4.14 Timing Cryptographic Primitives
4.14.1 Problem
You want to compare the efficiency of
two similar cryptographic primitives and would like to ensure that
you do so in a fair manner.
4.14.2 Solution
Time operations by calculating how many cycles it takes to process
each byte, so that you can compare numbers across processors of
different speeds more fairly.
Focus on the expected average case, best case, and worst case.
4.14.3 Discussion
When you're looking at timing information, you
usually have one of two motivations: either you're
interested in comparing the performance of two algorithms, or
you'd like to get a sense of how much data
you'll actually be able to pump through a particular
Measuring bytes per second is a
useful thing when you're comparing the performance
of multiple algorithms on a single box, but it gives no real
indication of performance on other machines. Therefore,
cryptographers prefer to measure how many processor clock cycles it
takes to process each byte, because doing so allows for comparisons
that are more widely applicable. For example, such comparisons will
generally hold fast on the same line of processors running at
different speeds.
If you're directly comparing the speed of an
algorithm on a 2GHz Pentium 4 against the published speed of the same
algorithm run on a 800 MHz Pentium 3, the first one will always be
faster when measured in bytes per second. However, if you convert the
numbers from bytes per second to cycles per byte,
you'll see that, if you run the same implementation
of an algorithm on a P3 and a P4, the P3 will generally be faster by
25% or so, just because instructions on a P4 take longer to execute
on average than they do on a P3.
If you know the speed of an algorithm in bytes per second, you can
calculate the number of cycles per byte simply by dividing by the
clock speed in hertz (giving you bytes per cycle) and taking the
reciprocal (getting cycles per byte). If you know the speed measured
in gigabytes per second, you can divide by the clock speed in
gigahertz, then take the reciprocal. For example, you can process
data at 0.2 gigabytes per second on a 3 GHz CPU as follows:
- .2/3 = 0.066666666666666666 (bytes processed per cycle)
- 1/0.066666666666666666 = 15.0 cycles per byte
For many different reasons, it can be fairly difficult to get timing
numbers that are completely accurate. Often, internal clocks that the
programmer can read are somewhat asynchronous from the core processor
clock. More significantly, there's often significant
overhead that can be included in timing results, such as the cost of
context switches and sometimes timing overhead.
Some CPUs, such as AMD's Athlon, are advertised such
that the actual clock speed is not obvious. For example, the Athlon
2000 runs at roughly 1666 MHz, significantly less than the 2000 MHz
one might suspect.
Generally, you'll want to find out how quickly a
primitive or algorithm can process a fixed amount of data, and
you'd like to know how well it does that in a
real-world environment. For that reason, you generally
shouldn't worry much about subtracting out things
that aren't relevant to the underlying algorithm,
such as context switches and procedure call overhead. Instead, we
recommend running the algorithm many times and averaging the total
time to give a good indication of overall performance.
In the following sections we'll discuss timing
basics, then look at the particulars of timing cryptographic code. Timing basics
You need to be able to record the
current time with as much precision as possible. On a modern
x86 machine, it's somewhat
common to see people using inline assembly to call the RDTSC
instruction directly, which returns the number of clock cycles since
boot as a 64-bit value. For example, here's some
inline assembly for GCC on 32-bit x86 platforms (only!) that reads
the counter, placing it into a 64-bit unsigned long
long that you pass in by address:
#define current_stamp(a) asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=a"(((unsigned int *)(a))[0]),\
"=d"(((unsigned int *)a)[1]))
The following program uses the above macro to return the number of
ticks since boot:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) {
spc_uint64_t x;
printf("%lld ticks since boot (when I read the clock).\n", x);
return 0;
RDTSC is fairly accurate, although processor pipelining issues can
lead to this technique's being a few cycles off, but
this is rarely a big deal.
On Windows
machines, you can read the same thing using
), which takes a pointer to a 64-bit integer
(the LARGE_INTEGER or _ _int64
You can get fairly accurate timing just by subtracting two subsequent
calls to current_stamp(
). For example, you can time how long an empty
for loop with 10,000 iterations takes:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) {
spc_uint64_t start, finish, diff;
volatile int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++);
diff = finish - start;
printf("That loop took %lld cycles.\n", diff);
return 0;
On an Athlon XP, compiling with GCC 2.95.4, the
previous code will consistently give 43-44 cycles without
optimization turned on and 37-38 cycles with optimization turned on.
Generally, if i is declared volatile, the compiler
won't eliminate the loop, even when it can figure
out that there are no side effects.
Note that you can expect some minimal overhead in gathering the
timestamp to begin with. You can calculate the fixed timing overhead
by timing nothing:
int main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) {
spc_uint64_t start, finish, diff;
diff = finish - start;
printf("Timing overhead takes %lld cycles.\n", diff);
return 0;
On an Athlon XP, the overhead is usually reported as 0 cycles and
occasionally as 1 cycle. This isn't really accurate,
because the two store operations in the first timestamp call take
about 2 to 4 cycles. The problem is largely due to pipelining and
other complex architectural issues, and it is hard to work around.
You can explicitly introduce pipeline stalls, but
we've found that doesn't always
work as well as expected. One thing to do is to time the processing
of a large amount of data. Even then, you will get variances in
timing because of things not under your control, such as context
switches. In short, you can get within a few cycles of the truth, and
beyond that you'll probably have to take some sort
of average.
A more portable but less accurate way of getting timing information
on Unix-based platforms is
to ask the operating system for the clock using the
gettimeofday( ) function. The resolution varies depending on
your underlying hardware, but it's usually very
good. It can be implemented using RDTSC but might have additional
overhead. Nonetheless, on most operating systems,
gettimeofday( ) is very accurate.
On many machines, there are other ways to get the time. One way is to
use the POSIX times( )
function, which has the advantage that you can separate the time your
process spends in the kernel from the time spent in user space
running your code. While times( ) is obsoleted on
many systems, getrusage(
does the same thing.
Another alternative is the ISO C89 standard function, clock(
However, other timers we discuss generally provide resolution that is
as good as or better than this function.
Here's a macro that will use gettimeofday(
) to put the number of microseconds since January 1, 1970
into an unsigned 64-bit integer (if your compiler does not support a
64-bit integer type, you'll have to store the two
32-bit values separately and diff them properly; see below).
#include <sys/time.h>
#define current_time_as_int64(a) { \
struct timeval t; \
gettimeofday(&t, 0); \
*a = (spc_uint64_t)((t.tv_sec * 1000000) + t.tv_usec); \
Attackers can often force the worst-case performance for
functionality with well-chosen inputs. Therefore, you should always
be sure to determine the worst-case performance characteristics of
whatever it is you're doing, and plan accordingly.
The gettimeofday( )-based macro
does not compute the same thing the RDTSC version does! The former
returns the number of microseconds elapsed, while the latter returns
the number of cycles elapsed.
You'll usually be interested in the number of
seconds elapsed. Therefore, you'll need to convert
the result of the gettimeofday( ) call to a number
of cycles. To perform this conversion, divide by the clock speed,
represented as a floating-point number in gigahertz.
Because you care about elapsed time, you'll want to
subtract the starting time from the ending time to come up with
elapsed time. You can transform a per-second representation to a
per-cycle representation once you've calculated the
total running time by subtracting the start from the end.
Here's a function to do both, which requires you to
define a constant with your clock speed in gigahertz:
#define MY_GHZ 1.6666666666666667 /* We're using an Athlon XP 2000 */
spc_uint64_t get_cycle_count(spc_uint64_t start, spc_uint64_t end) {
return (spc_uint64_t)((end - start) / (doublt)MY_GHZ);
} Timing cryptographic code
When timing cryptographic primitives,
you'll generally want to know how many cycles it
takes to process a byte, on average. That's easy:
just divide the number of bytes you process by the number of cycles
it takes to process. If you wish, you can remove overhead from the
cycle count, such as timing overhead (e.g., a loop).
One important thing to note about timing cryptographic code is that
some types of algorithms have different performance characteristics
as they process more data. That is, they can be dominated by
per-message overhead costs for small message sizes. For example, most
hash functions such as SHA1 are significantly slower (per byte) for
small messages than they are for large messages.
You need to figure out whether you care about optimal performance or
average-case performance. Most often, it will be the latter. For
example, if you are comparing the speeds of SHA1 and some other
cryptographic hash function such as RIPEMD-160, you should ask
yourself what range of message sizes you expect to see and test for
values sampled throughout that range.