12.3 Accessing Data Through a DataView
A DataView
isn't just for data binding. You can also use it
when making programmatic changes. For example, you might create a
DataView that contains rows that match certain
criteria and then apply a global change to these rows. For example,
the following code creates a view that includes all rows with a
null value in the Country field
and then deletes them:
// Find all the rows where a Country isn't specified.
DataView view = new DataView(ds.Tables["Customers"]);
view.RowFilter = "Country IS NULL";
// Delete these rows.
foreach (DataRowView row in view)
// Display the results.
dataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables["Customers"].DefaultView;
This example uses the indexer for the DataView,
which accesses the collection of DataRowView
objects. Each DataRowView represents a single row
from the original DataTable. The
DataRowView provides most of the same features as
the underlying DataRow object, including the
ability to begin and end editing, access values using the field name,
and delete the row. You can also access the underlying
DataRow directly through the
DataRowView.Row property.
12.3.1 Searching a DataView
Once you have
defined a sort order for a DataView, either by
setting the RowFilter or the
ApplyDefaultSort properties, you can use criteria to
search for rows. The DataView provides two methods
for this task: Find( ) and FindRows(
For example, if you have a sort defined on the
ContactName column of the
Customers table, you can use the Find(
) method to search for a row with the
ContactName Roland Mendel. If a match is found,
Find( ) returns the index number of the row in the
DataView. If no match is found, it returns -1.
DataView view = new DataView(ds.Tables["Customers"]);
view.Sort = "ContactName";
int rowIndex = view.Find("Roland Mendel");
if (rowIndex == -1)
Console.WriteLine("No match found.");
Console.WriteLine(view[rowIndex]["CustomerID"].ToString() +
" is a match.");
The only limitation is that the string you use to search must match
the sort fields exactly. The Find( ) and
FindRows( ) methods don't support
partial matches or wildcards (in the previous example, you
can't search for just
If there is a possibility that more than one row will match the
criteria you use, you should use the FindRows( )
method instead of Find( ). It returns an array of
DataRowView objects that reference the matching
rows. If no match is found, FindRows( ) returns an
empty array.
DataView view = new DataView(ds.Tables["Customers"]);
view.Sort = "Country";
DataRowView[] rows = view.FindRows("Germany");
if rows.Length == 0
Console.WriteLine("No match found.");
foreach (DataRowView row in rows)
Console.WriteLine(row["CustomerID"].ToString() + " is a match.");
Finally, if you've created a sort expression that
incorporates information from multiple columns, you must use an
overloaded version of the Find( ) or
FindRows( ) methods that accepts an array with
search values for all columns, in the same order:
DataView view = new DataView(ds.Tables["Customers"]);
view.Sort = "Country, City";
DataRowView[] rows = view.FindRows(new object[] {"Germany", "Berlin"};
The case-sensitivity of search values for the Find(
) and FindRows( ) methods is determined
by the CaseSensitive property of the underlying
12.3.2 Navigating Relations with a DataView
Unlike the DataRow
object, the DataRowView doesn't
include methods such as GetChildRows( ) and
GetParentRow( ). However, you can still use
DataRelations with the
DataView, thanks to the CreateChildView(
) method. CreateChildView(
) accepts a reference to a DataRelation
object and creates a new DataView that contains
the appropriate child rows.
// Define a DataRelation.
DataColumn parentCol = ds.Tables["Categories"].Columns["CategoryID"];
DataColumn childCol = ds.Tables["Products"].Columns["CategoryID"];
DataRelation relation = new DataRelation("Cat_Prod", parentCol, childCol);
// Create a view on the Categories table.
DataView viewCategories = new DataView(ds.Tables["Categories"]);
view.Sort = "CategoryName";
// Select a specific category row through the DataRowView.
DataRowView rowCategory = viewCategories.Find("Beverages");
// Find products in this category using a new DataView.
DataView viewProducts = rowCategory.CreateChildView(relation);
// Display the products.
foreach (DataRowView row in viewProducts)
This navigation works in one direction only. There is no direct way
to retrieve a reference to the parent row of a