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Investments, diamond, 133-137 Isabella, Queen, 170
Jaccard's, 159
J ackson, Richard, 42 agersfontein diamond, the, 59 Jeweler, professional status of the,
162, 163 Jewelers Circular-Keystone, 131 Joel, Solly, 66 Jonker diamond, the, 58, 73
story of, 73, 74 Jonker, Jacobus, 73,74 Joseph Bros., 65 Josephine, Empress, period, 178 Jubilee diamond, tie, 58, 74, 75 story of, 74, 75
Kafka, Sam H., 224
Kaufmann's Department Store, 160
Kimberley Mine, 29, 30, 42, 47
King Leopold II, 66
Koh-I-Noor, story of the, 15-20, 77,
186 Kollur mines, 23 Kunz, George Frederick, 201
Labor conditions, 44 Lalique, 146 Law, John, 209, 210 Lebolt & Company, 159 Left hand, third finger, superstitions
about ring on, 204, 205 Leisme Hours Among the Gems,
203 Lemoine, Henry, 201, 202, 203 Leonardus, 3 Lichtenburg, discovery of, 61, 62,
64 Light, 11
refraction of, 11 Litkie, V., & Co., 65 Lobo, Bernardo da Fonesca, 23 London Chronicle, 194, 195 Louis XIV, 99, 100, 172, 220 Louis XV, 172, 173 Louis XVI, 172
Madison, Dolly, 189
Magma, 215, 216
Mahabharata, The, 15
Maiden Lane, 122
Mail-order houses, 161
Mainbocher, 187
Marie Antoinette, 172-177
Marks Brothers, 161
Marquand, Isaac, 154, 155
Martin, F. Townsend, 194
Mary, Queen, 186, 187
Mary Stuart, 182
Mauboussin, George, 95
Max's, 161
Mazarin, Cardinal Jules, 79, 99, 100
Medici family, the, 166, 167, 168
Medici, Marie, 171
Medicinal qualities attributed to dia­mond by Hindus, 204, 205
Melee, 107-111, 142
Mercer, Marion, 9, 27
Metropolitan Opera House, 190, 191
Mohs, Frederick, 5 table, 5, 6
Monographs of AI-Kazwini, 200
Montgomery Ward & Company, 161
Moore, Edward C, 156
Moore, John Chandler, 156
Morse, Henry, 104
Mosenthals, 65
Mystery Stone, the, 52-55
McAllister, Ward, 193
McLean, Edward B., 221
Namaqualand, discovery of, 61, 62,
63 Napoleon, Louis, 157,158, 210, 211
Nassak diamond, the, 93-96 National Association of Credit Jew­elers, 233, 234 National Association of Goldsmiths,
7 Nelson, Lord, 184,185 Netherlands, The, 100, 101, 118-