Using This Book
While other tutorials focus on teaching you about the UML or some
pseudomethodology or process that uses the UML, this one focuses on
teaching you the essentials. It shows how to effectively and
successfully apply the UML, including coverage of object orientation,
common usage guidance, and suggestions on how to model systems. Each
chapter uses an example-driven approach to progressively introduce
key UML concepts with increasingly more involved examples. A
project-management system case study is elaborated throughout the
book, guiding you in learning how to read, understand, write, and
effectively and successfully apply the UML. The objective is
not to create a
"complete" or
"comprehensive" design from which
to implement the system, but to explore the case study and to learn
how to effectively and successfully apply the UML to communicate in
real-world system development. Exercises are included so that you can
practice and improve your skills.
When you are done reading this book, you will understand how to use
the various UML diagrams and their elements based upon what you want
to communicate and what each diagram emphasizes rather than based
upon some pseudomethodology or process. You will also have gained
insight into the rationale behind the language and how different
pieces of the language fit together rather than be left with the
perception that the UML is a hodgepodge of different types of
diagrams without any underlying scheme, so that
you'll generally be able to more effectively and
successfully apply the UML. Such an understanding will allow you to
stay abreast of the UML as it evolves and new versions become
This book, just like every other book ever written, is a snapshot of
thoughts in time. The UML will most likely have evolved since the
writing of this book; however, this book captures the foundation for
learning and effectively and successfully applying the UML.
Therefore, this book should remain valuable to you.