9.11 Don't Look Inside the Box
You might have obtained or set the color
outside the class simply by following the hash reference:
$tv_horse->{Color}. However, this violates the
encapsulation of the object by exposing its
internal structure. The object is supposed to be a black box, but
you've pried off the hinges and looked inside.
One purpose of OOP is to enable the maintainer of
Animal or Horse to make
reasonably independent changes to the implementation of the methods
and still have the exported interface work properly. To see why
accessing the hash directly violates this, let's say
that Animal no longer uses a simple color name for
the color, but instead changes to use a computed RGB triple to store
the color (holding it as an arrayref), as in:
use Color::Conversions qw(color_name_to_rgb rgb_to_color_name);
sub set_color {
my $self = shift;
my $new_color = shift;
$self->{Color} = color_name_to_rgb($new_color); # arrayref
sub color {
my $self = shift;
rgb_to_color_name($self->{Color}); # takes arrayref
The old interface can be maintained if you
use a setter and getter because they can perform the translations.
You can also add new interfaces now to enable the direct setting and
getting of the RGB triple:
sub set_color_rgb {
my $self = shift;
$self->{Color} = [@_]; # set colors to remaining parameters
sub get_color_rgb {
my $self = shift;
@{ $self->{Color} }; # return RGB list
If you use code outside the class that looks at
$tv_horse->{Color} directly, this change is no
longer possible. Store a string ('blue') where an
arrayref is needed ([0,0,255]) or use an arrayref
as a string.