these belts within a distance of 2000 feet across the strike. One of the largest is opened by the Big Cut, an open pit about 300 feet long by 150 feet wide by 60 feet deep (Plate II). On the eastern edge of this cut is a shaft 150 feet deep, from the bottom of which the ore has been -Tuped upward. It is stated that the entire material from the cut averaged about $2 per ton, mill-yield. There were some rich streaks from 1 to 5 feet wide which went much higher. Two stamp-mills are situated on the property; the new mill contains 40 stamps (Plate III) and the old one (now in ruins) 30 stamps. It was proposed in 2895 to treat the Russell ores by the cyanide process; and the American Cyanide Gold and Silver Recovery Company, of Denver, Col., erected a 30-ton plant in the following year, and it is stated that experimental tests and calculations demonstrated the ability to treat the ore for $1 per ton, on a 100 ton scale, with an extraction of 85 to 90 per cent.
The Appalachian (or Coggins) mine is located near Eldorado. It is quite similar in character to the Russell, showing large bodies of lowgrade ore. The depth of the last workings wTas 160 feet. A -10-stamp mill was erected in 1887, and was moved to the Jones mine, Randolph county, in 1896.
The Morris Mountain (Davis or Dutton) mine is one mile west of the Appalachian, and the ore-bodies are similar to those of the Russell and the Appalachian.
The Riggon Hill mine is located 3 miles east of Eldorado. The ore-body consists of a quartz-vein, 2-J feet in thickness, lying in and with the slate country. It has been opened by a shaft 100 feet in depth. Some very high-grade ores (both in gold and silver) are reported from here. Prospecting work was being done during the past summer.
The Steel mine is situated about 2 miles southeast of Eldorado. The country is silieified schist, striking X. 25° E. and dipping 70° ZST.AV. The ore-bodies (9 to 12 feet in thickness) consist of the schists impregnated with sulphurets (galena, blende, chalcopyrite and pyrite) and intercalated with quartz-stringers or seams from less than one up to twelve inches in thickness. The combined thickness of these ore-seams is rarely less than 15 inches, and is sometimes more than 3 feet. The ore contains gold and silver in galena, blende, chalcopyrite and pyrite. Occasional bunches of the ore have been extremely rich, and assays of the entire mass of the vein-matter have shown values from $20 to $160 per ton. The depth of the mine is 220 feet. It was last operated by the Genesee Gold Mining Company, the ores being treated in a 10stamp mill.
The Saunders mine is an extension of the Steel.
The Moratock mine is situated 8 miles south of Eldorado. The country-rock is a massive, devitrified quartz-porphyry and volcanic