THE WATER THAT CLEANSESLivestock and wild animals know what to do when physical sickness strikes. They have been observed eating certain plants. Seeking out a stream or lake, they will bathe in the water, or lay in it, to treat their injuries. A dog, bitten on the head by a rattlesnake, first killed the snake, then went to a nearby creek where he lay in the water off and on for a week. He recovered completely. Water is one of the most valuable helpers you have in the daily task of keeping yourself in health or in recovering health when it is lost. How very important it is that you drink enough water each day! Your kidneys alone filter about 50 gallons of fluid a day. In a 24-hour period, more than 8 quarts of digestive juices flow into the digestive tract. Much of this water is recycled over and over again by your kidneys. But about 2 to 4 quarts of water a day are lost through the urine, lungs, or perspiration. For this reason, if you do not keep drinking water, your kidneys cannot perform their function well, and kidney disease results. It has been found that water intake can increase physical endurance and ability to work by as much as 80%. When you do not drink enough water, your blood thickens and flows with greater difficulty. This can cause trouble not only in your body tissues and organs, but also to your heart that must pump that sludged blood. So many people eat far too much salt, sugar, and protein, yet each of these substances requires additional water to process. In late 1986, the World Health Organization officially stated that the incidence of illness around the globe would fall by 80% if people in the developing nations had access to pure drinking water. Lack of water not only affects health; it affects work production as well. Athletes, in particular, find that a slight decrease in fluid will greatly affect performance. It is generally recommended that we drink 8 glasses of water a day. But it is best if you not drink it with your meals, but between them. The very best times for water drinking is first thing upon arising in the morning, and then 30 minutes or so before each meal. One or two warm glasses of water about a half hour before breakfast will help cleanse the stomach and sharpen the appetite. Small amounts drunk from time to time throughout the remainder of the day are also helpful. But do not drink too much water. It will thin your blood too much and make you light-headed. If in doubt, keep in mind that there is less danger in drinking a little too much than in not drinking enough. Some people drink hot water or cold water drinks with their meal, but this hinders the digestion of the food even more than drinking lukewarm water at mealtime. The drinking water should be pure, but this is becoming more difficult to obtain. This is unfortunate. One solution is to purchase a reliable water distiller for your home. This will clean the water. Distilled water will not hurt you; only help you, if you are eating a good diet so that you are obtaining your proper amounts of calcium and other minerals from your food. In contrast, regular water often contains an excess of inorganic sodium, chlorine, sulfur, fluorine, iron, chromium, lead, and other undesirable mineralsand in far greater amounts than the body could possible use. We can be thankful that small, inexpensive home distillers are now easily available. Joseph M. Price, M.D., has done careful research into the relationship of chlorinated water to atherosclerosis in the arteries. He found so much evidence that he wrote a book about it, entitled, Coronaries/Cholesterol/Chlorine. For example, after seven months every chicken fed chlorinated water had developed atherosclerosis, while no chickens fed pure water had it. Here is another interesting fact: American soldiers killed in the Korean War averaged 75% with evidence of coronary atherosclerosis, yet had an average age of only 22! In order to avoid disease, the water given the soldiers in Korea had been very heavily chlorinated. Cadmium in water increases high blood pressure. Dr. Henry Schroeder has established that people who die of high blood pressure complications tend to have an unusually high level of cadmium in their kidneys. And this most frequently occurs in certain cities with higher cadmium content in the drinking water. Lead, copper, and sulfur can also be dangerous. Zinc in the water helps to protect the body against cadmium and copper. Patients with either hypertension or atherosclerotic heart disease or an old myocardial infraction generally have higher copper and lower zinc levels in the serum and toenail samples, according to the World Health Organization. If you have the choice, when drinking water from pipes, it is better to drink hard water than soft water. The hard water, which mainly has calcium and magnesium in it, will lower your chances of acquiring cardiovascular and kidney diseases. The "Journal of the American Medical Association" for October 7, 1974, reported on Monroe County, Florida, where, by changing its source, the hardness of the drinking water was dramatically increased from 0.5 ppm to 200 ppm. "The death rates from cardiovascular disease dropped from a range of 500 to 700 to a range of 200 to 300 only four years after the increase in water hardness." Oddly enough, you can purchase water-softening equipment and supplies,but no one sells anything to artificially harden it. Hard water results primarily from the presence of calcium and magnesium salts in the water, while softness is due to the absence of these salts. These two minerals help protect the water from absorbing dangerous minerals from the groundor from pipes. The average person will, by the age of 75, have drunk 20,000 gallons of water. Stop and think about it for a momentand you will agree with the statement of scientists that this is the "water planet." Not only is six tenths of its surface covered by water, but water is the essential factor that makes all life possible. No plant, animal, or living organism can survive long without it.
Your body is 60% water. The countless millions of cells inside of you are constantly being bathed in water. And this is not merely a soaking process, but a rewashing activity done by your blood stream. Water in the blood brings nutrition and oxygen to your tissues, and carries off wastes. If injury occurs, coagulants come out of the fluid and stop the bleeding, while white blood cells emerge from the blood stream and begin attacking poisonous substances. Delicate chemical balances are maintained by the flowing blood, as hormones, digestive substances, and many other vital substances are transported through the body fluids to their appointed place. It is no wonder that this most precious commodity should be needed by mankindnot only inside but outside as well. Frequent bathing is a very important health practice. It should be done at least once a week, but a daily bath or shower is even better. Warm baths relax; hot baths prepare for cold ones and strengthen and invigorate; all baths help cleanse the skin. There are millions of tiny poreslittle mouthsthat open out onto your skin. Bathing cleans them and removes the impurities that they bring to the surface. But, in all your consideration of the values of water, do keep in mind that a better use of water must be accompanied by corresponding improvements in the diet also.
HYDROTHERAPY Now let us turn our attention to one of the marvelous uses of water: hydrotherapy. In our book, The Water Therapy Manual (see order sheet), we present the various principles involved in giving simple water treatments to the sick. But, just now, let us summarize some of what is included in this science of water therapy: Hydrotherapy has been used for thousands of years, for it is generally available, so dramatically helps many sicknesses, and is easy to apply. In 1747, John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, wrote a textbook on hydrotherapy. Vincent Priessnitz, a Silesian peasant, was the first to organize these simple folk remedies into a science. He successfully treated so many people with hot and cold water that he became well-known throughout Europe. Unfortunately, he wrote nothing. The first modern water therapy textbook originated in Bavaria in 1886. Like Priessnitz, Sebastian Kneipp had been frail as a child and youth, and attained unusual physical stamina through the use of water therapy. When he began treating the sick, thousands flocked to him from all over the continent. His classic book on the subject, My Water Cure. Kneipp's hope was that his book would help people throughout the world. And it did. The English edition alone underwent fifty printings in its first ten years. Water-cure establishments, or "hydros," sprang up all over Germany and Europe, later spreading to the United States. In the late 1800s, Dr. J. Winternitz, of Vienna, discovered that hydrotherapy worked because of its direct and indirect effects on the nervous system. The temperature of the water, the percussion of the water, and the body part receiving it determined how it would help the body. By 1906, Dr. John H. Kellogg, in the United States, has written his mammoth "Rational Hydrotherapy," the first scientific text on this subject, and for depth of coverage has not been surpassed to this day. Here is a brief description of what some of these simple water treatments are like. There would not, of course, be room in this brief tract to explain how to give them all. But we will include some excerpts from our full-length book, The Water Therapy Manual (see order sheet). LOCAL BATHSHot, cold, or alternate hot and cold water may be applied to most any part of the body to produce desired effects. The alternate hot and cold bath is one of the most frequently used. Simply fill two containers larger than the part to be treated, and fill with hot and cold water. Then immerse the body part in hot, then cold water. The usual interval is 3 minutes in the hot and then 1 minute in the cold; repeat this three times, ending with cold. SITZ BATHSThis is the "sitting bath," and is very helpful for problems of the lower abdomen or pelvic region, including menstrual disorder, diseases of the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes, prostatitis, constipation, and digestive disorders. There are several kinds of Sitz Baths and, when needed suddenly, they can be invaluable. Two large galvanized or plastic tubs are used in giving them. For maximum benefit, these baths must be done several times a day, depending on the person's condition. The effect is to increase the circulation of blood and lymph to the pelvic region, remove internal congestion, and improve tissue vitality and nutrition. THE WET SHEET PACKSThe Wet Sheet Pack is used with many acute diseases, especially conditions with fever or due to toxemia. As a result of the pack, if continued 3 hours or all night, the fever will have been aided in its work by increased elimination and thus be lowered due to decreased need, by the body, for the fever. Do not reuse the sheet used for a prolonged Wet Sheet Pack without first washing it, since it contains many toxins. FOMENTATIONSWhere prolonged heat is needed, the pack is replenished frequently, as with continuous cold compresses. The duration of the Fomentation depends on the temperature of this hot compress and the effect desired. The effect of local heat stops pain, draws healing blood, and helps induce sound, restful sleep. This application of moist heat to the body is excellent for chest congestion due to colds, bronchitis, or pleurisy. ENEMASThis old-fashioned home treatment has proven to be a great help to many people over the years. Waste matter is primarily eliminated from the body through the bowel, bladder, skin, and lungs. A person who is sick has more wastes than normal to expel, and an Enema or colonic is very helpful in eliminating them. Here are two sample water treatments. They are quoted from the author's book, The Water Therapy Manual (see order sheet). COLD COMPRESS WHAT IT ISA Cold Compress is a local application of cold given by means of a cloth wrung out of cold water. Either hand towels or cotton cloths may be used. HOW IT CAN HELP YOUThe Cold Compress is very helpful in cases of fever, pain due to edema or trauma (such as sprains). And they are used for congestion in the sinuses and for congestive headaches (for both of these, use a Cold Compress along with a Hot Foot Bath). In addition, they are helpful for tachycardia (heartbeat over a 100 per minute). HOW TO APPLY IT
ADDITIONAL POINTSUnless the application is quite thick, and always when it is left on too long (over 3-5 minutes), the application changes from a cold compress to a heating compress. And when you are applying a Cold Compress, you do not want it to turn into a Heating Compress! WHAT IT ISThese are applications of cold cloths, covered with flannel, to a body area. The body reacts and heats up the pack and the result is improved circulation and a better flow of healing blood in and out of the afflicted area.
WHAT IT ISThis is a cold compress that is so covered up that warming soon takes place. The effect produced is that of a mild, prolonged application of moist heat. HOW IT CAN HELP YOUGradually, over several hours, a throat compress can reduce inflammation and bring healing to a body part. A cold, wet cloth is placed about the throat, then covered with dry flannel to prevent air circulation, thus increasing body heat in that area. Mothers will often place a heating compress on a child with a sore throat in the evening and take it off the next morning. The compress should be dry by then. PROBLEMS IT CAN HELP SOLVEThe Throat Compress is a very common household remedy for sore throat, hoarseness, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, quinsy, and eustachian tube inflammation. WHAT YOU WILL NEED2 or 3 thicknesses or ordinary cotton cloth about 3 inches wide and long enough to encircle the neck twice. Two thicknesses of flannel not less than 4 inches wide. Safety pins. Possibly a piece of bandage. HOW TO APPLY IT
SPIRITUAL LESSONS Not only our bodies need washing, our souls need it as well. We are to be washed by the Word, as we daily study in the Bible. It brings cleansing and strength. "He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." (Psalm 107:20). "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom." (Colossians 3:16).
There is cleansing power in studying Scripture. By doing it daily, we receive an ongoing washing through the Word. "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy Word." (Psalm 119:9). "Now are ye clean through the word which I have spoken unto you." (John 15:3). This occurs as we pray for help, learn anew His Word,and bring it into our souls by living it out in our lives each day. "Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee." (Psalm 119:11). "By the words of Thy lips, I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer." (Psalm 17:4). While Jesus was here on earth, He also gave us another exampleif we would follow in His steps: "Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him." (Matthew 3:13). He was baptized by John the Baptist, not because He had sinned, but as an example to us. The Father was pleased with what He had done (Matthew 3:17). Then Jesus later commanded His disciples to baptize converts from all nations. "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." (Matthew 28:19). This is a command of Jesus which we are to follow, after learning God's special truths in Scripture and dedicating our lives to Him.
John was baptized at Aenon, "because there was much water there" (John 3:23). Jesus, our example, "went up straightway out of the water" (Matthew 3:16). It is obvious that this was baptism by immersion, not merely sprinkling. Had John used sprinkling, one pail of water would have sufficed for a great host of people. Philip and the eunuch also went into, and came out of, the water (Acts 8:36-39). Philip had immersed the man in a pool of water by the side of the road. The very word, "baptize" comes from the Greek word, "baptizo," which means "dip under," "immerse," or "plunge under." The meaning is definitely not "sprinkle" or "pour." It is clear, from the Bible, that baptism represents a complete death to the old way of life, a burial with Christ, and a rising with Him out of death into a new life. The "old man of sin" is dead and, rising, we become a "new creature" in Christ. This is the meaning of baptismwhich obviously must be by immersion. Read this carefully:
Before baptism, the candidate must be carefully taught (Matthew 28:19-20); he must believe (Mark 16:16); he must repent of his sins (Acts 2:38); he must be willing to die to sin (Romans 67:3, 11-13); He must be ready to live for God (Romans 6:11, 13). In addition to baptism, there is another water service that we are to perform: the ordinance of foot washing, in connection with the Lord's Supper. God's plan is for us to keep, in memory, Christ's death and resurrection, and our baptism into it. Some think that Sunday must be kept holy in commemoration of Christ's resurrection. but, according to Scripture (1 Corinthians 15:2-4, quoted above), the ordinance which commemorates Christ's resurrection is Baptism. In addition to baptism, the Lord's Supper commemorates Christ's death.