St. Catherine mine. X. C.............63. 64
St. George (Dean) mine. Ga..............79
Stafford county, Va.. mines in...........72
Stamp-mill, history of ...............33, 35
the Hall pattern described.
110-113 the Mecklenburg Iron "Works pattern described ....119, 120
Standard vein. Gold Hill, X. C...........58
Stanley mine, Ga....................t. .80
Stanly county. X. C. mines in........54 56
Statistics of gold and silver production.40-42 Statistics of South Carolina (Mills), cited.26
Steel mine, X. C.........................53
Stephen Wilson mine. X. C..............63
Stewart mine, X. C.....:...............63
Stockton, Commodore, referred to....30, 145
Story mine, Ala.........................00
Strickland mine, Ga.....................82
Stringer-lead, defined ...................23
Surface Hill mine, X. C.................64
Sutherland mine, Ala................86, 87
Swain county, X. C, placer mining in...70
Swedish chlorination process............153
Table of contents ......................3-5
Tables showing production of gold and
silver ..............................40-12
Tagus mine, Va.........................75
Talc-schist, incorrect use of tei*in.........15
Talladega county, Ala., mines in.........90
Tallapoosa county, Ala., occurrence of gold
in .....................................90
Tan yard placer, Brewer mine...........145
Tatham mine, Ga........................85
Taylor mine, X. C.......................43
Taylor and Trotter mine, X. C...........63
Tellurium, occurrence of in ores, 18, 24, 52, 67
Tellurium mine, Va...............32, 35, 75
Tennessee, distribution of mines in.......90
early discovery of gold in....27 production of gold and silver
in .....................40, 42
Terrell mine, Ala. .. ,....................90
Thies, A., referred to. 10, 37, 61, 83, 125, 120.
Thies chlorination process...........37, 153
Thomas mine, X. C.....................43
Thompson mine, Ga.................22, 79
Thompson mine, S. C...................78
Thomson mine, S. C.....................77
Thurston, Scott, referred to.............75
Tiger river placer mines, S. C...........78
Tinder Flats placer mine, Va........20, 74
Tom's Creek mine, X. C.................52
Tonton mine, Ga.........................70
Towne county, Ga., mines in.............84
Transactions of American Institute Mining Engineers, referred to....0, 10, 14, 24 31, 32, 35, 39, 62, 71, 102, 106, 129, 139
Trautman vein, Gold Hill, X. C......58, 59
Treatment of freemilling ores.32-36, 110-116 Treatment of sulpliuret ores..36 10, 117-147 Tredinick mine, X. 0....................64