Cochise College          Photos of Minerals

                          Geology Home Page                

                          Roger Weller, geology instructor

                          [email protected]
                                  copyright 2006-R.Weller

Mineral Information on:

Chemical Group:    silicate  (a pyroxene)

Chemical Formula:   

Color:  gray, pale yellow, greenish white, olive green, brown

Luster:  pearly to vitreous ( variety, bronzite-metalloidal)  

Streak: uncolored, gray            Transparency: transparent to nearly opaque


Hardness:   5.5                Specific Gravity:    3.1 to 3.3                 

Fracture:  uneven                  Tenacity:  brittle

Cleavage:   (110) good


Crystal Forms:  Orthorhombic system
     Crystals are rare
     Mineral habits:  massive, fibrous, lamellar

Mineral Associations: commonly found in pyroxenites, peridotites, gabbros, and norites

Identifying Characteristics:


Occurrences:  Brewster, New York

Toxicity:      when-swallowed-                            when inhaled-

Additional Information: