Chapter 14. Netscape Layout Extensions
From the start of their enterprise, the developers at Netscape were
at the forefront of browser design that addresses the needs of
commercial interests. Throughout the years, they consistently
extended HTML to provide authors with far more sophisticated
page-layout capabilities than previous versions offered. With the
advent of the Cascading Style Sheets standard, though, all this
changed. Today, browsers are mostly standards-conscious, preferring
to distinguish themselves through operational features, not
extensions to the common document language.
In this chapter, we cover three features that are unique to Netscape
Versions 4 and earlier: spacers, multiple columns, and layers. These
tags lure the designer with exciting page-layout capabilities. Play
with them as you will, but we warn you: they won't
ever become part of HTML/XHTML standards. They
aren't even supported by the latest version of
Netscape. (Internet Explorer never supported them.)
So, in many ways, this chapter is an historical document, to be dug
up and read by some future HTML/XHTML historian.