DRUG HABITS, ELIMINATING (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)(1) ALCOHOLISM GENERALAseptic dietary, especially fruits. Meats and flesh foods must be strictly prohibited, also meat juices, broths, and all preparations of flesh. Fomentation over the stomach twice a day with Hot Abdominal Pack between applications; short sweating baths (Radiant Heat Bath, sweating Wet Sheet Pack), followed by Wet Sheet Rub. Graduated Cold Baths twice a day. INSOMNIANeutral Bath at bed time, 940-960 F., 20-60 minutes; Hot Abdominal Pack at night. See "Insomnia." VOMITINGIce pills swallowed, ice bag over stomach, hot and cold compress over stomach. DELIRIUM TREMENSRest in bed; Hot Full Bath 5 minutes, Hot Blanket Pack, followed by sweating Wet Sheet Pack; Neutral Bath 1-2 hours or longer twice a day; Ice Cap; hot Fomentations over stomach and abdomen every 3 hours for 15 minutes; during interval between, Heating Compress, changing every 30-60 minutes; copious water drinking; large Enema daily. Exclusive fruit diet for 2-3 days. COUNTERACT NARCOTIC EFFECTS OF ALCOHOLCold Shower; water drinking or Enema, followed by short Cold Douche to spine and lower sternum. Repeat every hour or two if necessary, until the toxic effects disappear. NEPHRITISUsually present in acute alcoholism; treat as for kidney disease. GENERAL METHODHe must be placed in a proper environment; isolation and confinement may be required. Suitable mental and moral influences must be brought to bear. (2) OPIUM, COCAINE, AND RELATED HABITS GENERALRest in bed; sweating baths (such as Radiant Heat Bath, Steam Bath) twice a day for 3 days, before withdrawing the drug. Follow bath by vigorous cold applications. While withdrawing the drug, the leading symptoms may be successfully combated as follows: NERVOUSNESS, RESTLESSNESS, "INDESCRIBABLE SENSATIONS"Prolonged Neutral Bath at 920-940 F. for 10 minutes; Neutral Douche at 920 F. for 2-4 minutes. CARDIAC WEAKNESSCold Compress over heart or Ice Bag over heart; alternate (hot and then cold) applications to the spine; Cold Mitten Friction; Cold Towel Rub, repeating treatment hourly if necessary. VOMITINGHot and Cold Trunk Pack, Ice Bag over stomach and spine, Hot Leg Pack. DIARRHEAHot Enema after each movement; Cold Compress over abdomen, changed every 30 minutes. LOCAL PAINRevulsive Compresses, alternate compress or hot and cold Compress. INSOMNIA AFTER WITHDRAWALWet Sheet Pack; Prolonged Neutral Bath, 20-60 minutes; prolonged Neutral spray Douche, 3-5 minutes; Heating Leg Pack; Hot Abdominal Pack; cold head cap (Ice Cap). GENERAL METHODSame as for alcoholism. Withdraw gradually within 2-3 days. (3) TOBACCO HABIT GENERALDrop the drug at once. Put him to bed. Sweating procedures (such as Radiant Heat Bath, Steam Bath, sweating Wet Sheet Pack) twice daily; follow with short cold application, as Shallow Cold Bath, Wet Sheet Rub, or Cold Douche. Alternate hot and cold Compress to spine 3 times a day; Hot Abdominal Pack day and night, renewing 3 times daily; copious water drinking; large Colonic daily. (4) TEA AND COFFEE HABIT GENERALDiscontinue the use of the drug at once. If necessary, employ some harmless cereal substitute. Neutral Bath at bedtime; Fomentation over abdomen; alternate Sponging of the spine; Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub before rising in the morning; Hot Abdominal Pack night and day, changing morning, noon, and night; short sweating Wet Sheet Pack or Steam Bath 2-3 times a week, followed by a cold application. Also see "Tobacco Withdrawal," "Alcohol Withdrawal," "Coffee Withdrawal," and "Drug Withdrawal." TOBACCO WITHDRAWALSYMPTOMSA continual craving for tobacco in some form. If the person smokes, there is irritation and inflammation of throat and lungs, chronic cough, chronic bronchitis, and premature aging of the skin. This eventually leads to lung cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, emphysema, respiratory ailments, heart disease, stroke, and/or many other diseased conditions and cancers. Women will have intensified problems with menstruation and menopause, and men will have greater prostate trouble. Women who smoke age twice as fast as other women. Their skin rapidly ages; and the result is a dull, lifeless, gray, deteriorating complexion, and wrinkles. If one chews tobacco, there is irritation and inflammation of the lips, mouth, teeth, throat, and esophagus. This eventually leads to cancer of the lip, mouth, tongue, larynx, esophagus, pharynx, and other diseases. CAUSESNicotine is remarkable for the vast number of harmful chemicals it naturally contains, and those which are added to it during growth or processing of the leaves. Nicotine is also remarkable for its addictive qualities. It ranks with heroin, and some who have been hooked on both declare it to be worse to quit than heroin. Like heroin, cocaine, and alcohol, tobacco gives a sense of relaxing while making the heart pump harder (12-25 beats per minute faster), causing palpitations and a generalized feeling of anxiety. For the smoker who takes the last puff before bedtime, the circulatory system is only normal 2 hours out of every 24. Each cigarette destroys 25 mg of vitamin C; a full pack in one day eliminates more of this vitamin than is in the diet. In America alone, tobacco causes 35% of all cancer deaths, 78% of all fatal heart attacks, 18% of deaths of all kinds, 85% of lung cancer, and 85% of obstructive pulmonary disease. More Americans die each year from smoking than from alcohol, illegal drugs, traffic accidents, murder, or suicide. Those coffin nails shorten lifespan by at least 15-20 years. These are some of the blessings you get from the nicotine: lead, carcinogens, cadmium, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and over 5,000 other irritating chemicals in tobacco. Tobacco not only injures you, but it also damages those around you: your spouse, your children, your unborn, and fellow workmen. Did you know that the breath of a smoker contains slightly more nicotine than the side smoke from his cigarette? Men and women who smoke are constantly exhaling air into the room for their children to breathe. TREATMENT
HYDROHere are suggestions from the author's book, Water Therapy Manual (see order sheet): Heating and Sweating Packs are also used for the elimination of nicotine from the body, which lessens the physical craving for more tobacco (p. 64). The Steam Bath is also useful in tobacco addictions (p. 131). Eliminating the tobacco habit: Drop the drug at once. Put him to bed. Sweating procedures (such as Radiant Heat Bath, Steam Bath, sweating Wet Sheet Pack), twice daily; follow with short cold application, as Shallow Cold Bath, Wet Sheet Rub, or Cold Douche. Alternate hot and cold Compress to spine 3 times a day; Hot Abdominal Pack day and night, renewing 3 times daily; copious water drinking; large Colonic daily (p. 192). See the author's book, You can Quit Tobacco (see order sheet), now in his book compilation, Help for Your Family (see order sheet). It is full of worthwhile information. ENCOURAGEMENTGod can give you the help you need. Go to Him and tell Him you need His help. Surrender your life to Him. In His strength, you can overcome the tobacco habit. ALCOHOL WITHDRAWALSYMPTOMSDependence on, and addiction to, alcoholic beverages. Depression; blackouts; hangovers; vehicle, and other, arrests; ulcers; emotional problems; flushing of the face; forgetfulness; heart palpitation; indigestion; insomnia; urinary problems; hepatitis; hypertension; divorce; hard drugs; and numbness in the extremities. CAUSESAlcohol is absorbed directly through the walls of the stomach, without digestion. It then travels in the bloodstream to every cell in the body, where it extracts water. This weakens or kills cells. The effect on the liver, brain, and vital organs is especially damaging. Most alcoholics are either hypoglycemic or borderline diabetics. In addition, alcohol produces severe nutritional deficiencies. The body thinks it is well-fed (alcohol contains 70 calories per ounce), when it is being slowly starved. The liver slowly breaks the alcohol down to sugar. Eventually the difficult task weakens this vital organ, and fatty liver degeneration begins. Scar tissue develops; the experts call it cirrhosis. Alcohol is deceptive: It makes a person feel happy when he is miserable, and makes him feel strong when he is weak. It ruins his liver, destroys his marriage, hurts his children, eliminates his employment, and makes a bum out of him. The liquor industry should be closed down. TREATMENT
HYDROHere are suggestions from the author's book, Water Therapy Manual (see order sheet): The Neutral Wet Sheet Pack is excellent for alcoholic delirium. A Neutral Bath will accomplish the same purpose as a Neutral Pack, and probably do it better (p. 63). Heating and Sweating Packs are also used for alcoholism (p. 64). The Neutral Bath has been successful in bringing quiet and rest to alcoholic delirium tremens (p. 124). Withdraw alcohol at once; nutritive enemas; copious water drinking; Neutral Colonic daily, for a week (p. 211). The Steam Bath is also useful in chronic alcoholism (p. 131). Eliminating alcoholism General: Nourishing food, especially fruits. Meats and flesh foods must be strictly prohibited, also meat juices, broths, and all preparations of flesh. Fomentation over the stomach, twice a day, with Hot Abdominal Pack between applications; short sweating baths (Radiant Heat Bath, sweating Wet Sheet Pack), followed by Wet Sheet Rub; Graduated Cold Baths twice a day. Insomnia: Neutral Bath at bedtime, 94o-96o F., 20-60 minutes; Hot Abdominal Pack at night. Vomiting: Ice pills swallowed, ice bag over stomach, hot and cold compress over stomach. Delirium tremens: Rest in bed; Hot Full Bath for 5 minutes; Hot Blanket Pack, followed by sweating Wet Sheet Pack; Neutral Bath 1-2 hours or longer twice a day; Ice Cap; hot Fomentations over stomach and abdomen every 3 hours, for 15 minutes; during intervals between; Heating Compress, changing every 30-60 minutes; copious water drinking; large Enema daily. Exclusive fruit diet for 2-3 days. Counteract narcotic effects of alcohol: Cold Shower; water drinking or Enema, followed by short Cold Douche to spine and lower sternum. Repeat every hour or two, if necessary, until the toxic effects disappear. Nephritis: Usually present in acute alcoholism, and must be dealt with. General Method: He must be placed in a proper environment; isolation and temporary confinement may be required. Suitable mental and moral influences must be brought to bear (p. 191). Also see the author's book, You Can Quit Alcohol (see order sheet), now in his larger book, Help for Your Family (see order sheet). ENCOURAGEMENTOnly in Christ's strength can you be strong to resist the temptations which assail you. Plead with God for forgiveness. Accept Christ as your Saviour, and ask Him to make you a new person. If you are determined to stand true, and cry to Him moment by moment as His little child, He can help you overcome. COFFEE WITHDRAWALPROBLEMSCoffee and black tea are both addictive and damaging to the system. If you think you are not addicted to your coffee, try immediately terminating its use. HYDROThe following suggestions for withdrawing from the coffee and black tea addictions are from the author's book, Water Therapy Manual (see order sheet): Discontinue the use of the drug at once. If necessary, employ some harmless cereal substitute. Neutral Bath at bedtime; Fomentation over abdomen; alternate Sponging of the spine; Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub before rising in the morning; Hot Abdominal Pack night and day, changing morning, noon, and night; short sweating Wet Sheet Pack or Steam Bath 2-3 times a week, followed by a cold application (p. 192). There is one flaw in the above formula (which originally came from John Harvey Kellogg at the turn of the century). It is now known that, when it is regularly used, the body enters into a very special chemical dependency on coffee. Immediate withdrawal can cause heart problems. Therefore, gradually go off coffee, taking less and less of it, over a seven-day period. ENCOURAGEMENTGod can help you, just where you are. He can reach down and lift you up, and help you overcome the coffee habit. DRUG WITHDRAWALSYMPTOMSDecreased desire to work, inattentiveness, extreme drowsiness, frequent mood swings, loss of appetite, and restlessness. Prolonged use may result in damage to cells and chromosomes; male sterility; respiratory organs, liver, kidney damage; and cancer. Withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, headache, diarrhea, sensitivity to light and noise, hot and cold flashes, sweating, deep depression, irritability, disorientation, and irrational thinking. CAUSESThere are legal drugs, called medicinal drugs. You can obtain these at a pharmacy, either with or without a prescription. There are also illegal ones, called hard drugs or street drugs. These include narcotics, stimulants, barbiturates, and hallucinogens. In nearly every instance, drugs are toxic and dangerous. There are exceptions; these are natural products which the FDA erroneously classifies as "drugs." (See "Drug Rash.") Included here are such things as charcoal tablets and peppermint tea. People often start taking street drugs such as nicotine, alcohol, and coffee, thinking them to be harmless, enjoyable, or beneficial. But they are neither. Frequently the dose is increased, to obtain the same pleasant effect; but an overdose may eventually occur, and death results. TREATMENT Withdrawal must be done. When a person is highly dependent on a drug, it is best that the dose gradually be reduced slowly, over a four-week period. Regarding the hard drugs, it is best that withdrawal be done under professional guidance. Nutritious food should be eaten along with heavy vitamin/mineral supplementation. Vitamin C and the B complex are especially important. Drink lots of water and get extra rest. Take sweat baths, to help excrete poisons. HYDROThe following hydrotherapy methods used for opium, cocaine, and related habits are from the author's book, Water Therapy Manual (see order sheet): General: Rest in bed. Sweating baths (such as Radiant Heat Bath, Steam Bath) twice a day for 3 days before withdrawing the drug. Follow bath by vigorous cold applications. While withdrawing the drug, the symptoms may be successfully combated as follows: Nervousness, restlessness, "indescribable sensations": Prolonged Neutral Bath at 92o-94o F., for 10 minutes; Neutral Douche at 92o F. for 2-4 minutes. Cardiac weakness: Cold Compress or Ice Bag over heart; alternate (hot and then cold) applications to the spine; Cold Mitten Friction; Cold Towel Rub, repeating treatment hourly if necessary. Vomiting: Hot and Cold Truck Pack, Ice Bag over stomach and spine, Hot Leg Pack. Diarrhea: Hot Enema after each movement; Cold Compress over abdomen, changed every 30 minutes. Local pain: Revulsive Compresses, alternate or hot and cold Compress. Insomnia after withdrawal: Wet Sheet pack; Prolonged Neutral Bath, 20-60 minutes; Heating Leg Pack; Hot Abdominal Pack; cold Ice Cap. General Method: Same as for alcoholism. Withdraw gradually within 2-3 days (pp. 191-192). Also see "Alcohol Withdrawal" and "Tobacco Withdrawal." ENCOURAGEMENTEvery habit can be resisted and overcome in the strength of Christ. He died to forgive your sins and strengthen you to resist the temptations of the devil. Trust in Him, live for Him, and determine that you shall do what is right. |