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Marks mine, V.a......................75. 70
Marion Steam Shovel Co., referred to...107 :
Marion-White mine, Ala.................SO j
Marshall mine, Va.......................72 !
Martin .Mining Co.'s mine, Ga...........70
Mary-Henry (Murray) mine, Ga..........80
Maryland, distribution of gold mines in..71
early discoveries of pro Id in,. . .27 : production of gold and silver
in ......................40. 42
Maryland mine, Md......................71 <
Matte-smelting ..........................30
McCulIough (North State) mine. X. <;..
30, 45 .40
McDowell county, X. C. mines in...OS. 00
McDuflie county, Ga., mines in.......S4, S5 j
McGinn mine, X. C..............30. 03. 00 j
McGuire mine, Ga.......................SI |
Mclnnis mine, S. C......................77
McLean mine, X. C......................00
McMackin vein. Gold Hill, X. C......5S. 50
MeMinn county. Tenth, occurrence of gold
in .....................................00
Mears chlorinalion pro-cess...........ST, 02
Mecklenburg county, X. G., mines in..08-00
Mecklenburg Iron Works, referred to....00.
HO. 120. 124, 135
stamp mill... .,"5,
110, 120
lest plant.110. 151
Meech mill ............................35
Melville mine, Va........................T3
Mercer mine, Ga.........................70
Meriweather county, Ga., mines in......83
Merrick mine, Ga........................SO
Middlehrook mine, Ala...................SO
Miller mine, Ala.........................SO
Miller mine, X. C........................45
Milling machinery ...................33-36
Milling practice at the Bonnie Belle mine, G3 llrewer mine . . . .147 In the Dahlonega district,
at the Franklin mine . .124 Haile mine, ..135-137 Hedwig mine. 314-115
Idaho mine........SO
Kings Mountain
mine ...........07
Lookliart mine. . .110
Parker mine......55
Ueimer mine.....11.0
Mlllis Hill mine. X. C...................45
Mills' (Statistics of South Carolina), cited.20
Mills. J. (*.. referred to..................77
Mills property, X. C, placer mines OP. 05-101
Mineral Farm mine, Ga..................82
Mineral Hill mine, Ga...................S2
Mines in Alabama....................85-00
Georgia ...................78-85
Maryland ....................71
North Carolina ............43-70
South Carolina ............70-78
Mines in Tennessee ....................00
Virginia ...................71-70
Mining Magazine, referred to............40
Mining and Statistic Magazine, referred
to ."................................31. 32
Mining, milling, and metallurgical treatment of sulphuret ores at characteristic
mines ............................117-147
Mining practice at characteristic placer
and free milling mines.............Pl-115
Mining practice at the Chestatee mine.
If (2-106 Crawford mine 02-95 in the Dahlonega district .............107-110
at the Franklin mine,
123. 124 Haile mine. .132-135 Lockhart mine.
115. 110
Mills mine-----06-100
Minor gold belts in Georgia..........24. 25
North Carolina.. .20. 21
Mitchell, Elisha. cited...................33
Mitchell mine, Va.......................73
Monarch (Alta or Idler) mine. X. C. .37, 60
Monazite, occurrence of..........19, 21, 97
Monroe county, Tenn.. occurrence of gold
in .....................................90
Monroe mine, Va........................72
Monroe slates, described.................10
Montgomery county, Md.. mines in......71
Montgomery county, X. C, mines in..51-54 Montgomery county. Va.. occurrence of
gold in ...............................76
Montgomery mine, Md...................71
Montgomery mine, X". C..............-. .. .60
Moore county, X, C, mines in........o^, 57
Moore mine, X. C........................63
Moore Girls' mine, Ga...................78
Moratock mine, X'. C.............3S, 53, 54
Morganton ore zone.....................19
Morris Mountain (Davis or Button) mine,
X. C..................................53
Morrow mine, Va........................76
Morton mine, Va........................76
Moss, Jno., referred to...................75
Moss mine, Va..........................75
Moss-Back mine, Ala....................S6
Murray (Mary-Henry) mine. Ga..........SO
Xacoochee Hills Gold Mining Co.'s mines,
Xacoochee Valley mining district, Ga.TS. 70
Nancy Brown mine, Ga..................84
Nash county, X. C, mines in.............43
Xason, F. L., referred to.................74
Negus mine, N. C.......................57
Xew Discovery mine, X". C...........30, 57
Xew Gold Hill Co.. referred to...........58
New London Estates Co.. L't'd.. referred
to .....................................54
Nick-Arrington mine. X. ('...............43
[ Nininger, Mr., referred to...............40