public interface Slot {
// Public Constants
public static final String ADDRESS_LINES_SLOT; //="addressLines"
public static final String AUTHORIZED_NAME_SLOT; //="authorizedName"
public static final String OPERATOR_SLOT; //="operator"
public static final String SORT_CODE_SLOT; //="sortCode"
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract String getName( )
throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException; //L0
public abstract String getSlotType( )
throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException; //L0
public abstract Collection getValues( )
throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException; //L0
public abstract void setName(String name)
throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException; //L0
public abstract void setSlotType(String slotType)
throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException; //L0
public abstract void setValues(Collection values)
throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException; //L0
A Slot is an object with a name, a type, and a
collection of string values, no two of which may be the same.
Slots are used to add arbitrary attributes to a
RegistryObject without requiring an extension to
the JAXR API. Every RegistryObject inherits the
ability to handle Slots from the
ExtensibleObject interface, which defines the
methods necessary to store and retrieve them. A
Slot is uniquely identified by its name; the
result of attempting to add a Slot to an object
that already has one with the same name is not defined by the JAXR
The JAXR provider uses Slots to represent a small
number of registry object attributes that are not explicitly
recognized by the JAXR API because they are registry-type specific;
refer to Chapter 7 for examples. Application code
can create a Slot using one of the
createSlot( ) methods of
LifeCycleManager, and it can associate it with a
RegistryObject using its addSlot(
) or addSlots( ) methods. It should be
noted, however, that the JAXR reference implementation for the UDDI
registry does not store Slots created by
application code, although it does allow them to be created and
attached to an object.
The getName( ), getSlotType( ),
and getValues( ) methods of
Slot allow you to fetch the attributes of a
Slot, while the corresponding setter methods let
you change them. Note that the meaning of the slot type attribute is
not defined by the specification and there is no predefined set of
valid values.