Cochise College          Photos of Minerals

                          Geology Home Page                

                          Roger Weller, geology instructor

                          [email protected]
                                  copyright 2006-R.Weller

Mineral Information on:

Chemical Group:    silicate

Chemical Formula:   

Color:  light green, white, gray      Fades on exposure to light.   

Streak:  uncolored         Luster:  vitreous          Tenacity:  brittle


Hardness:  6 to 6.5             Specific Gravity:     2.80 to 2.95               

Fracture:  uneven         Cleavage:  (001) distinct


Crystal Forms:  Orthorhombic-hemimorphic
     Crystals are rare.
     Occurs in groups of tabular crystals, reniform, globular, massive

Mineral Associations:  occurs in  cavities in basalt; found with other zeolites

Identifying Characteristics:


Occurrences:  Massachusetts, Connecticut,  New Jersey, and Lake Superior region

Toxicity:      when-swallowed-        when inhaled-

Additional Information: