
Ch. 4: Mine Distribution in South Appalachian

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mines are located on a series of narrow, irregular, lenticular quartzveins having quite a flat dip. The Anna Howe was developed to a depth of about 100 feet when the vein pinched out and the mine was abandoned. The equipment consists of a Huntington mill and Frue vanner.
The Chulafinnee district is about 8 miles west of Arbacoochee, in Sections 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, T. 17, P. 9 E. As at Arbacoochee, extensive placer mining has been prosecuted here in the past, but has long since been abandoned. Recent prospecting has disclosed some rich quartz-stringers on the property of Mr. Bun-ell Higginbotham. The old King mine, at which a stamp mill was in operation over 20 years ago, is in the same vicinity.
The Turkey Heaven District comprises a series of mines situated along the base of the Turkey Heaven mountains. Among the more important properties are the Miller, the Crown Point, the Moss-Back, the Pritchard, the Lucky Joe, the Hicks-Wise, the Lee, the Crumpton, the Middlebrook, the Sutherland, the Beiinifield, the Marion-White, and the James Moore.
The Crown Point mine is equipped with a 5-stamp mill. The MossBack is one of the early discoveries; it is equipped with a 10-stamp mill. The Lucky Joe ' is the most extensively developed mine in the district. It was opened in 1893, and a stamp-mill (Fraser and Chalmers make) erected. It is stated that the mill runs saved $2.27 a ton by amalgamation, the cost of mining and milling being $1.35 to $1.45 per ton. The capacity of the mill, using 30-mesh screens, was 30 tons per day. The pay-ore lies in chimneys and shoots from 3 to 4 feet thick, dipping about 30° eastward. The workings consist of about 300 feet of drifting and cross-cutting. Apparently the development of ore did not prove satisfactory, as the mine was abandoned during the summer of 1894.
The Moss-Back mine, near the Lucky Joe, was opened in the early seventies. A 10-stamp mill was erected in 1890.
The Hieks-AYise mine was developed by a vertical shaft 110 feet deep with levels at 20, 40, and 85 feet. Of 3000 tons of ore milled it is stated that a yield of $2 per ton was obtained by amalgamation. The ores are graphitic.
The Lee mine is developed by an inclined shaft sunk to a depth of 40 feet on the dip of the ore-body (45°), on which level a drift of 121 feet in length has been run in ore, which varies from 2 to 5 feet in thickness. The plant in operation in 1894 consisted of 3 arrastras and a Blake crusher. It is stated that the ore will mill $5 per ton.
The Middlebsook is opened by an inclined shaft 20 feet deep on an ore-body 5 feet in thickness. Panning tests have shown $5 per ton.
1 For full description of this property ee Engineering and Mining Journal, vol. lvi, 1893, p. T9. by W. M. Brewer.
Ch. 4: Mine Distribution in South Appalachian Page of 172 Ch. 4: Mine Distribution in South Appalachian
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