retained, and the blood becomes impure. Not only the lungs, but the stomach, liver, and brain are affected. The skin becomes sallow, digestion is retarded; the heart is depressed; the brain clouded; the thoughts are confused; gloom settles upon the spirits; the whole system becomes depressed and inactive, and peculiarly susceptible to disease."—Ministry of Healing, pp. 272-273.

Every cell of your body must receive a constant supply of oxygen—or they will weaken and die. But that air must be fresh in order to help you the most. When you breathe stale or polluted air, the supply of oxygen is insufficient to keep the cells strong and healthy. Apart from oxygen from the air you breathe, they die within a few minutes.

"Air is the free blessing of Heaven, calculated to electrify the whole system. Without it the system will be filled with disease, and become dormant, languid, feeble."—1 Testimonies, p. 701.

The life-giving air around us is a most precious blessing from Heaven. On the last day of Creation Week, God created man. Having formed him from the dust of the ground, Adam lay before his Maker inert and lifeless—until he was vitalized by the breath of life. And moment by moment, you and I must have fresh air also.

"Fresh air will prove far more beneficial to sick persons than medicine, and is far more essential to them than their food . . Thousands have died for want of pure water and pure air, who might have lived."—Counsels on Health, p. 55.

It is of the highest consequence to your life, health, and happiness, that you keep fresh air in every room in your home, and especially in your sleeping rooms. If you are not able to have your windows open in very cold weather, then leave a door open into another room where a window is open. By day and by night, always keep a current of air flowing through the house. You do not want to sit or sleep in a draft, but some air circulating throughout your home—a lot in the summer, less in the winter—is a necessity to good health.

"The effects produced by living in close, ill-ventilated rooms are these: The system becomes weak and unhealthy, the circulation is depressed, the blood moves sluggishly through the system because it is not purified and vitalized by the pure, invigorating air of heaven. The mind becomes depressed and gloomy, while the whole system is enervated; and fevers and other acute diseases are liable to be generated.

"Your careful exclusion of external air, and fear of free ventilation leaves you to breathe a corrupt, unwholesome air which is exhaled from the lungs of those staying in these rooms, and which is poisonous, unfit for the support of life. The body becomes relaxed; the skin becomes sallow; digestion is retarded, and the system is peculiarly sensitive to the influence of cold. A slight exposure produces serious diseases. Great care should be exercised not to sit in a draft or in a cold room when weary, or when in a perspiration. You should so accustom yourself to the air that you will not be under the necessity of having the mercury higher than sixty-five degrees."—1 Testimonies, pp. 702-703.

Fresh air should be inhaled as freely indoors as outdoors in warmer weather. In colder weather, your home will need to be heated. But beware of too much heat, for the burning of the fuel itself takes precious oxygen from the air. If necessary, dress more warmly, so that, as much as possible, you can breathe purer air at all times. Students of body health tell us that it requires an abundance of oxygen in the body and surrounding it in order to keep the physical organism in top condition. Why is this so? It is the oxygen in the air that purifies the blood, contributes to the production of body heat and energy, and conveys electrical energy with which to vitalize every organ and tissue.

H.E. Kirschner, M.D., said this:

"I am also in full agreement with Dr. Philip Welsh, who declares: `Any form of treatment—any program of health which does not give full and due consideration to the first essential of life—pure air—will absolutely fail to get the best results—yes, this one question of supplying the body with pure air is important enough to determine the difference between health and sickness—between life and death!'

"Contrast this, if you will, with the popular notion that air—especially night air—is harmful to the sick. Many of my colleagues in the medical profession have excluded air from the sick room. This is a great mistake, for air is the food God has provided for the lungs—and your lungs, when deprived of fresh air, will be like a hungry person deprived of food. Therefore, air should not be regarded as an enemy, but as a precious blessing."—H.E. Kirschner, M.D., Nature's Seven Doctors, p. 18.

Do you have difficulty in going to sleep at night? Try this simple remedy for sleeplessness; it is a good one: Make sure that there is a current of air coming into the room (best from a window). The room should be comfortable and not chilling, but with some fresh air circulating through it. Now relax, pray as you lay there and give your life anew into the hands of God. Then slowly take several deep breaths, holding each one a moment before exhaling it. Let your mind slow down. Your thoughts are upon God, the peace of being with Him, and the need for deep, full breathing. Very soon you will be sound asleep.

"Those who have not had a free circulation of air in their rooms through the night, generally awake feeling exhausted, feverish, and know not the cause. It was air, vital air, that the whole system required, but which it could not obtain. Upon rising in the morning, most persons would be benefited by taking a sponge-bath, or, if more agreeable, a hand-bath, with merely a wash-bowl of water. This will remove impurities from the skin. Then the clothing should be removed piece by piece from the bed, and exposed to the air. The windows should be opened, and the blinds fastened back, and the air left to circulate freely for several hours, if not all day, through the sleeping apartments. In this manner the bed and clothing will become thoroughly aired, and the impurities will be removed from the room."—Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 4a, p. 143.

Actually, this is also a good way to start the morning. When you first awake, take several deep breaths, and then as you arise take several more. Before breakfast, go out-of-doors and look on the things of nature and breathe deeply as you silently thank God for another day of life to work for Him. From time to time, throughout the day, repeat this deep breathing practice. At times, take in very deep breaths of air, in order to expand your lungs. (A method, that this writer uses with excellent results, is to exhale strongly and then allow the fresh new air to enter the lungs in whatever amount and rate the body wishes to take it in; then exhale again, and let more in.)

"Air, air, the precious boon [gift] of Heaven, which all may have, will bless you with its invigorating influence, if you will not refuse it entrance. Welcome it, cultivate a love for it, and it will prove a precious soother of the nerves.

"Air must be in constant circulation to be kept pure. The influence of pure, fresh air is to cause the blood to circulate healthfully through the system. It refreshes the body, and tends to render it strong and healthy, while at the same time its influence is decidedly felt upon the mind, imparting a degree of composure and serenity. It excites the appetite, and renders the digestion of food more perfect, and induces sound and sweet sleep."—1 Testimonies, p. 702.

Develop a habit of deep breathing. Shallow breathing is a habit easily developed but harmful in its effects on the entire body. Many people only breathe "at the top of their lungs." Take full, deep inspirations of air. Do not just fill the top of your chest.

Here are some additional suggestions that will help you:

Just after eating, and also before retiring, go outside and take eighteen or twenty deep breaths, using the muscles of the abdomen. Inhale and exhale slowly. Some folk extend the arms above their heads while they do this. Take a walk out-of-doors just before you retire for the night. Breathe that fresh night air, relax your mind, talk to your heavenly Father, and thank Him for His continual care and blessings. Give yourself anew to Him. Then, with contentment of heart, go to sleep, forgetting all your present perplexities. Know and believe that He will work them all out at the right time.

Get outdoors as much as possible. Develop hobbies and avocations that are out in the open air. Especially beware of hobbies and recreation that require being bent over with the chest cramped and the eyes and brain overtaxed.

"A walk, even in the winter, would be more beneficial to health than all the medicine the doctors may prescribe . . There will be increased vitality, which is so necessary to health. The lungs will have needful action, for it is impossible to go out in the bracing air of a winter's morning without inflating the lungs."—2 Testimonies, p. 529.

"And while the importance of deep breathing is shown, the practice should be insisted upon. Let exercises be given which will promote this."—Education, p. 199.

Colder weather may require additional clothing, but continue to obtain the much needed pure, fresh air.

"In the cool of the evening it may be necessary to guard from chilliness by extra clothing, but they should give their lungs air."—2 Testimonies, p. 527.

Keep proper ventilation in mind wherever you may be, whether it be in your home, in the office or shop, at church, etc. Avoid stuffy people who like to sit in stuffy rooms all day talking or watching television. If you are not able to directly help them by word or action, then leave them to their misery and go where there is air.

And beware of tobacco "side stream." Scientific researchers now know that the cigarette smoke in a room can greatly injure adults, and especially children. Only stay with cigarette smokers long enough to help them; then go where you can have a purer atmosphere to breathe.

Do not rent or purchase a home that is in any kind of low concavity. Watch out for homes in hollowed-out places, for they tend to be damp. Research studies by the National Institute of Health in Washington County, Virginia, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, revealed the fact that houses built in such low, miasmic areas frequently had a history of cancer in those who lived in them. This included homes in low places by creeks. Many do not realize the fact that there are continually flowing rivers of air. These currents, flowing into and along narrow valley bottoms, creeks, and rivers, are much more damp than the air found in more elevated places. But living in such damp places induces sickness and disease. If you reside in such a location, you would do well to move somewhere else.

"If we would have our homes the abiding place of health and happiness, we must place them above the miasma and fog of the lowlands."—Ministry of Healing, p. 275.

You also do well not to permit too much shrubbery or shading too close to your house. This can keep the purifying air from circulating through the home.

"So far as possible, all buildings intended for human habitation should be placed on high, well-drained ground. This will insure a dry site, and prevent the danger of disease from dampness and miasma. This matter is often too lightly regarded. Continuous ill health, serious diseases, and many deaths result from the dampness . . of low-lying, ill-drained situations.

"In the building of houses it is especially important to secure thorough ventilation and plenty of sunlight. Let there be a current of air and an abundance of light in every room in the house. Sleeping rooms should be so arranged as to have a free circulation of air day and night. No room is fit to be occupied as a sleeping room unless it can be thrown open daily to the air and sunshine. In most countries bedrooms need to be supplied with conveniences for heating, that they may be thoroughly warmed and dried in cold or wet weather."—Ministry of Healing, pp. 274-275.

So we can see that it is very important that we keep our houses properly ventilated. It is the fresh, purifying air inside a home that makes it a healthful place in which to live.

When the day is sunny and warm, take the bedding out, hang it on the clothesline, and air it out. The purifying air and sunlight will do much to sterilize it. Take it back into the house before the dampness of the late afternoon sets in. You will notice that it all smells perfectly fresh.

It is of the utmost importance that every room in the house be open to the sunlight and a current of air throughout the day.

"Some houses are furnished expensively, more to gratify pride, and to receive visitors, than for the comfort, convenience and health of the family. The best rooms are kept dark. The light and air are shut out, lest the light of heaven may injure the rich furniture, fade the carpets, or tarnish the picture frames. When visitors are permitted to be seated in these precious rooms, they are in danger of taking cold, because of the cellar-like atmosphere pervading them. Parlor chambers and bedrooms are kept closed in the same manner and for the same reasons. And whoever occupies these beds which have not been freely exposed to the light and air, do so at the expense of health, and often even of life itself."—2 Selected Messages, p. 462.

On pages 16-17 of his book, "Nature's Seven Doctors," Dr. H.E. Kirschner explains that the most successful cure for tuberculosis of the lungs requires an unusually large amount of fresh air for the patients, day and night. "Sleeping porches were provided for all patients and . . they were allowed indoors only for meals and other duties . . This required warm sleeping garments and usually a stocking cap." He explains that a similar program was successfully followed for typhoid.

Of course, such a strenuous cold-air regime would not work for many physical ailments, such as pneumonia. In every sickness, provide the patient with fresh air, but in most cases it should be fresh, warm air.

The healing of wounds takes place more quickly in the presence of fresh air and sunlight. (But there are times when dirt may get into a wound if it is not covered, as when a workman has a cut on his finger.)

"It is a well-known fact that wounds exposed to sunshine and fresh air heal more rapidly than when bandaged. In fact, no wound will heal without air. In order, then, for wounds to heal quickly, it is most important that they be exposed to a constant supply of pure, fresh air."—Kirschner, p. 23.

Do all you can to avoid poisonous gases in or near your home. This would include the use of unvented gas heaters, leaks from sewer gases, tobacco fumes, and agricultural sprays, such as defoliants, insecticides, mosquito spraying programs, and similar poisonous fumes and vapors.

Specially treated woods are now being used in new house construction. They are supposed to resist insect attack for decades, but poisonous gases were applied to them, and it has been established that fumes from that wood escape into the house and surrounding air for several years after installation.

Another source of danger is the use of new plastic hard-form insulation panels into walls during house construction or remodeling. Although true that these panels provide better R-factor insulation at a lower price, the fact remains that if the house ever catches on fire,—poisonous fumes from those panels will fill the home!

We live in a chemical age, and the air, water, vegetation, earth, and animal kingdom are being slowly poisoned to death.

In my files I have a clipping that I cut out of a newspaper in July, 1958:


It's not the pain-killing properties of aspirin which make it so beneficial for arthritic patients.

"Instead, it's the huffing and puffing produced by large doses of aspirin which really control the aches, pain and stiffness.

"This was suggested here yesterday by Drs. Frederick Kahn, Daniel Simmons, and Howard Weinberger of UCLA and the Los Angeles VA hospitals.

"Physicians have long known, they said, that normal doses of aspirin won't help arthritis patients. It takes dosages of about 15 tablets a day to control arthritic pains.

"But at these doses, they said, aspirin produces what is called "hyper-ventilation"—the patient constantly breathes deeply and rapidly, often while he's at rest. In turn, this hyper-ventilation lowers the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood.

"To check their suspicions, the Los Angeles doctors put victims of arthritis in an iron lung and made them over-breathe without any aspirin.

"The relief of pain and other symptoms, they found, was just as effective as that achieved with aspirin."—Newsclip, July, 1958.

The above is valuable information that you and I can use every day of our lives. Deep breathing reduces pain and relaxes the entire system. (But our suggestion is that you not use an aspirin-type product to help you do that breathing: There is a poisonous chemical in "headache pills" which causes the stomach to bleed internally each time it is taken, whether in tablet or powder form.)

It is now known that fallen leaves emit carbon monoxide fumes.

"Shade trees and shrubbery too close and dense around a house are unhealthful; for they prevent a free circulation of air, and shut out the rays of the sun. In consequence of this, dampness gathers in the house. Especially in wet seasons the sleeping rooms become damp, and those who occupy them are troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia, and lung complaints which generally end in consumption. Numerous shade trees cast off many leaves, which, if not immediately removed, decay, and poison the atmosphere. A yard beautified with trees and shrubbery, at a proper distance from the house has a happy, cheerful influence upon the family, and, if well taken care of, will prove no injury to health. Dwellings, if possible, should be built upon high and dry ground. If a house is built where water settles around it, remaining for a time, then drying away, a poisonous miasma arises, and fever and ague, sore throat, lung diseases, and fevers will be the result."—Counsels on Health, 1951, pp. 58-59.

The smog that envelopes homes and offices in and near the large cities is now known to be quite harmful in its effects. During morning and evening rush hours, when so much traffic is on the streets, smog will even be found in smaller cities and towns. A major source of the smog is automobile exhaust fumes, which contain two deadly chemicals: vaporized lead and sulfuric acid. Lead fumes, inhaled into the body, cause the destruction of red blood cells. Sulfuric acid is such a powerful toxic agent that it is the primary reason that stone cathedrals and buildings are crumbling throughout Europe.

What is the solution? Move to the country, and not too close to a large city.

A lack of fresh air is a significant factor in causing people to become ill. Yet how few realize this fact.

"Many labor under the mistaken idea that if they have taken cold, they must carefully exclude the outside air, and increase the temperature of their room until it is excessively hot. The system may be deranged, the pores closed by waste matter, and the internal organs suffering more or less inflammation, because the blood has been chilled back from the surface and thrown upon them. At this time, of all others, the lungs should not be deprived of pure, fresh air. If pure air is ever necessary, it is when any part of the system, as the lungs or stomach, is diseased."—2 Testimonies, p. 530.

"Many families suffer with sore throat, lung diseases, and liver complaints, brought upon them by their own course of action. Their sleeping-rooms are small, unfit to sleep in for one night, but they occupy the small apartments for weeks, and months, and years . . They breathe the same air over and over, until it becomes impregnated with the poisonous impurities and waste matter thrown off from their bodies through the lungs and the pores of the skin . . Those who thus abuse their health must suffer with disease."—Spiritual Gifts, p. 173.

"The health of the entire system depends upon the healthy action of the respiratory organs."—2 Selected Messages, p. 473.

"In order to have good blood, we must breathe well."—Healthful Living, paragraph 705.

Since a lack of fresh air can cause sickness, how very important it is that fresh air be supplied to the ill so that they can become well.

"Fresh air will prove far more beneficial to sick persons than medicine, and is far more essential to them than their food."—Counsels on Health, p. 55.

"The sick-room, if possible, should have a draft of air through it day and night. The draft should not come directly upon the invalid. While burning fevers are raging, there is but little danger of taking cold . . The sick must have pure, invigorating air. If no other way can be devised, the sick, if possible, should be removed to another room, and another bed, while the sick room, the bed and bedding are being purified by ventilation."—Counsels on Health, pp. 56-57.

"Every breath of vital air in the sick-room is of the greatest value, although many of the sick are very ignorant on this point. They feel much depressed, and do not know what the matter is. A draught of pure air through their room would have a happy, invigorating influence upon them."—Healthful Living, p. 72.

Those who are aged, infirm, or invalid also have a very definite need of fresh, pure air to breathe.

"Those who have the aged to provide for should remember that these especially need warm, comfortable rooms. Vigor declines as years advance, leaving less vitality with which to resist unhealthful influences; hence the greater necessity for the aged to have plenty of sunlight, and fresh, pure air."—Ministry of Healing, p. 275.

"The sick need to be brought into close touch with nature. An outdoor life amid natural surroundings would work wonders for many a helpless and almost hopeless invalid."—Ministry of Healing, p. 262.

"How grateful to the invalids weary of city life, the glare of many lights, and the noise of the streets, are the quiet and freedom of the country! How eagerly do they turn to the scenes of nature! How glad would they be to sit in the open air, rejoice in the sunshine, and breathe the fragrance of tree and flower! There are life-giving properties in the balsam of the pine, in the fragrance of the cedar and the fir, and other trees also have properties that are health-restoring."—Ministry of Healing, p. 264.

"For invalids who have feeble lungs, nothing can be worse than an overheated atmosphere."—2 Testimonies, p. 527.

"The heated, oppressed atmosphere, deprived of vitality, benumbs the sensitive brain. The lungs contract, the liver is inactive."—1 Testimonies, p. 702.

It is frequently necessary, especially in cold weather, to warm the air in the home or office. But we must be careful to do this in moderation, since oxygen from the room is generally consumed in providing the heat (with a few exceptions, such as steam heat sent through pipes from a more distant heat ignition source).

"Stove heat destroys the vitality of the air and weakens the lungs."—Place of Herbs, p. 21.

How important it is that we ourselves—and our children also—study and work in rooms with adequate ventilation to the fresh outside air.

"Many young children have passed five hours each day in schoolrooms not properly ventilated, nor sufficiently large for the healthful accommodation of the scholars. The air of such rooms soon becomes poison to the lungs that inhale it."—3 Testimonies, p. 135.

"The lungs, in order to be healthy, must have pure air."—Healthful Living, p. 171.

"The strength of the system is, in a great degree, dependent upon the amount of pure, fresh air breathed. If the lungs are restricted, the quantity of oxygen received into them is also limited, the blood becomes vitiated, and disease follows."—Healthful Living, p. 176.

Buildings should be constructed in such a manner that there is always enough fresh air and sunlight entering them.

"In the construction of buildings, whether for public purposes or as dwellings, care should be taken to provide good ventilation and plenty of sunlight. Churches and schoolrooms are often faulty in this respect. Neglect of proper ventilation is responsible for much of the drowsiness and dullness that destroy the effect of many a sermon and make the teacher's work toilsome and ineffective."—Ministry of Healing, p. 274.

Yes, fresh air is important to our health—for it is one of the simple remedies of nature, given by God to His people.

"There are many ways of practicing the healing art; but there is only one way that Heaven approves. God's remedies are the simple agencies of nature, that will not tax or debilitate the system through their powerful properties. Pure air and water, cleanliness, a proper diet, purity of life, and a firm trust in God, are remedies for the want of which thousands are dying; yet these remedies are going out of date because their skillful use requires work that the people do not appreciate. Fresh air, exercise, pure water, and clean, sweet premises, are within the reach of all with but little expense; but drugs are expensive, both in the outlay of means, and the effect produced upon the system."—Counsels on Health, 1951, p. 323.


God asks us to come to Him that we might breathe the air of heaven. The plan of redemption was designed to give us forgiveness of sin, as well as empowerment to resist temptation and obey the commandments of God. It was given to redeem us so we might live with God and the holy angels forever.

Jesus said that He came "not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." (Luke 5:32). Only he who acknowledges himself to be a sinner before God can receive pardon and acceptance. The inquiry bursts from the heart: "Men and brethren, what shall we do? . . What must I do to be saved?" (Acts 2:37; 16:30). "The sorrow of the world worketh death," but "godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation." (2 Corinthians 7:10).

The cry of the soul is, "I will declare mine iniquity; I will be sorry for my sin" (Psalm 38:18). In heartfelt anguish for what he has done against God, he comes to Christ.

"When a man or woman shall commit any sin that men commit, to do a trespass against the Lord, and that person be guilty; then they shall confess their sin which they have done." (Numbers 5:6-7).

How thankful we can be that Jesus forgives the humble repentant sinner. "For Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee." (Psalm 86:5). "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9).

Thank God that "as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him." (Psalm 103:11). "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." (Isaiah 55:7).

Oh, my friend, as we return to the Lord, He is so very happy to receive and accept us! "When he [the prodigal son, returning from years of sin] was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him." (Luke 15:20). "Who is a God like unto Thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He retaineth not His anger for ever, because He delighteth in mercy." (Micah 7:18). "Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." (Luke 15:10).

Accepting Christ as his Saviour, the soul experiences the new birth. "Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17).

"Thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption: for Thou hast cast all my sins behind Thy back." (Isaiah 38:17). "Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea." (Micah 7:19).

There is a great blessing for those willing to seek the Lord and forsake their sins. "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile." (Psalm 32:1-2).

This experience is for you and me today! The call of Jesus is clear, and the message is cheering. There is hope for the lowliest. Coming to Christ, we give Him our sins and dedicate our lives to His service. All that He asks of us in His Word, we are now willing to do.

Is this an experience that you want right now? I know it is. Open the doors of your heart and let the fresh air of God's salvation into your heart. It is refreshing and wonderful. It means eternal life.

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