3.7 Validating Filenames and Paths
3.7.1 Problem
You need to resolve the path of a file
provided by a user to determine the actual file that it refers to on
the filesystem.
3.7.2 Solution
On Unix
systems, use the function realpath(
) to
resolve the canonical name of a file or path. On
Windows, use the function
GetFullPathName( ) to resolve the canonical name
of a file or path.
3.7.3 Discussion
You must be careful when making access decisions for a file. Taking
relative pathnames and links into account, it is possible for
multiple filenames to refer to the same file. Failure to take this
into account when attempting to perform access checks based on
filename can have severe consequences.
On the surface, resolving the canonical name of a file or path may
appear to be a reasonably simple task to undertake. However, many
programmers fail to consider symbolic and hard links. On Windows,
links are possible, but they are not as serious an issue as they are
on Unix because they are much less frequently used.
Fortunately, most modern Unix systems provide, as part of the
standard C runtime, a function called realpath(
that will properly resolve the canonical name of a file or path,
taking relative paths and links into account. Be careful when using
realpath( ) because the function is not
thread-safe, and the resolved path is stored in a fixed-size buffer
that must be at least MAXPATHLEN bytes in size.
The function realpath( ) is not thread-safe
because it changes the current directory as it resolves the path. On
Unix, a process has a single current directory, regardless of how
many threads it has, so changing the current directory in one thread
will affect all other threads within the process.
The signature for realpath( ) is:
char *realpath(const char *pathname, char resolved_path[MAXPATHLEN]);
This function has the following arguments:
- pathname
Path to be resolved.
- resolved_path
Buffer into which the resolved path will be written. It must be at
least MAXPATHLEN bytes in size. realpath(
) will never write more than that into the buffer,
including the NULL-terminating byte.
If the function fails for any reason, the return value will be
NULL, and errno will contain an
error code indicating the reason for the failure. If the function is
successful, a pointer to resolved_path will be
On Windows, there is an equivalent function to realpath(
) called GetFullPathName(
). It will resolve relative paths, link
information, and even UNC (Microsoft's Universal
Naming Convention) names. The function is more flexible than its Unix
counterpart in that it is thread-safe and provides an interface to
allow you to dynamically allocate enough memory to hold the resolved
canonical path.
The signature for GetFullPathName( ) is:
DWORD GetFullPathName(LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD nBufferLength, LPTSTR lpBuffer,
LPTSTR *lpFilePath);
This function has the following arguments:
- lpFileName
Path to be resolved.
- nBufferLength
Size of the buffer, in characters, into which the resolved path will
be written.
- lpBuffer
Buffer into which the resolved path will be written.
- lpFilePart
Pointer into lpBuffer that points to the filename
portion of the resolved path. GetFullPathName( )
will set this pointer on return if it is successful in resolving the
When you initially call GetFullPathName( ), you
should specifiy NULL for
lpBuffer, and 0 for
nBufferLength. When you do this, the return value
from GetFullPathName( ) will be the number of
characters required to hold the resolved path. After you allocate the
necessary buffer space, call GetFullPathName( )
again with nBufferLength and
lpBuffer filled in appropriately.
GetFullPathName( ) requires the length of the
buffer to be specified in characters, not bytes. Likewise, the return
value from the function will be in units of characters rather than
bytes. When allocating memory for the buffer, be sure to multiply the
number of characters by sizeof(TCHAR).
If an error occurs in resolving the path, GetFullPathName(
) will return 0, and you can call GetLastError(
) to determine the cause of the error; otherwise, it will
return the number of characters written into
In the following example, SpcResolvePath(
) demonstrates how to use
GetFullPathName( ) properly. If it is successful,
it will return a dynamically allocated buffer that contains the
resolved path; otherwise, it will return NULL. The
allocated buffer must be freed by calling LocalFree(
#include <windows.h>
LPTSTR SpcResolvePath(LPCTSTR lpFileName) {
DWORD dwLastError, nBufferLength;
LPTSTR lpBuffer, lpFilePart;
if (!(nBufferLength = GetFullPathName(lpFileName, 0, 0, &lpFilePart))) return 0;
if (!(lpBuffer = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(TCHAR) * nBufferLength)))
return 0;
if (!GetFullPathName(lpFileName, nBufferLength, lpBuffer, &lpFilePart)) {
dwLastError = GetLastError( );
return 0;
return lpBuffer;