1.3 Command-Line Tools
You can interact with MySQL entirely from the command line. In
general, each MySQL command accepts as an argument any appropriate
option from the configuration options listed earlier. You prefix any
such option with two dashes:
mysql --password=mypass
In addition, each of these options has a short form:
mysql -p mypass
To see which options apply to individual commands and their short
forms, refer to the manpage for the command in question:
[23:00:03] george@firenze$ man -M/usr/local/mysql/man
mysql - text-based client for mysqld, a
SQL-based relational database daemon
mysql [-B|--batch] [-#|--debug= logfile]
[-T|--debug-info] [-e|--exec= command] [-f|--force]
[-?|--help] [-h|--host=hostname] [-n|--unbuffered]
[-p[pwd]] [--password=[pwd]] [-P|--port= pnum]
[-q|--quick] [-r|--raw] [-s|--silent]
[-S|--socket= snum] [-u|--user= uname]
[-v|--verbose] [-V|--version] [-w|--wait]
The mysql program provides a curses-based interface to
the SQL-based database server daemon, mysqld(1). Full
fuller documentation, refer to the HTML documents
installed with the package.
Print results with a tab as separator, each row on
MySQL provides the following command-line tools:
- isamchk
This tool verifies the integrity of your databases and potentially
fixes any problems with them. It should be used only on ISAM tables.
- msql2mysql
This utility is handy for people converting applications written for
mSQL to MySQL. These days, however, few people need this help.
- myisamchk
This tool does for MyISAM tables what isamchk does for ISAM tables.
- mysql
The MySQL interactive SQL interpreter. It enables you to execute SQL
on the command line. You can span your SQL across any number of
lines. The tool executes your SQL when you terminate it with a
semi-colon or the escape sequence \g.
- mysqladmin
The MySQL administrative interface. Though many of this
tool's functions can be accomplished using SQL and
the mysql command-line utility, it nevertheless provides a quick way
to perform an administrative task straight from the Unix command line
without entering an SQL interpreter. You can specifically execute the
following administrative commands:
- create databasename
Creates the specified database.
- drop databasename
The opposite of create, this command destroys the specified database.
- extended-status
Provides an extended status message from the server.
- flush-hosts
Flushes all cached hosts.
- flush-logs
Flushes all logs.
- flush-status
Flushes all status variables.
- flush-tables
Flushes all tables.
- flush-threads
Flushes the thread cache.
- flush-privileges
Forces MySQL to reload all grant tables.
- kill id[,id]
Kills the specified MySQL threads.
- password new_password
Sets the password for the user to the specified new password.
mysqladmin -u root password
new_password should be the first thing you
do with any new MySQL install.
- ping
Verifies that mysqld is actually
- processlist
Shows the active MySQL threads. You can kill these threads with the
mysqladmin kill command.
- reload
Reloads the grant tables.
- refresh
Flushes all tables, closes all log files, then opens them again.
- shutdown
Shuts MySQL down.
- status
Shows an abbreviated server status.
- variables
Prints out available variables.
- version
Displays the server version information.
- mysqlaccess
A command-line interface for managing users. This tool is basically a
shortcut for the SQL GRANT command.
- mysqld
The MySQL server process. You should never start this directly,
instead use mysqld_safe
(safe_mysqld in pre-4.0 versions).
- mysqld_safe
The server process manager. Under MySQL versions prior to MySQL 4.0,
this script is called safe_mysqld. It is a process that starts up
the mysqld server process and
restarts it should it crash. Note that the mysql.server startup script executes
mysqld_safe as the appropriate
user at server startup.
- mysqldump
Dumps the state of a MySQL database or set of databases to a text
file. You can later use this text file to restore the databases you
- mysqlimport
Imports text files in a variety of formats into your database. It
expects the base name (the name of the file without its extension) to
match the name of the table to be used in the import.
- mysqlshow
Displays the structure of the specified MySQL database objects. You
can look at the structure of databases, tables, and columns.