Health Notes #1
The Best Medicine
(and there's NO calories)
Ever had a headache? Silly question; Right?! Try this. Drink a
couple glasses of water and put your feet in a pail of
comfortably-hot water with a cool cloth on your head. Try it. It
just may work.
Doctor after doctor has recommended that if most of their
patients would just drink more water, most of their health
problems would disappear. How about you? Visualize your daily
water intake by using a two-quart pitcher and cup, or drinking
from a two-quart jar.
Forcing the body to work with insufficient amounts of fluid is
like trying to wash the dinner dishes in a cupful of water. When
you don't drink enough water, the body must excrete wastes in a
more concentrated form, causing body odor, bad breath, and
unpleasant smelling urine. If wastes from the body aren't
eliminated as rapidly as they should be then there is no way that
we can feel as good and energetic as we should.
Water gives your body the internal shower that it needs each
day. We should drink enough to keep the urine pale during the
day. The body loses about 10-12 cups of water through the skin,
lungs, and elimination. Food provides two to four cups of water,
leaving us six to eight glasses of water to drink.
Get into the habit of drinking upon rising, midmorning,
midafternoon, and early evening. Add a twist of lemon for a
little flavor.
When the sodas are passed around or when the waitress hands
you a glass of water and then asks you what you would like to
drink, just say, Thank you. Waters fine. Its not only better for
you but its certainly a lot cheaper.
- 9 c. sliced apples
- 1 c apple juice concentrate
- 3 T cornstarch
- 3/4 tsp. coriander or apple pie seasoning of your choice.
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/2 c. raisins or dates (opt.)
Wash, core and slice apples. Put first two ingredients in
saucepan and cook for 10 minutes until apples are soft. Mix
remaining ingredients in small bowl, stir into apples. Cook two
minutes more. Spoon into unbaked pie shell. Cover with top crust
or lattice. Bake at 350O
f. for 45-60 minutes. For an attractive, shiny glaze, brush
orange juice concentrate over the crust after removing pie from
the oven. Serve hot or cold.
Yield: 1 rounded 9" pie
- 1/3 c. oil
- 1/2 c. warm water
- 1 T. liquid lecithin
- 1 c. whole wheat flour
- l c. oat flour
- 1 tsp. salt
Blend in blender 1 cup of oats to make the oat flour. If you
can't get lecithin, then leave it out, but it does make the crust
flakier. Try part whole wheat and part white until you are
comfortable with the results. In a bowl, beat well first three
ingredients with a fork. In another bowl, stir together flours
and salt. Add liquids to the dry, stirring just enough until
dough is formed. Do not overmix because crust will be tough.
Place plastic wrap over wet counter and half of dough in the
center then roll with another piece of plastic on top of the
dough. Remove top plastic and flip the dough and bottom plastic
over the pie plate. Pull off plastic slowly, repeat for the top
crust, roll edges and flute. Whole Wheat crust browns faster so
you may need to put foil around the edges towards the end of the
baking time.
Makes good crackers; roll thin right on cookie sheet, cut
dough, prick with a fork and watch carefully as you bake.
The reward of a thing well done
is to have done it. Emerson
A candle looses nothing of its
light by lighting another candle.