Will You Love Me Still?
In 2010, our paths crossed again at a Living Light Culinary Arts Institute in California. We were intrigued that we had all independently come to similar conclusions about our diets and had begun practicing "beyond raw" cuisine. As we discussed this coincidence, we decided it was important to share our adjusted raw food diet with our followers.
Raw & Beyond
Will You Love Me Still?
Dear Friends,
We are excited to present to you our two new books. Both books are available now only for pre-order and will be mailed during the first week of January.
By Valya Boutenko
WILL YOU LOVE ME STILL is a story about unconditional love between a young girl and her rambunctious cat. These delightful illustrations and heartwarming tale will leave readers of any age smiling.
Price: $8.95 each, available for pre-order by clicking here or going to http://www.rawfamily.com/products The first 100 copies of "Will You Love Me Still?" will have Valya's autograph on the cover.
Raw and Beyond
Raw and Beyond
By Victoria Boutenko, Elaina Love, Chad Sarno
In this book we present our revised approach to raw food. All three of us discovered the benefits of eating raw at about the same time, some seventeen years ago. Throughout this period, we often participated in the same events, either serving raw food or teaching others how to prepare it.
Raw Family
Visit the Green Smoothies Blog for the latest information from Victoria about Green Smoothies and their amazing benefits. www.greensmoothiesblog.com
Visit our Newsletter Archives, by clicking here. You will find archived copies of Raw Family Newsletters dating back to 2005.
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