up the ground. The ore is carried from the stopes in barrows to a platform at the mouth of the tunnel, from where it is hauled to the mill by carts.
The same vein has also been opened by a shaft, 50 feet deep, at the mill house, which is situated about 300 feet jST.E. from the mouth of the mine. A drift 300 feet long was run on the vein here, which is reported to be 14 feet thick, carrying highly sulphuretted ores, which milled $1. This part of the mine is now under water.
Other ore-bodies have been opened up to some extent, but not sufficiently to say much of their nature.
The ore is treated in a 20-stamp mill of the 150-pound Hall type, erected originally for working material from open cuts by the Dahlonega method. No crusher or mechanical feeder is used, and no concentration of the sulphurets has so far beeu attempted, although they are stated to be of high grade. The ore is fed by hand, one man attending to each ten stamps. The drop is (3 to 8 inches, GO times per minute, and the discharge is about 2 inches high. The screen used is a No. 9 Russia slot. The plates are 6 feet in length, plain copper.
For the hard ores, such as are at present mined, this mill can scarcely be considered of the best type, being too light. A crusher and automatic feeder would also be applicable here, as well as concentrators and a subsequent treatment of the sulphurets. The mill-power is furnished by a turbine wheel, obtaining its head of water from a dam across the Yahoola river.
The cost of production at the Toekhart is given as follows:
Per ton of ore.
Mining .....................................................$ .!)()
Milling .....................................................20
Other expenses .............................................10
Total cost of producing bullion..........................!Sl.o."i
The average milling value of the ore for the month ending February 3, 1895, is given as $1.15 per ton. No figures of the assay-values of the tailings could be obtained.