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162                                                     INDEX.
Xitze, H. B. C, referred to..............13
Nobles process ..........................35
North Carolina, distribution of mines in.
43-70 early discovery of gold in.26 production of gold and silver in .............40, 42
North Carolina Geological Survey, publications referred to. .9, 13, 21, 29, 33, 34, 43,
46, 4S, 58 North Carolina (Fentress) mine, N. C..45, 46 North Carolina Smelting Co., referred to.40 North State (McCullough) mine...39, 45, 46
Notes on Virginia (Jefferson), cited.......26
Nuggett (Biggers) mine, X. C........60, 61
Old Field mine, Ga......................84
Oliver mine, N. C...................26, 66
Olmstead. Prof., cited...................28
Ophir (Davis) mine, N. c.................52
Orange county, N. C, occurrence of g'old
in .....................................45
Orange county, Va., mines in............73
Orange Grove mine, Va..................73
Ore concentration .......................36
Ore zones of South lit. gold belt.....10, 20
Page mine, Va..........................75
Palmetto mine, S. C.....................77
Parish mine, N. C.......................47
Parker (or Magazine) Branch placer mine,
Burke county, X. C...................101
Parker mine, Cherokee county, N. C....26
Parker mine, Stanly county, X. C........54
Parks mine, Ga..........................81
Parks mine, N. C........................03
Parson mill .............................35
Patrick county, Va., occurrence of gold in.76
Paulding county, Ga., mines in..........82
Pax Hill mine, N. C.....................68
Payne mine, Va.........................75
Pear Tree Hill mine, N. C...............52
Person county, X. C, occurrence of gold
in ....................................45
Phelps process ..........................39
Phifer mine, X*. C.......................03
Phillips, \V. B., cited___13, 27, 62, 00, 139
Phoenix mine, N. C...............37, 60-62
Pickens county, S. C, occurrence of gold
in .....................................77
Piedmont mine, Ga......................81
Pilot mountain, N. G„ hydraulic mining
at ....................................32
Pilot Mountain ore zone..............19, 20
Pine Mouutain mine, Ga.................82
Pinetueky mine, Ala.................87, 88
Pioneer Mills mine, N. C.............61, 62
Placer mines, described..............91-115
Placer mining, possibilities of discussed,
148, 149
Planner chlorination process.........38, 62
Plattsburg (or Chattahoochee) Gold Mining and Milling Co.'s mines, Ga........79
Polk county, X\ C, petty mining in......69
Polk county, Twin., occurrence of gold in.90
l'oitis mine, N. C....................43, 45
Potosi mine, Ga.........................80
Powhatan Land and Mining Co.. referred
to .....................................72
Preacher mine, Ga.......................SO
Preface ..............................9. 10
Price (Golden Eagle) mine. Ala..........87
Prince Edward county, Va., occurrence of
gold in ...............................76
Pritchard mine, Ala.....................86
Proceedings of American philosophical Society, referred to......................27
Pullian mine, Va........................73
Pyrite mines of Louisa county, Va....73. 74
Quaker City mine, N. C..............Oo. 62
Rabun county, Ga., mines in'.............78
Ralston mine, Ga........................80
Randleman mine, X. 0..................57
Randolph county, Ala., mines in......87-89
Randolph county, X. ('., mines in......10-47
Randolph (Earnhardt) vein, Gold Hill. X.
C..............................34. 58. 59
Rappahannock Gold Mining Co.. referred
to ....................................72
Rattlesnake mine, Va....................72
Ray mine, X'. C..........................61
Red Hill mine pit (llaile mine). 127. 129, 132
Reed mine, X'. C....................60. 01
Reimer mine, X. C.......30, 38, 57, 117-121
Reynolds mine, X. C.....................52
Reynolds vein. Ga.......................32
Rhyne mine, X. C.......................60
Richardville mine, Va....................72
Riddle mine, Ala........................00
Riggon Hill mine, X. c..................53
Ringel, C, referred to...................37
Roasting processes ..................36. 37
Roasting process at Franklin mine..124, 125
llaile mine .....137-130
Reimer mine .......119
Robinson mine, X. C.....................60
Rock-decomposition .....................11
Rockers, descriptions of..........30, 94, 95
Rocky River mine, X. C..............00, 61
Rogers, Win. B., referred to.............13
Rose, T. K., referred to................142
Roseman mine, X. C....................57
Rowan county, X. C, mines in........57 60
Roy Stone method of dredging and gravelelevating ...... ..................32. 106
Royal (Camille) mine.............38. 82, S3
Rudisil mine, X. C...................03, 61
Russell mine, X". C...........17, 38, 52. 53
Rutherford county, X. C, mines in. .68. 09 Safford's Geology of Tennessee, referred
to .....................................27
Salisbury Supply Co., test mill..........151
Sam Beattie mine, X. C..................00
Sam Christian Company, referred to.....52
Sam Christian mine, X. C................52
Sand-pump, used as gravel elevator.....102
Saprolite, definition of ...................11
Saunders mine, X. C....................53