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[PDF]B-C-N Nanotubes and Related Nanostructures, 2009, p.309.pdf 12M
[PDF]Biosensing Using Nanomaterials, 2009, p.505.pdf 62M
[PDF]Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites. Metal and Ceramic Matrices, 2009, p.243.pdf6.8M
[PDF]Carbon Nanotubes. From Basic Research to Nanotechnology, 2006, p.270.pdf5.1M
[PDF]Chirality at the Nanoscale. Nanoparticles, Surfaces, Materials and More, 2009, p.430.pdf9.7M
[PDF]Handbook of Advanced Magnetic Materials. Nanostructural Effects, v.1-4, 2006, p.1832+.pdf130M
[PDF]III-Nitride Devices and Nanoengineering, 2008, p.477.pdf 48M
[PDF]McGraw-Hill Nanoscience and Technology Series. MEMS, MOEMS Packaging. Concepts, Designs, Materials, and Processes, 2005, p..pdf3.8M
[PDF]Nanocomposite Science and Technology, 2003, p.236.pdf3.8M
[PDF]Nanocomposite Thin Films and Coatings. Processing, Properties and Performance, 2007, p.628.pdf 43M
[PDF]Nanocrystalline Apatite-Based Biomaterials, 2009, p.95.pdf1.3M
[PDF]Nanocrystalline Metals and Oxides. Selected Properties and Applications, 2002, p.253.pdf9.1M
[PDF]Nanocrystals. Synthesis, Properties and Applications, 2007, p.187.pdf 19M
[PDF]Nanohybridization of Organic-Inorganic Materials, 2009, p.290.pdf 11M
[PDF]Nanomaterials. A Sojourn, p.46.pdf1.3M
[PDF]Nanomaterials. Mechanics and Mechanisms, 2009, p.142.pdf5.2M
[PDF]Nanomaterials. New Research, 2005, p.248.pdf 11M
[PDF]Nanomaterials. Synthesis, Properties and Applications, 1996, p.687.pdf 13M
[PDF]Nanoporous Materials. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium, 2008, p.757.pdf 45M
[PDF]Nanoscale Materials, 2004, p.520.pdf 29M
[PDF]Nanosilicon, 2007, p.385.pdf 23M
[PDF]Nanosols and Textiles, 2008, p.237.pdf 40M
[PDF]Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology II, 2009, p.254.pdf 13M
[PDF]Nanotubes and Nanowires, 2005, p.284.pdf4.0M
[PDF]Periodic Nanostructures, 2007, p.218.pdf 29M
[PDF]Self-Organized Nanoscale Materials, 2006, p.332.pdf7.3M
[PDF]Zinc Oxide Bulk, Thin Films and Nanostructures, 2006, p.586.pdf7.0M