
Latin Mineral Index

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Cyamea, unknown mineral, probably a
concretion, 14 Cyanus, sapphire, 108, 114, 115, 130, 147 Cyprius, smoky quartz, 139
Dactylus idaeus, fossil belemnite, 6, 96 Daphnia, unknown gemstone, 144 Dendrachates, moss agate, 141 Dendrites, coral, 81 Diadochos, probably beryl, possibly
quartz, 127 Dionysias, unknown stone, probably
cryptocrystalline quartz, 144 Diphryges, slag, 190, 191-192, 212 Diphyis, concretion, 14, 98, 112 Draconites {dracontias), unknown stone,
Ebenum, petrified wood pt.; possibly a
black concretion pt., 9, 166-167 Egula, sulphur, 59 Electrwn, gold-silver alloy, 19, 170, 183-
184, 184-185 amber, 73 Encardia, fossil, 142 Encrinos, crinoid, 98 Enhydros, enhydros, 102-104, 220 Enorchis, concretion pt.; fossil pt., 14,
98, 112 Enosios, unknown mineral, possibly
apatite, 14, 98 Entrochos, crinoid stem, 14, 97 Epimelas, onyx, 113 Eristalis, opal, 7, 123 Erotylos, unknown stone, 144 Eumetre, cryptocrystalline quartz, 127 Eumelris, unknown mineral, 145 Eupetalos, opal, 6, 117, 143 Eurotias, unknown gemstone, 145 Eurrhoeus, fossil, 96 Eusebes, unknown gemstone, 145 Exhebenus, chalcedony, 105-112
Fabrilis, clay, 21
Ferrugo, iron rust, 36, 56, 183
Ferrum, iron, 8, 169, 182-183
Fistulosa, a porous mineral, 9
Flos aeris, cuprite pt.; red copper oxide
pt., 190, 194 Fluores, fluorite, 9, 108-109
Gaeodes, chalcedony, 14, 102-104, 220
Gagates, jet, 7, 8, 61, 66-68, 70, 71
Galaclites, calcite; probably embraces nitrates, 7, 12, 88-89, 125
Galaxias, chalk, 88
Galena, galena, 179, 204, 209
Gangitis, jet, 66, 70
Garamantites, unknown mineral, possi­bly garnet, 137
Gasidane, geode, 104
Gemonides, chalcedony, 104
Geniane, unknown gemstone, 144
Gentarus, amber, 71
Glades, gypsum, 91
Glarea, gravel, 160
Glessum, amber, probably glessite, 71, 74
Glossopetra, fossil shark's tooth, 98, 143
Gorgonia (gorgones), coral, 81, 112
Graecanica, alloy of copper, lead and tin, 186
Grammattas, green jasper with single white band, 112, 140
Granatus, principally garnet; in part beryl, zircon and other red gem-stones, 132, 136, 138
Gypsum, gypsum, 89-93, 183
Haemachates, agate, 141
Haematinon, red, opaque, artificial glass,
111 Haematites, hematite pt.; chert pt., 86-
88, 162 Hafral, petroleum, 61 Halcyonium, sea salt, cuttle-bone, coral,
80 pumice, 108 Halinitrum, niter, 44-45, 51, 188, 202,
218 Halmirhaga, hydrous sodium carbonate,
42-45 Heliolropios, heliotrope, 6, 127-128 Hemus, jasper, 144 Hephaestites, unknown stone, possibly
garnet, 7, 99, 120 Heracleus, probably basanite, 107 Heraclius, magnetite, 83 Hexacontaliihos, iris quartz, 6, 117, 143 Hexagonos, fossil, 100 Hieraciles, rock with arborescent coat­ing, 13, 99 Hieromnemon, unknown gemstone, 144 Hoplites, fossil replaced by iron sulphide,
95 Hormesion, agate, 139 Horminodes, cryptocrystalline quartz,
144 Huia, agate, 143 Hyacinihizontes, beryl, 127 Hyacinthus, blue gemstones, principally
sapphire; amethyst pt., 108, 113,
130-132, 135, 137, 138, 139, 147 Hydrargyrum, quicksilver, 174 Hyenia, unknown stone, 146 Hyophthalmos, eye-agate, 142
Icterias, ocher, 6, 144 Indica, unknown mineral, 144 Ion, amethyst, 131
Latin Mineral Index Page of 251 Latin Mineral Index
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