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8.11 Performing Password-Based Authentication with PBKDF28.11.1 ProblemYou want to use a stronger encryption method than crypt( ) and MD5-MCF (see Recipe 8.9 and Recipe 8.10). 8.11.2 SolutionUse the PBKDF2 method of converting passwords to symmetric keys. See Recipe 4.10 for a more detailed discussion of PBKDF2. 8.11.3 Discussion
The PBKDF2 algorithm provides a way to convert an arbitrary-sized password or passphrase into an arbitrary-sized key. This method fits perfectly with the need to store passwords in a way that does not allow recovery of the actual password. The PBKDF2 algorithm requires two extra pieces of information besides the password: an iteration count and a salt. The iteration count specifies how many times to run the underlying operation; this is a way to slow down the algorithm to thwart brute-force attacks. The salt provides the same function as the salt in MD5 or DES-based crypt( ) implementations. Storing a password using this method is simple; store the result of the PBKDF2 operation, along with the iteration count and the salt. When verification of a password is required, retrieve the stored values and run the PBKDF2 using the supplied password, saved iteration count, and salt. Compare the output of this operation with the stored result, and if the two are equal, the password is correct; otherwise, the passwords do not match. The function spc_pbkdf2_encrypt( ) implements a crypt( )-like function that uses the PBKDF2 method that we've described, and it assumes the implementation found in Recipe 4.10. If it is successful (the only error that should ever occur is an out-of-memory error), it will return a dynamically allocated buffer that contains the encrypted password in MCF, which encodes the salt and encrypted password in base64 as well as includes the iteration count. MCF delimits the information it encodes with dollar signs. The first field is a digit that identifies the algorithm represented, which also dictates what the other fields contain. As of this writing, only two algorithms are defined for MCF: 1 indicates MD5 (see Recipe 8.9), and 2 indicates Blowfish. We have chosen to use 10 for PBKDF2 so that it is unlikely that it will conflict with anything else. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include <errno.h> char *spc_pbkdf2_encrypt(const char *key, const char *salt) { int error; char *base64_out, *base64_salt, *result, *salt_end, *tmp_string; size_t length, result_length, salt_length; unsigned int iterations, tmp_uint; unsigned char out[16], *raw_salt; unsigned long tmp_ulong; raw_salt = 0; base64_out = base64_salt = result = 0; if (!salt) { if (!(raw_salt = (unsigned char *)malloc((salt_length = 8)))) return 0; spc_rand(raw_salt, salt_length); if (!(base64_salt = spc_base64_encode(raw_salt, salt_length, 0))) { free(raw_salt); return 0; } iterations = 10000; } else { if (strncmp(salt, "$10$", 4) != 0) return 0; if (!(salt_end = strchr(salt + 4, '$'))) return 0; if (!(base64_salt = (char *)malloc(salt_end - (salt + 4) + 1))) return 0; memcpy(base64_salt, salt + 4, salt_end - (salt + 4)); base64_salt[salt_end - (salt + 4)] = 0; tmp_ulong = strtoul(salt_end + 1, &tmp_string, 10); if ((tmp_ulong = = ULONG_MAX && errno = = ERANGE) || tmp_ulong > UINT_MAX || !tmp_string || *tmp_string != '$') { free(base64_salt); return 0; } iterations = (unsigned int)tmp_ulong; raw_salt = spc_base64_decode(base64_salt, &salt_length, 1, &error); if (!raw_salt || error) { free(base64_salt); return 0; } } spc_pbkdf2((char *)key, strlen(key), raw_salt, salt_length, iterations, out, sizeof(out)); if (!(base64_out = spc_base64_encode(out, sizeof(out), 0))) goto done; for (tmp_uint = iterations, length = 1; tmp_uint; length++) tmp_uint /= 10; result_length = strlen(base64_out) + strlen(base64_salt) + length + 6; if (!(result = (char *)malloc(result_length + 1))) goto done; sprintf(result, "$10$%s$%u$%s", base64_salt, iterations, base64_out); done: /* cleanup */ if (raw_salt) free(raw_salt); if (base64_salt) free(base64_salt); if (base64_out) free(base64_out); return result; } Verifying a password encrypted using PBKDF2 works the same way as verifying a password encrypted with crypt( ): encrypt the plaintext password with the already encrypted password as the salt, and compare the result with the already encrypted password. If they match, the password is correct. For the sake of both consistency and convenience, you can use the following function, spc_pbkdf2_verify( ), to verify a password encrypted using PBKDF2. int spc_pbkdf2_verify(const char *plain_password, const char *crypt_password) { int match = 0; char *pbkdf2_result; if ((pbkdf2_result = spc_pbkdf2_encrypt(plain_password, crypt_password)) != 0) { match = !strcmp(pbkdf2_result, crypt_password); free(pbkdf2_result); } return match; } 8.11.4 See AlsoRecipe 4.10, Recipe 8.9, Recipe 8.10 ![]() |
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