9.7 Multiline Text Areas
The conventional and
hidden-text types for forms restrict user input to a single line of
characters. The <textarea> form tag sets
users free.
9.7.1 The <textarea> Tag
As part of a form, the <textarea> tag
creates a multiline text-entry area in the user's
browser display. In it, the user may type a nearly unlimited number
of lines of text. Upon submission of the form, the browser collects
all the lines of text, each separated by %0D%0A
(carriage return/line feed), and sends them to the server as the
value of this form element, using the name specified by the required
name attribute.
- Function:
Creates a multiline text-input area
- Attributes:
accesskey, class,
cols, dir,
disabled, id,
lang, name,
onBlur, onChange, onClick,
onDblClick, onFocus, onKeyDown,
onKeyPress, onKeyUp,
onMouseDown, onMouseMove,
onMouseOut, onMouseOver,
onMouseUp, onSelect,
readonly, rows, style,
tabindex, title, wrap
- End tag:
</textarea>; never omitted
- Contains:
- Used in:
You may include plain text inside the
<textarea> tag and its end tag
(</textarea>). That default text must be
plain text, with no tags or other special elements. The contents may
be modified by the user, and the browser uses that text as the
default value if the user presses a reset button for the form. Hence,
the text content is most often included for instructions and
Tell us about yourself:
<textarea name=address cols=40 rows=4>
Your Name Here
1234 My Street
Anytown, State Zipcode
</textarea> The rows and cols attributes
multiline text-input area stands alone onscreen: body content flows
above and below, but not around it. You can control its dimensions,
however, by defining the cols and
rows attributes for the visible rectangular area
set aside by the browser for multiline input. We suggest you set
these attributes. The common browsers have a habit of setting aside
the smallest, least readable region possible for
<textarea> input, and the user
can't resize it. Both attributes require integer
values for the respective dimension's size in
characters. The browser automatically scrolls text that exceeds
either dimension. The wrap attribute
Normally, the browser sends
the text that you type into the text area to the server exactly as
typed, with lines broken only where the user pressed the Enter key.
Since this is often not the action desired by the user, you can
enable word wrapping within the text area. When the user types a line
that is longer than the width of the text area, the browser
automatically moves the extra text down to the next line, breaking
the line at the nearest point between words in the line.
With the wrap attribute set to
virtual, the text is wrapped within the text
area for presentation to the user but is transmitted to the server as
if no wrapping had occurred except where the user pressed the Enter
With the wrap attribute set to
physical, the text is wrapped within the text
area and is transmitted to the server as if the user had actually
typed it that way. This the most useful way to use word wrap, since
the text is transmitted exactly as the user sees it in the text area.
To obtain the default action, set the wrap
attribute to off.
As an example, consider the following 60 characters of text that are
being typed into a 40-character-wide text area:
Word wrapping is a feature that makes life easier for users.
With wrap=off, the text area contains one line and
the user must scroll to the right to see all of the text. One line of
text is transmitted to the server.
With wrap=virtual, the text area contains two
lines of text, broken after the word
"makes." Only one line of text is
transmitted to the server: the entire line with no embedded newline
With wrap=physical, the text area contains two
lines of text, broken after the word
"makes." Two lines of text are sent
to the server, separated by a newline character after the word