
Ch. 4: Mine Distribution in South Appalachian

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b2                                                GOLD MIXIXG IX GEORGIA.
see p. 121). Stimulated by the success of this mine, developments are being pushed on several other properties in this county, mainly along the approximate strike of the Franklin vein. The properties extend from a point about 3 miles north of the Creighton, in a more or less continuous line to the Sixes, Wilkinson, Cherokee (10 stamps), Georgiana, Cox and "Worley mines in the southwestern portion of the county. Xear the center of this belt, south of the Creighton, the Chester (formerly Latham) and the Strickland properties have been prospected.
The same auriferous belt, described above as occurring in Cherokee county, extends through a portion of Barton, Cobb and Paulding counties. In the latter county a high-grade quartz-vein has been opened up in the Yorkville mines.
In Douglas county, lenses of auriferous quartz have been explored to some extent in former years, but no active mining is carried on at present.
The Mixeral Hill mine in this county has been developed by a double-compartment shaft 120 feet in depth, sunk on the vein. At the 80-foot level the width of the ore-body is estimated to lie 15 feet. The ore is rich in sulphurets (pyrite and chalcopyrite), and is stated to have an average value of $8 per ton.
The principal mining district is in the vicinity of Villa Bica, where prospecting and development work has been quite active during recent years. The principal properties are the Clopton mine, operated by the Boston Kennesaw Mining Company; the Mineral Farm mine, 3-| miles northwest from Villa Bica; the Fine Mountain mine, operated by the Southern States Exploration and Financial Syndicate, L't'd.
Several mines have been opened in the southwestern portion of this county, lying in the belt which, to the southwest, is more extensively developed near Arbacoochee, Ala. The most important of these is the Royal (formerly known as the Camille) mine, 2i- miles southwest of Tallapoosa.
In past years the soft, semi-crystalline slates were sluiced, the loose free gold saved in the sluice boxes, the quartz milled, and the gold saved by amalgamation. In the washed-off portion, hundreds of quartzstringers, from the size of a knife blade to 5, 6 and more feet in thickness, can be seen striking almost due east and west.
Ch. 4: Mine Distribution in South Appalachian Page of 172 Ch. 4: Mine Distribution in South Appalachian
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