
Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines

Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines Page of 172 Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines Text size:minus plus Restore normal size   Mail page  Print this page
North Carolina..43-70 South Carolina. .70-78
Tennessee .........90
Virginia ........71-76
Dixon mine, N. C........................68
Dorn mine, S. C.........................77
Douglas county, Ga., occurrence of gold in.82
Drag-mill, use of........................33
Dr. Charles mine, Ga....................81
Dredge mining .................32. 106. 107
Dry Hollow mine. N. C..................52
Duffle mine, X. C........................66
Duncan mine, Va........................76
Dunn mine, N. C.....................26, 63
Dunns Mountain mine, X. C..............57
Dutch Creek mine. X. C.................60
Dutchmans Creek mine, X. C.............52
Dutton (Davis or Morris Mt.) mine, X.C. .53
Dyne Creek Co., Ala., referred to........87
Eades mine, Va......................75, 76
Eagle mine, Va..........................72
Eames, E., referred to............3S, 5S, 93
Early concentrating methods.............36
Early discoveries of gold in the Southern
states .............................20, 27
Early discovery of auriferous veins......32
Early milling appliances..............33-36
Early mining and metallurgical practice ................................20^t0
Early mining operations...............27-29
Early records of vein mining.............32
Earnhardt (.Randolph) vein, Gold Hill,
X. C...........................34, 58, 59
Eastern Carolina gold belt, description of,
14, 15 mines in. .43, 45
Eckels mine, Ala........................87
Edgefield county, S. C, mines in........77
Egypt mine. Ga.........................85
Electrolytic chlorination process..........38
Elevators, hydraulic gravel, 32, 98, 99,
Ellet, Win. II., cited.....................31
Ellis mine, Va...........................72
Elrod mine, Ga..........................80
Elwood mine. X. C......................69
Einbrey concentrating machine...........36
Emmons, E.. cited................27, 34, 58
Emmons, S. F., cited.................14, 71
Engineering Magazine, referred to.......10
Engineering and Mining Journal, referred
to ..............................50. 74, 86
Etowah mine, Ga........................81
Eureka mine, X. C.......................47
Eva Furr mine, X. C....................60
Faggart mine, X*. C.....................02
Fair Mining and Milling Co., referred to. .SS
Farrar mine, X. C.......................60
Farrow Mountain mining district. Ala....90
Fauquier county, Va., mines in..........72
Fentress (Xorth Carolina! mine. X\ C. .45, 46
Ferris mine, X. C...................04. 60
Fesperman, F. A. referred to............91
Filer and Stowell Co., referred to......109
Findley mine, Ga. .,.................SO, 109
Fish Trap mine, Ga.....................80
Fisher, Geo., referred to.................75
Fisher, Jas., referred to.................75
Fisher lode, Va....................".. . 14, 74
Fisher mine, Va.........................75
Fisher Hill mine, XT. C..................45
Flint pit (Haile mine)..............129, 130
Floyd county, Va., occurrence of gold
in .................................71, 76
Fluvanna county, Va., mines in......75, 76
Ford mine, Va...........................76
Forsythe county, Ga., mines in..........SI
Fowler mine, Ga.........................SI
Franklin county, X. C, mines in......43, 45
Franklin (Idaho) mine, Ala..............89
Franklin (Creighton) mine, Ga...23. 24, 38. 81. 82, 121-125
Franklin mine, Va.......................72
Freemilling ores, treatment of.........32-36
Freiberg amalgamation barrel............35
Frue Vanner concentrating machine......36
Frye, Mr., referred to...................106
Funderburk mine. S. C..................77
Furness mine, X. C......................62
Gangue minerals ....................18, 24
Gardiner mine, Va.......................72
Gardner Hill mine, X. C.............45, 46
Garnet mine, Ga.........................80
Garnets, auriferous .....................24
Garnett and Mosely mine, Va............76
Gaston county, X. C. mines in.......<>6-6S
Gay mine, S. C..........................77
General conclusions and considerations,
lis 154 Genesis of ore deposits, Carolina gold
belt ..................,.............17. IS
Genesee Gold Mining Co., referred to....53 Geological map of Alabama, referred to..25 Geological Survey of Alabama, publications referred to......13, 25, 27, 30, 85, 90
Geological Survey of Georgia, publications
referred to .........................13. 78
Geological Survey of Xorth Carolina, publications referred to. .9, 13, 21, 29, 33, 34, 43. 40. 48, 5S Geological Survey of South Carolina, publications referred to. .13, 32, 37. 41. 77, 120 Geological Survey of United States, publications referred to.11, 13, IS. 22, 23, 24, 26 Geological Survey of Virginia, publications referred to.......................13
Geology of the Southern Appalachian gold
belt ................................11-25
Georgetown Valley. X. C, placer mining..70
Georgia, distribution of mines in......78-S5
early discoveries of gold in. .26, 27 production of gold and silver
in ........................40, 42
Georgia Geological Survey, publications referred to ........................13. 78
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