Recipe 21.8 Speeding Up Database Access
21.8.1 Problem
You use the DBI module
within your mod_perl handler, but connecting to the database server
for each request is slowing down your web application unacceptably.
21.8.2 Solution
To cache database connections transparently, load the Apache::DBI
module before the DBI module:
use Apache::DBI;
use DBI;
21.8.3 Discussion
Many sites load the Apache::DBI module from the
httpd.conf file to ensure it's loaded before
anything else:
PerlModule Apache::DBI
The Apache::DBI module intercepts the
DBI->connect method, returning a previously
opened handle if the handle had the same connection parameters as the
current request. The module also prevents
$dbh->disconnect from closing connections. This
lets you add use Apache::DBI to the start of an
existing program without having to touch the rest of your code.
The Apache::DBI module uses an open database connection for each
different database login in each Apache child process. You might need
to change your database server's configuration to increase its
maximum number of connections. With commercial database systems, you
might even need to buy more client licenses.
This proliferation of connections can lead to situations where
Apache::DBI isn't the best choice. For example, if each user of your
site has his own database login, you'll need as many concurrent
database connections as the number of active users multiplied by
however many httpd processes are running worth
of database connections, which might well be more than your server
supports! Similarly, if you have many Apache child processes running
concurrently, this could open more simultaneous database connections
than your server supports.
One strategy for optimizing database access is to batch requests
where possible. For example, if you're logging to a database,
consider accumulating log information and updating the database only
after every 5 or 10 hits.
Another strategy is to cache information in the client. For example,
if you use a database to map user IDs to real names and that mapping
never changes, then use a persistent hash in your handler to store
real names for user IDs you've encountered—this avoids repeated
database lookups on unchanging information. To prevent the hash from
consuming too much memory, you might want to use the Tie::Cache::LRU
module from CPAN or reimplement some other form of flushing the
least-recently-used entries once the cache reaches a particular size.
21.8.4 See Also
Documentation for the Apache::DBI and Tie::Cache::LRU modules from
CPAN; the manpage; Recipes 2.11 and 2.12 in
mod_perl Developer's Cookbook