Roger Weller, geology instructor
copyright 2007-R.Weller
Information on:
Chemical Group: silicate
Chemical Formula: Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2
(a form of tremolite)
Color: violet to pink (due to the presence of manganese)
Hardness: 5
to 6
Specific Gravity: 2.9 to 3.2
Cleavage: typical amphibole cleavage (2 directions)
Crystal Forms:
elongated blades in a matrix
Mineral Associations: talc, white tremolite, light blue diopside
Identifying Characteristics: mass of pinkish-purple bladed crystals
USA occurrences:
New York
Gouverneur, Fowler, Balmat, Talcville, Edwards,
Stellaville, Elmdale
Sylvia Lake
St. Lawrence Valley
Toxicity: when-swallowed-
when inhaled-
Additional Information: