Booker mine, Va........................76
Boston Kennesaw inning Co., referred to.82
Bowles mine, Va........................75
Boylston mine, X. C.................69, 70 ,
Brackettown mines, N. C................60 '
Bradford jig ............................36
Brawley mine, X. C.....................63
Brewer mine, S. C.......26, 38, 77, 144-147
Brewer Mining Co., referred to.........145
Brewer, We M., referred to.........13, 86
" Brickbat " rock, denned................21
Bright mine, X. C.......................52
Brindleton (Bunker Hill) mine, X. C.....31
Brindletown, X. C, early mining popula- j
tion at ................................20
Bromination process ...................153
Brown mine, X. C.......................57
Buckingham county, Va., mines in.......76
Buckingham mine, Va...................76
Bucyrus Steam Shovel Co., referred to. .106
Buddies, use of .........................36 !
Buffalo mine, X. C...................60, 61 i
Bugbee, Wm., referred to................75
Bullion mine, X. C......................57
Bumalo pits (Haile mine)......120, 130, 132
Bumping tables, use of..................36
Bunker-Hill (Brindleton) mine, X C......31
Bunnell-Mountain mine, X. C............52
Burke county, X. C, mines in.......68, 69
Burns (Cabin Creek) miDe, X. C.. .38, 56, 57
Busby mine, Va.........................75
Butt mine, Ga..........................70
Cabarrus county, X. C, mines in.....00-62
Cabin-Creek (Burns) mine, X. C..38, 56, 57
Cabin Creek Mining Co., referred to.....57
Cagle mine, X. C........................57
Caldwell county, X. C, mines in.........68
Calhoun mine, Ga.......................80
California mine, Ala.....................89
California (Tucker) mine, X. C___38, 61, 62
Caloric Reduction Company's process... .30 Camille (Royal) mine. Ga 38, 82, 83 Campbell Mining and Seduction Co., referred to ..............................4S
Cane Creek gold deposits, Tenn..........90
Cane Creek mine, X. C..................69
Capps mine, X. C....................63-66
Carolina gold belt, description of......15-18
in Georgia. 15, 24, 84, 85 in Xorth Carolina,
15, 45-6S in South Carolina. 15, 77 mines in....45-68, 77, 85
Carolina-Igneous gold belt...............13
Carolina-Slate gold belt..................13
Carroll county, Ga., mines in............82
Carroll county, Va., occurrence of gold in.76
Carter mine, X. C.......................52
Case, ~\Ym. II., referred to...............74
Catawba county, X. C, occurrence of gold
in .....................................6S
Catawba (Kings Mountain) mine, X. C.
IS, 35, 06-6S