Health Notes #8
Breathe For Life
Breathing is not done just with our lungs. Every cell in our body must
breathe to stay alive. Breathing starts with our lungs but extends to all parts
of the body by means of our red blood cells.
Improper breathing results in less oxygen in the lungs and less energy-filled
oxygen for transport to the body cells. You will notice with most adults that
they have very little movement in the abdominal area while breathing. The chest
goes up and down instead. Most adults have forgotten or restricted the normal
breathing pattern which they had normally at birth.
How we breathe makes a lot of difference to the quality of life and our zest
for living. Shallow and restricted breathing leads to fatigue, exhaustion,
anemia, and depression. If you have any of these symptoms, or even if you don't,
try breathing using your abdominal muscles more.
Failure to breathe properly robs us in every area of life--memory,
creativity, concentration. It also dulls such fine points of mental activity as
will power, discernment, and judgment. It also affects our feelings such as
pain, anger, and low self-esteem.
Purposely breathe with your abdominal muscles protruding with each
inspiration and retracting on exhaling. Take your breaths using your nose and
not your mouth. This is important because the nasal membranes warm, filter, and
add moisture to the inspired air.
Practice breathing this way until it becomes a habit. It will take
concentration, diligence, and perseverance to reverse the patterns established
over many years. But the reward is worth the effort.
If you live in the country take advantage of the fresh air. Open the windows
and let the outside in. Even in the winter there should be some ventilation. It
is better to have cool air with oxygen than warm air that stifles.
Bedroom ventilation is most important. During most of the year its windows
should be partially open at night. During the winter, you could have indirect
ventilation by opening a window in an adjacent room, such as a bathroom, to
avoid a direct draft.
Best of all, get outside and take a vigorous walk, work on a garden, or do
some other useful exercise fit for just you.
- 2 Tbs. lemon juice
- 4 c. sliced or grated apples
- 4 c. ½" bread cubes
- ½ c. wheat germ or ground granola
- 1½ c. apple juice concentrate (12oz.)
- ½ tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- ½ c. toasted peanuts or other nuts
- ½ c. raisins
- 1 tsp. coriander (optional)
Slice or grate apples into lemon juice and mix in bowl to coat apples. Add
remaining ingredients. Stir together carefully in order not to break bread
cubes. Spoon into lightly sprayed 9"X 13" baking dish. Do not pack.
Bake at 400o F. for 30 minutes. You may need to cover during part of
the baking depending on your oven. Serve hot with nut or soy milk.
Note: To make ground granola, blend your favorite granola in your blender
until fine.
This can be served as a breakfast dish or as a dessert. Try spooning the Lemon
Sauce recipe in Health Notes #4 over the top.
- 1 c. bread crumbs
- 1 T. flour
- 1 med. chopped onion
- 2 T. soy sauce
- ½ c. chopped nuts
- ½ tsp. garlic pwd.
- 1 c. raw grated potatoes
Add just enough milk or water to hold together. Flatten mixture in a bread
pan or small casserole and serve it as a loaf.
Bake until potatoes are done at 350o F. You can also shape into
burgers, about 1/3 c. size. I use a measuring cup as a scoop. These come apart
easily but are very good. Serve with gravy or tomato sauce, if you choose.
- 1 c. water
- ¾ c. unsweetened coconut
- 1 T. cornstarch
- ¼ tsp. salt
- 3 T. honey
- 1 tsp. vanilla
Blend well. Pour into saucepan, and thicken, stirring constantly. Cool and
spread on cake, cupcakes, or strawberry shortcake.
• A poor man can be a happy man,
- But a happy man is never a poor man.