13.11 Caching with Memoize
If you have a subroutine with simpler logic, where a
returned value is solely a function of an input, you can use the
Memoize module, which does the caching
automatically for you. The gist of its usage is giving the name of
the function to be memoize( )d:
use Memoize;
Remember that in our case we had two caches: one for the text
versions of the calendars and the other for HTML components. The
get_text_calendar( ) function is responsible for
populating the text calendar's cache. It depends
only on inputs, so we could rewrite it as:
use Memoize;
sub get_text_calendar {
my($year,$month) = @_;
warn "$year,$month\n" if DEBUG;
my $cal = Date::Calc::Calendar($year, $month);
chomp $cal;
return $cal;
We have added another debug warning to check that the cache is
actually working. If you want to test it under mod_perl, set
DEBUG to a true value, start the server in
single-process mode (-X), and issue requests to
the calendar registry script we just discussed.
You can also control the size of the cache and do other automatic
cache manipulations with Memoize. See its manpage
for more information.
The get_html_calendar( ) subroutine cannot be
memoize( )d because the returned value depends on
the relation between the requested date and the current date, in
addition to the normal input/output relation.