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Mines. Cost of Labor:
Per day.
Holders ...................................................$ .90
Strikers .................................................... 1.10
Machine-runners ........................................... 1.25
255 cords of wood at $1.30, burned per month.
Mill (2 shifts of 12 hours each). Distribution and Cost of Labor:
One superintendent .........................................$
" laborer (amalgamation) per shift ....................... 2.50
....................... 1.00
"          " (concentration) "           ....................... 1.25
" fireman per shift ...................................... 1.00
" engineer per day shift ................................. 1.75
"          per night shift ............................... 1.50
150 cords of wood at $1.50, used per month. Repairs (wear of shoes and dies, etc.), 4 cents per ton of ore.
Roasting and Chlorination. Distribution and Cost of Labor: Roasting furnaces, producing 6 tons of roasted concentrates
per 24 hours; six men, day shift, each....................$1.00
Five men, night shift, each................................. 1.00
3 cords of wood at $1.50, used per 24 hours.
Clilorinatioii (1 shift of 12 hours) working 0 tons of roasted concentrates:
Two men, each at .............'............................$1.00
One man at................................................ 1.25
Cost of roasting per ton of roasted concentrates:
$2.5S Cost of chlorinating 1 ton of roasted concentrates:
Labor......................................................$ .50
Power ......................................................12
Sulphuric acid for FeSo4.....................................06
11 pounds of bleaching powder, at 2% cents...................27%
15 pounds of sulphuric acid, at 1 cent........................15
Wear and tear..............................................10
Superintendence .............................................05
Cost of roasting and clilorinatioii per ton of raw concentrates. .$3.02 Cost of roasting and clilorinatioii per ton of ore mined.........19
Percentage of Extraction:
Mill: Tailings from concentrators...............85 to 90 cents.
Showing a yield of ......................75 to 80 per cent.
Clilorinatioii: Tailings as high as ..............$1.50
Average yield ...................94 per cent.