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QueryManager javax.xml.registry

JAXR 1.0; JWSDP 1.0, J2EE 1.4
public interface QueryManager {
// Public Instance Methods
    public abstract javax.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObject
      getRegistryObject(String id) 
      throws JAXRException;               // L1
    public abstract javax.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObject getRegistryObject(String id, 
String objectType) 
       throws JAXRException;               // L0
    public abstract BulkResponse getRegistryObjects(  ) throws JAXRException;               // L0
    public abstract BulkResponse getRegistryObjects(String objectType)
      throws JAXRException;               // L0
    public abstract BulkResponse getRegistryObjects(Collection objectKeys) 
      throws JAXRException;               // L1
    public abstract BulkResponse getRegistryObjects(Collection objectKeys, 
      String objectTypes) 
      throws JAXRException;               // L0
    public abstract RegistryService getRegistryService(  ) 
      throws JAXRException;               // L0

QueryManager provides methods that allow objects in the registry to be retrieved based on type and/or identifier. The only way to obtain a QueryManager object is by calling the getBusinessQueryManager( ) or the getDeclarativeQueryManager( ) method on RegistryService, which both return one of the two derived interfaces of QueryManager defined by the API. The QueryManager getRegistryService( ) method returns the RegistryService object from which it was obtained.

The zero-argument getRegistryObjects( ) returns a BulkResponse containing all of the objects in the registry belonging to the calling user, while getRegistryObject(String objectType) returns the subset of those objects that are of a given type (such as LifeCycleManager.ORGANIZATION). Both of these methods throw a JAXRException if the connection does not have valid credentials associated with it, allowing the calling user to be identified. The getRegistryObjects(Collection keys) method returns all of the objects in the registry whose javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Key values appear in the collection passed as its argument, while the getRegistryObject(String id) method returns the single object whose identifier (i.e., the result of calling the getId( ) method on the object's Key) is supplied. Neither of these methods uses the caller's identity as an implicit filter. However, they can be used only with a level 1 registry provider. To get similar functionality from a level 0 provider, you need to specify the type of registry object to be retrieved, in the form of a constant defined by the LifeCycleManager interface, as well as the keys or registry object identifier.


BusinessQueryManager, DeclarativeQueryManager

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