TextField.borderColor Property | Flash 6 |
RGB number specifying the text field's border color | read/write |
The integer borderColor property sets the color of the outline around a text field's bounding rectangle. Colors are specified as a single number, most commonly a six-digit hexadecimal value of the form 0xRRGGBB, where RR, GG, and BB are two-digit numbers between 00 and FF, representing the Red, Green, and Blue components. For example, the RGB triplet (R:51, G:51, B:102) is equivalent to the hexadecimal value:
The default value is black (0x000000). For more information on RGB triplet notation, see the Color class.
The borderColor property has a visible effect only when the border property is true; when border is false, no border is shown, even if borderColor is set. For example, the following code tries to set the border color of theField_txt to green, but the color does not appear because border is not yet set:
this.createTextField("theField_txt", 1, 0, 0, 200, 20); theField_txt.text = "this text has a green border"; theField_txt.borderColor = 0x00FF00;
To make the green border appear, we must add the following line:
theField_txt.border = true;
Setting the value of border does not alter the value of borderColor.
TextField.background, TextField.backgroundColor, TextField.border, the Color class