Table of Contents

FScrollBar support for a standard UI scrollbar element associated with a text field using setScrollTarget( )


getEnabled( )

Boolean indicating whether a scrollbar is enabled (i.e., responds to mouse input).

getScrollPosition( )

Returns the current scroll position as an integer between the minimum and maximum positions.

registerSkinElement( )

Registers a skin element for changing the appearance of the scrollbar.

setChangeHandler( )

Specifies the callback function to call when the scrollbar is scrolled.

setEnabled( )

Enables or disables a scrollbar.

setHorizontal( )

Boolean specifying whether the scrollbar should be horizontal (true) or vertical (false).

setLargeScroll( )

Specifies the number of units to scroll when the user clicks to either side of the thumb slider (defaults to pageSize as set with setScrollProperties( )).

setScrollPosition( )

Sets the current scroll position as an integer between the minimum and maximum positions.

setScrollProperties( )

Sets the scrollbar's minimum and maximum positions and page size.

setScrollTarget( )

Specifies the text field that the scrollbar causes to scroll (i.e., the text field to which the scrollbar applies), as a string instance name.

setSize( )

Sets the scrollbar length in pixels (its width is fixed).

setSmallScroll( )

Specifies the number of units to scroll when the user clicks a scroll arrow (defaults to 1).

setStyleProperty( )

Sets a particular style property for the scrollbar (for a list of supported properties, see the FStyleFormat object).

Table of Contents